Chapter 388 I used a big move
It was the first time for everyone to hear something like Xue Maitreya, but even if it was the first time they heard it, they all felt shuddering, because Han Shuna was a living example right in front of them.

This is too fucking scary.

Chu Dao said: "That's right, at most there will be more than a dozen attached to a corpse. They absorb the flesh and blood in the corpse and become fat, like lumps of fat, and look like a chubby snowman from a distance. , the local people call it "Snow Maitreya". It has been a long time since the disaster of Xue Maitreya, and people have gradually forgotten it."

"Wait, first day of junior high school, do you know what is the weakness of this thing?" Zhou Suyi asked hurriedly.

Seeing that Han Shuna's body was getting bigger and bigger, she was already like a little snowman, Zhou Suyi hurriedly asked questions.

If she didn't ask about this thing, she would never say it in the first day of junior high school.

This is where the game sucks.

Therefore, Zhou Suyi has developed a good habit of asking more questions no matter what the time is.

Chu Dao said: "Xue Maitreya's only weakness is that he can only come out at night, even if there is rain and snow during the day, he dare not show up. In addition, it is mentioned in "The Biography of the Supreme Master Tsongkhapa" that this kind of thing is very special. Afraid of big salt."

"Fuck, isn't that equivalent to talking for nothing, we didn't bring a lot of salt!" Fatty Wang became anxious immediately.

In order to deal with the glacier this time, they brought ginger juice. As for the salt, they only brought food for food.

"I said, stop talking, this thing is getting bigger and bigger, hurry up and find a way!" Uncle Ming was anxious.

At this moment, after such a short delay, Han Shuna has become a college student.

The original shape is completely lost.

It's really like a snowman made of snow.


At this moment, the wolves outside also started to howl.

Apparently, the wolves are on the move too.

"Old Hu, I can't wait any longer. Haven't you already determined the location, so hurry up and find the specific location. I'll deal with this Xue Maitreya." Zhou Suyi said.

Just now Hu Bayi said that the location of the nine-story columbine is just tens of meters away, not far away, just go directly there.

These snow Maitreyas live in groups, and they just popped up now, who knows how many there will be in a while.

If those wolves attack again at this time, the situation they face will be extremely dangerous.

"Okay, Fatty, Peter Huang, you all take your tools and follow me. On the first day of the junior high school, you are on guard against the wolves!" Hu Bayi quickly ordered.

The crowd hurriedly responded.

Zhou Suyi took out the ancient black gold knife and stared at Han Shuna's body.

Looking from her snake-like eyes, she could indeed see groups of white objects crawling towards Han Shuna's body on the snow field next to her.

With the gathering of those white objects, Han Shuna's body is still growing rapidly.

In such a short period of time, it is already three or four meters high.

But okay.

Zhou Suyi felt that facing such a snowman was much more comfortable than facing Han Shuna's scorched face.

Immediately, Zhou Suyi didn't give them the corpses that continued to gather, and rushed up, raised her hand and slashed at them.


This knife directly cut in, but the broken part quickly healed together again.

It was as if the knife had been slashed into the snow without any effect.

Xue Maitreya threw herself directly at Zhou Suyi.

Although Xue Maitreya's figure is already very large, her speed is extremely fast.

Zhou Suyi quickly dodged and kicked Xue Maile in the chest.

As a result, the kick went straight in and was wrapped in Xue Maitreya's body.

Zhou Suyi's face suddenly changed.

In desperation, he took out the probing claw with one hand and threw it out.

The Yin-exploring claw grabbed a stone, Zhou Suyi quickly pulled it hard, and then pulled her foot back, breaking away from Xue Maile's clutches.

"This thing is too evil!"

To deal with Zongzi King, at any rate, you can still beat him by a dozen.

However, this thing is like a big marshmallow, it doesn't matter how you hit it, as long as you touch it, you have to be pulled in, which is a bit troublesome.

"It would be nice if I brought more salt." Zhou Suyi thought to herself.

It's a pity that it's useless, and they didn't expect to encounter such a situation before they came.

and many more……

Ginger juice can melt ice, so is it useful for this thing?
Immediately, Zhou Suyi quickly got the previous watering can.

Xue Maitreya followed closely behind.

After Zhou Suyi got the watering can, she sprayed it on Xue Maitreya.

Ginger juice turned into white mist and splashed towards Xue Maitreya.

But useless.

The ginger juice quickly condensed into frost on Xue Maitreya's body, which was useless at all.

Xue Maile grabbed it with a big hand, and Zhou Suyi raised the knife and cut off the hand in an instant.

However, the hand that fell on the ground turned into a ball of snow again, and soon merged with Xue Maitreya again.

"Grandma, it seems that we can only enlarge the trick."

Zhou Suyi gritted her teeth and cut her palm.

This scene stunned Uncle Ming and Ah Xiang next to him.

Just like when Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang saw Zhou Suyi using this trick for the first time, they both looked confused and puzzled.

No one can figure it out, why did he suddenly self-mutilate all of a sudden?
Could it be that he was possessed by an evil spirit?

Uncle Ming originally thought it would be the safest to stay by Zhou Suyi's side, but now he was shaken, and he was going to take Axiang to find Hu Bayi and the others.

But the next moment, I saw Zhou Suyi waved her hand, and the bright red blood was sprinkled on Xue Maile's body.

On Xue Maitreya's body that was originally pure white, a few more bright red flowers appeared.

Zhou Suyi was very nervous.

Although Qilin's blood can be said to be invincible before, it is not clear whether it will work against Xue Maitreya.

Fortunately, the effect of Qilin blood is amazing enough.

Xue Maitreya, who was so tall before, scattered away in an instant.

Groups of snowballs seemed to feel the breath of fear, and began to flee one after another.

In just a moment, Xue Maitreya, who was originally three or four meters tall, was only about two meters tall.

And the remaining Xue Maitreya didn't stay any longer, but turned around and ran away.

"Don't run!"

How could Zhou Suyi let them go so easily.

If this thing runs away, there will definitely be endless troubles in the future.

Ah Xiang and Uncle Ming who were behind were dumbfounded again.

what's going on.

With the blood pouring down, Xue Maitreya was scared away?

Uncle Ming even felt that when he was in danger, he could bleed to survive.

This trick is too powerful.

Zhou Suyi didn't know what he was thinking, otherwise she would sigh again, well, there is another one who is as crazy as Fatty Wang.

Xue Maile's speed was very fast, Zhou Suyi chased after him for a while, but Xue Maile's figure suddenly disappeared.

She hurriedly caught up with it and found a snow cave on the ground, which was obviously a glacier crevasse. Xue Maile had already entered the crevasse with Han Shuna's body.

"Damn, let him run away!"

Zhou Suyi was a little annoyed, but she had no choice but to go back.


(End of this chapter)

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