Chapter 385 Infinite Karmic Fire
A layer of white swim bladder sealed a square ice cap, and underneath was a curled up corpse like a shrimp, as if returning to the mother's womb.

It feels weird.


Suddenly, Ah Xiang next to her screamed.

What did she say? Zhou Suyi and the three of them were so frightened that they all backed away.

After all, Ah Xiang has a special mission.

"Axiang, what's the matter? What did you see?" Zhou Suyi asked hurriedly.

Ah Xiang's body trembled, "No, it's nothing!"

Hearing that it was nothing, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"I said big sister, people scare people and scare people to death, you can't do this!" Fatty Wang complained slightly.

That moment almost didn't scare him out of the urine.

After all, Ah Xiang is different from ordinary people.

The power of her voice is more than ten times stronger than that of ordinary people.

Ah Xiang was a little embarrassed, "I'm sorry, I, I'm scared!"

"It's okay, we're here, don't be afraid!" Zhou Suyi hurriedly comforted her.

Ah Xiang nodded timidly, but she still seemed terrified.

After all, for such a little girl, seeing so many corpses was really difficult for her.

Hu Bayi turned his head and glanced at the candle, seeing that there was nothing wrong with the candle and it was still burning normally, so he was completely relieved.

The three continued to look at the corpse below.

Before the ice layer broke through, all he saw was a black shadow.

But looking at it now, it's different.

Looking at it now, the corpse was very tall, like a little giant.

The whole body is white, not the long white hair of corpse transformation, but like a thick layer of hard cocoon all over the body, and the white cocoon shell fell off in a few places, revealing the golden light inside, as if it was full of gold.

"Fuck, this can't be a golden corpse!" Fatty Wang's eyes gradually brightened.

The corpse curled up into a ball with its arms around its knees.

Zhou Suyi felt that this should have something to do with the teachings of reincarnation sect. After death, there will be reincarnation, so the deceased was placed in the posture of returning to the fetus in the mother's womb.

Needless to say, Ake taught her a lot of things in this aspect in the poem about the Demon Kingdom.

Now she can be said to be half of Bai Xiaosheng in the Demon Kingdom.

Uncle Ming could also see clearly from above, his eyes immediately began to shine.

"Wow, this is a snow-capped mummy, it's terrible, it's terrible, this snow-capped golden body mummy is worth more than 100 million... It's just that the age is too recent, if it is longer, it will be almost the same as the glacier crystal corpse. "

"Fuck, more than 100 million!" Fatty Wang's eyes began to light up when he heard the price.

More than 100 million at that time, that was quite a lot of money.

Zhou Suyi didn't care about how much she could sell for, after all, this was in the game, and her identity in the game was really not short of 100 million.

"What is a golden mummy?" Zhou Suyi asked.

These strange knowledge cannot be heard from the outside world, but a little bit can be heard in the game.

Uncle Ming has already climbed down anxiously.

Don't look at this guy who doesn't seem to have much strength, but seeing the golden mummy at this moment, it's like Fatty Wang seeing a baby, and his movements are much quicker.

When he got close, he was not afraid, he took a magnifying glass and looked at it.

"Oh, it's really a golden mummy. It can't be wrong. This thing is still very precious."

"Yo, Uncle Ming, you really understand, tell us about it!" Fatty Wang said.

Uncle Ming proudly said: "The way to deal with this kind of corpse is very complicated. First, put the deceased in a specific posture, put it in a sarcophagus, fill it with marsh salt, and leave it for about three months, waiting for the salt to be completely inhaled. Each part of the body, after replacing all the water in the corpse, is pickled properly, and then a layer of cement-like substance is applied, which is made of sandalwood, spices, soil and various medicines."

"Then the substance will gradually solidify and harden, and all the sunken or shrunken parts of the corpse, such as the eyes, cheeks, and stomach, will expand by themselves to form a natural and harmonious proportion, and then a layer of molten gold will be applied on the outside." Patent leather, this is a golden body, and finally it needs to be wrapped with marsh salt. Only those with high status are eligible to enjoy such treatment."

Uncle Ming boasted.

He was the one who dumped ancient corpses, so he knew a lot about this aspect.

Zhou Suyi and the others were taken aback when they heard that.

Good guy, this person has to go through so many procedures after his death. Is this really high status, or is it really unlucky.

Zhou Suyi suddenly felt that it would be good to be cremated after death, so as not to be tossed about by others.

"Oh, help me, let's move the body out quickly."

Zhou Suyi didn't want to take care of it, after all, the purpose of their visit this time was to find Eluo Haicheng.

It is really inconvenient to dig up this corpse and take it with you, and it is useless.

"It's not too late for us to come back and dig. We still have business to do now, so we can't run around with such a thing." Zhou Suyi said.

"Oh, this is a treasure. If someone else takes it away, the loss will be huge. Fat boy, don't you want to make money? Hurry up and help me!" Uncle Ming obviously didn't want to give up.

Fatty Wang's eyes were already shining, so he hurried to help.

"Let them go!" Hu Bayi persuaded, "If they want to take it, let them take it themselves."

"Okay!" Zhou Suyi said helplessly.

When I ran into these two money fans, there was really nothing I could do.

The two of them smashed the iron box over and over again, trying to dig out the corpse.

Han Shuna looked down at the hole, "How is it, have you dug it out?"

With more than 100 million things, Han Shuna couldn't care less about being afraid at the moment.

Suddenly, Zhou Suyi saw a blue light suddenly appearing under the corpse.

Vaguely, Zhou Suyi had a very bad premonition in her heart.

"Don't dig, be careful!"

In desperation, Zhou Suyi hastily helped Fatty Wang and Uncle Ming.

The two of them didn't know why, so they were pulled and sat on the ground directly.

Almost at the same time, a long and huge blue pillar of fire burst out, with a scream that pierced eardrums, and jumped straight into the sky from the deepest part of the ice cirque.

Huh... Aw...

In the haze, the howling sound seemed to be mixed with the roar of countless innocent souls.

This time, Fatty Wang and Uncle Ming were terrified.

If Zhou Suyi hadn't helped them just now, they would have been enveloped by the blue flame in an instant.

Ah Xiang next to her was so frightened that she fell to the ground.

Fortunately, the blue flames shot straight up and did not spread from the tomb, otherwise, all of them would be enveloped by the blue flames.

But even so, everyone still felt that their faces were hot, and it was a little uncomfortable to be roasted by the high temperature.

There was a burning smell from the hair.


(End of this chapter)

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