Chapter 386 Death
No one expected that blue flames would emanate from under the corpse, and it was so violent that it shot straight into the sky.

If only Zhou Suyi's reaction was a little slower just now.

Fatty Wang and Uncle Ming are probably going to be burned to ashes at this moment.

"My parents, this fucking old gangster is too insidious. He even set up such a mechanism, so dangerous, so dangerous!" Fatty Wang wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, looking quite frightened.

This is another walk through the gate of hell.

Uncle Ming was so frightened that he fell to the ground and didn't react for a while.

It is estimated that this is the first time such a dangerous thing has been encountered.

"How is it, are you all right?" Hu Bayi hurriedly got up to check their situation.

Fatty Wang shook his head, his legs were still shaking when he stood up from the ground.

"It's okay, with Big Brother Yang here, Fat Lord, I'm a cat, and I have nine lives!" Fatty Wang said.

[Fatty Wang's recognition +2]

[Uncle Ming's recognition +2]

After Uncle Ming came over, he quickly looked at Axiang, "Axiang, Axiang, are you okay?"

Ah Xiang was also so frightened that she fell to the ground, but she looked up, her face livid.

Zhou Suyi felt that although Uncle Ming was unreliable, he was okay with A Xiang, and he knew that he was concerned about A Xiang's safety at the first moment.

But after Uncle Ming ran over, he also looked up and didn't know what he saw, so he suddenly fell to the ground, and then wept loudly.

"What's the situation, what did this old Hongkong farmer see, so scared?" Fatty Wang was puzzled.

With a solemn expression, Zhou Suyi quickly walked over and raised her head.

Then he took two steps back in fright.

I saw the position of the entrance of the cave, and Han Shuna was lying there.

However, at this moment, Han Shuna's entire face was scorched by the flames, and she became hideous and terrifying, lying there motionless.

"Fuck, it's over, something big has happened!" After Fatty Wang and the others came over, they became anxious when they saw Han Shuna who was burnt.

Everyone ignored the situation below and hurried up.

Unfortunately, when they went up, Han Shuna was already dead.

No nose, no eyes, no lips, only two rows of bare teeth, and a dark tongue inside the charcoal-like face, which is very scary.

"Shuna, Shuna, why did you abandon me because of your heart!"

Uncle Ming was crying, but this time he was much more sincere than the time when A Dong died. He had runny nose and tears, and almost fainted a few times.

Ah Xiang seemed to be completely frightened, her body was shaking all the time, and she didn't speak.

"Hey, Peter Huang, take them back to the tent first!" Hu Ba said.

Peter Huang nodded, and led Uncle Ming and Ah Xiang into the tent.

"Grandma, what is that blue flame? So fierce?" Fatty Wang cursed.

He and Han Shuna got along pretty well along the way, and felt good about this person.

It's a pity that such a big living person is gone, and I feel a little guilty and sad in my heart.

Zhou Suyi said: "That should be the immeasurable karmic fire mentioned by the reincarnation sect. It not only has a scorching temperature, but can even burn the soul."

"WuLiangYeHuo, Grandma's, so what kind of bullshit golden mummy is just a trick." Fatty Wang really regretted going to dig up that corpse with Uncle Ming this time.

If the body is not moved, nothing will happen.

But it's too late to say anything.

As for Zhou Suyi, she didn't do it all over again.

Although Han Shuna is dead, but the game is not over, it shows that Han Shuna is not the key character of this game, but a dispensable role.

And to put it bluntly, there may not be any danger waiting for them on the follow-up road.

With such a weak woman, there must be trouble.

It's actually a good thing for Han Shuna's story to end here.

Hu Bayi covered Han Shuna's body with a blanket, and said to Chuyi: "Brother Chuyi, can you take Han Shuna's body back first, and by the way, Uncle Ming, Axiang, and Peter Huang are all brought back first. The glacier is full of dangers, and if they continue to stay here, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no other dangers."

Two people died one after another, Hu Bayi really didn't want to take them to continue the adventure.

If this continues, who knows how many people will die.

On the first day of the lunar new year, he smiled wryly and shook his head, "Brother Duji, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave now. Look at how thick the clouds are in the sky. We were at the Karamil Pass and saw those black-necked waterbirds flying away. It seems that there is really a cold wave coming."

"There are four seasons on a snow-capped mountain. The weather changes so quickly that no one can predict it. You can only enter the glacier on days with low wind speed and no rain or snow. May is the most suitable month. Now it is mid-September. It stands to reason It is also an auspicious time, but the weather on the snow-capped mountains cannot be predicted by reason, the weather will change as soon as it is said, and within two hours, there will be heavy snowfall."

When they heard that it was going to snow heavily, everyone's expressions became ugly.

On the way they came, it would have been extremely difficult without snow. If it snowed heavily, let alone the temperature drop.

Once the floating snow accumulates, it will be impossible to see the road below. At that time, it is possible to fall anywhere, and the danger they face will increase dramatically.

That's not to mention, there are still wolves watching behind them. Once their situation is not good, the wolves will immediately beat the dogs in the water and kill them by surprise.

"Damn, it's a little difficult!" Zhou Suyi frowned.

Although the current situation is not as weird as what they encountered in the Worm Valley before, the bad weather has brought them a huge test.

"Now, you can't go back if you want to go back. If you want to go back, you have to wait at least two days later, when the snow is firmer, before you can go back safely!" The first day of the junior high school said again.

Hu Bayi told everyone about the situation.

Fatty Wang immediately said: "I'm not going back. We came this time with a mission. We won't stop until we dig up the Demon Kingdom's lair."

Zhou Suyi nodded, he had to complete the task, so of course he couldn't go back.

Uncle Ming was still crying, talking about how much love he had with Han Shuna, and said: "I can't lose my wife and lose my army. This time, I won't give up until I find the glacier crystal stone. By the way, if I have something wrong , you must help me bring Axiang back."

"Godfather, woo woo!" Ah Xiang cried while hugging Uncle Ming.

"Okay, since everyone does not agree to go back, we can only face the difficulties." As soon as Hu Bayi spoke, the sky began to snow heavily.

It was getting late now, and the people couldn't continue their journey, so they could only set up camp in place and set up protection next to the camp to prevent the wolves from sneaking in at midnight.

At the same time, Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi descended into the ice cave below again.


(End of this chapter)

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