Chapter 387 Snow Maitreya

I was in a hurry to go up before, and I haven't carefully checked the situation under the corpse, and Hu Bayi hasn't followed the tomb to determine the location of the nine-story demon building, so Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi went back to check the situation again.

In the deepest part of the ice cave, behind the ice wall melted by the flames, there is a bigger ice cave.

"There's actually a universe here!" Zhou Suyi was a little surprised.

"Let's go and have a look!"

The two walked over and found a hidden ice room.

Hu Ba took a look around and said, "This should be the tomb where the burial objects of the owner of the tomb are placed."

Zhou Suyi saw that the tomb was not small, and there was a three-story pagoda in the center.

The pagoda is [-] meters high, all made of gold, inlaid with various pearls, decorated with jewels, and dazzling.

Hu Bayi placed several fluorescent tubes around for lighting, and Zhou Suyi pried open the tower door with her claws.

In the middle layer of the spiritual pagoda, there are more than ten treasure boxes for body protection similar to Gawu, as well as treasures such as red and white coral, marble, and agate.

The lower part represents the underground layer, which are all food, tea, salt, dried fruit, medicinal materials and the like.

There is a set of gold silk robes on the upper layer, as well as hollow carvings.

There is also carved lacquer painting on the highest part of the pagoda, which is similar to the silver-eyed murals in the Samsara Temple in the Guge ruins. The azimuth coordinates are represented by strange animals, and there is a naked and translucent woman in the middle.

"This should be the Glacier crystal corpse that Uncle Ming is looking for!" Hu Bayi said, looking at the half-naked female corpse.

Zhou Suyi's cheeks were slightly flushed, and she really couldn't understand what these people were thinking, why can't they put on some clothes for them just by drawing a picture?

Fortunately, Hu Bayi couldn't notice that there was a lot of chaos here, so it wouldn't be so embarrassing.

"Old Hu, following these murals, can you really deduce the approximate location of the nine-story demon building?" Zhou Suyi asked.

Hu Ba nodded, "From the placement of the pagoda in the funeral tomb and the description in that volume of ancient scriptures, the pagoda dedicated to the evil god is within a range of no more than 30 meters to the west of the ice bucket."

"On the Longding Glacier, there are at least hundreds, or even hundreds, of the tombs of the past lords of reincarnation. What we found is just one of them. These tombs are arranged according to the star map of Tantric Buddhism, guarding the remains of the Demon Kingdom since ancient times. A nine-story demon building."

"Ah, don't you want to find all the remaining hundreds?" Zhou Suyi asked hurriedly.

If you are looking for hundreds of seats, when will you find them?

But fortunately, Hu Bayi is still reliable.

He smiled and shook his head, "There is no need to search any further. With this reference and the records in the scriptures, we will definitely be able to find the final goal tomorrow."


Zhou Suyi's mood turned cloudy in an instant, whether to say it or not, Lao Hu is really reliable.

She even felt that if there was a talent like Lao Hu in the modern archaeological team, wouldn't it be difficult to find the ancient tomb?

I am afraid that the archaeological team will be busy all year round without any rest.

The visitor went back and told everyone the news, everyone was overjoyed, and finally the haze caused by Han Shuna's death was slightly dissipated.


At this moment, Ah Xiang suddenly screamed.

As soon as she called, the deterrent power was absolutely full, and everyone's nerves tensed up instantly.

"What's the matter, what's the matter, big sister, what did you see again?" Fatty Wang jumped up from the ground.

Zhou Suyi even touched the black gold ancient knife behind her back.

On the first day of the new year, they hurriedly picked up their guns.

Uncle Ming also trembled in fright.

"Daughter, what do you see?"

Ah Xiang pointed to the distance with her finger, "Live, live."

"Live? What's alive?"

Everyone was confused and hurriedly looked in the direction of Ah Xiang's finger.

Good guy, it's okay if you don't look at it. After seeing it, everyone gasped.

Han Shuna was slowly crawling out of the snowdrift with her hands and feet stiff, her movements were like those in a horror movie.

The beam of the flashlight passed through the snowy night and just happened to shine on her skinless and scorched face, only her two rows of exposed teeth were the most eye-catching.

"My mother!"

Uncle Ming was so frightened that he almost passed his urine.

Rao Zhou Suyi thought she was very courageous, but seeing this scene, she was still so frightened that she trembled unconsciously.

Tai Nima is scary.

The horror value is directly full, and the horror is to the extreme.

"My mother, save me, save me."

"It's a fake corpse, this fucking is really a fake corpse."

"What's the situation, don't mess with me at night, maybe he didn't die, but just suspended animation."

"Fake death, it's so cold outside, even if it's a fake death, it should have been frozen by now."

"It seems that horror movies are not made up. This appearance is exactly the same as the action in horror movies."


Such a terrifying scene really frightened countless netizens.

Coincidentally, as long as such horrible things happen, almost all of them are at night, and there is no way to avoid them.

"Old Hu, what's going on here, is this a fake corpse, or is it really alive?" Fatty Wang was a little faint, and his voice was trembling.

"I don't know!" Hu Bayi had never seen this scene before, he looked at Chuyi, "Brother Chuyi, has such a strange thing happened around here?"

Unexpectedly, the first day of the junior high school actually nodded, "It must have been entangled by Xue Maitreya. Two years ago, comrades from the Geological Survey Institute encountered such a thing at Mojiya in Kunlun Mountains, but Karamil There is no precedent in this area. Xue Maitreya in Kunlun Mountain is more terrifying than evil spirits, and her corpse will grow bigger and bigger..."

"What, what is Xue Maitreya?" Uncle Ming asked tremblingly.

At this moment, Han Shuna's body began to turn white, as if it was quickly covered with a layer of frost, and her scorched face also began to turn white.

The body is indeed the same as what I said on the first day of the junior high school, and it seems that it is really slowly getting bigger.

It was as if something was constantly drilling into his body.

This situation looked extremely strange.

But now it is not clear what the situation is, and no one dares to act rashly.

Chuyi quickly explained: "There is an ancient horror legend among the Tibetans. On the snow-capped mountains, whenever it is dark, there will be monsters that live under the ice and gather together to plunder the corpses that have just died. They drill If it gets into the clothes of the dead body, the dead body will turn white, and if it continues to bite live humans and animals, it will grow bigger and bigger, and then it will shrink due to consumption.”

"If there are no living people to eat within two or three days, they will disperse and hide under the glacier until they find new dead people. This kind of thing likes to drill snow trenches and ice pits, and only haunts in the middle of the night. More than 700 years ago, It once caused a catastrophe, and countless people and animals died. There is a set of "Biography of the Supreme Master Tsongkhapa" in the scriptures of the temple, which has a very detailed record of this matter."

After listening to it, everyone's expressions changed. The monsters of feelings are not one or two, but they talk about the group.


(End of this chapter)

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