Chapter 389 Crystal Freedom Mountain

Should I say it or not, Qilin Blood is Zhou Suyi's big move now, it is really easy to use.

Except for a few rare cases, it really works everywhere.

It's just that every time I have to bleed, this is a bit uncomfortable.

Every time I cut my palm with a knife, I not only have to bear physical pain, but also bear huge psychological pressure. Not everyone is willing to give themselves a knife.

Xue Maile fled with Han Shuna's body, Zhou Suyi had no choice but to go back.

Uncle Ming and Ah Xiang looked at Zhou Suyi with eyes full of admiration, really admiring him.

"Miss Yang is really amazing!" Uncle Ming wanted to praise and hug his thigh again.

Zhou Suyi didn't like these compliments anymore.


At this moment, the wolves howled again, but there was something wrong with the sound, like screaming.

"Brother Chuyi, what's the situation?" Zhou Suyi looked at Chuyi.

After all, the first day of junior high school is the one who knows the wolves best.

The expression on the first day of junior high school is also a little weird.

"I don't know either. There's something wrong with this voice."

Zhou Suyi looked towards Hu Bayi, Hu Bayi and others were digging a hole in full swing.

Obviously, even if the nine-story demon building is really there, it can't be dug out in a short while.

During this time, they must be kept safe enough.

"Go, go out and have a look!" Zhou Suyi decided to go out and check the situation.

This is also the boldness of a high-level artist.

After thinking for a while, he nodded.

At this moment, it was already snowing heavily, and the visibility was very low. After walking not far, I saw four wolves lying on the snow. All four wolves had their necks bitten off and died.

"What's the situation? It's hard, there are other things here?" Zhou Suyi was stunned.

They haven't done anything yet, why did the wolf die by himself.

Is there really anything more powerful than wolves?

Or, was it made by Xue Maitreya?
On the first day of the junior high school, he went up to check and said, "It was done by the White Wolf King."

"How is it possible? Why did the White Wolf King kill his companion?" Zhou Suyi was a little dazed, this is so fucking unscientific.

On the first day of the junior high school, it was obviously even more unclear why the White Wolf King did this.

However, the wolves had already retreated, which saved a lot of trouble.

The two hurried back to meet Hu Bayi and the others.

Hu Bayi and the others were working in full swing, and everyone had white steam on their heads, like freshly steamed steamed buns.

Zhou Suyi told Hu Bayi about the strange incident just now, and Hu Bayi naturally didn't know what was going on.

Immediately, Zhou Suyi was not idle and started to help.

Don't look at her as a woman, but she is stronger than all the men here.

With her help, the progress immediately began to speed up.

Five or six meters below, a large piece of wood similar to Qilian juniper was dug out, which is a combination of square logs, round logs, and rammed earth.

Doing it here, the civil engineering work is more troublesome than digging the solid ice, but fortunately, there are many people, quick hands and complete tools. In less than half an hour, the first floor of the demon tower was dug.

"Fuck, old Hu, you're so awesome!" Fatty Wang shouted excitedly.

Uncle Ming was also dancing with excitement.

He knew that he really found the right person this time.

As far as Hu Bayi's positioning ability, it is terrifying to the extreme, and he found the nine-story demon building without missing a point, which is too awesome.

There is also Zhou Suyi's super force existence, this trip must be safe.

Hu Bayao: "Everyone, be careful. In the tombs of the Demon Kingdom, there is a kind of transparent ladybug called Dapu by Tantra. Anyone who gets close to it will be burned to ashes by infinite karma. However, I think the water should be The nemesis of this thing, once you touch this bug, immediately pour water on it!"

The others didn't think much, and agreed directly.

Only Zhou Suyi's eyes became strange, because she had obtained a powerful insecticide after completing the task of eating the crime of Baru.

I thought this thing was somewhat redundant, but now it seems that it can really be used.

Everyone looked down from the top and found that there was no danger, so they let go of the rope and everyone climbed down.

As soon as I went down, I felt a lot more comfortable in an instant.

Without the strong wind howling outside, the temperature here seems to have become a lot warmer.

Everyone looked around.

The space below is not large, and the surroundings are mainly rammed earth and wooden structures. It doesn't look special, except for a crystal plate in the middle.

Inside the crystal dish is a black statue with a wolf's head and a human body, which looks majestic and breathtaking.

Fatty Wang stepped forward and knocked, and made a loud sound. He was overjoyed immediately, "Hey, baby, I met baby. Hey, this is not ice, it's fucking crystal!"

Zhou Suyi was speechless for a while.

This fat man really doesn't have a long memory, this hand is really owed.

But there is no way to change it, so that the dog can change to eat shit, just beat it a dozen more, so that Fatty Wang will not be so owed, unless both of his hands are probably cut off.

clap clap clap...

Suddenly, the ice tray was covered with cracks, like a piece of glass about to shatter.

"Fuck, fuck, why the fuck is he still touching porcelain?" Fatty Wang became anxious, and hurriedly took two steps back, trying to get rid of his relationship with him.

Zhou Suyi hurriedly put her full attention on alert, fearing that Fatty Wang would trigger some mechanism.

The others also became nervous. They had just come down, and if some mechanism was triggered, it would be bad.

But fortunately, apart from the shattering of the ice cap, there was no danger.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Hu Bayi also said in a bad mood: "I said fat man, can we take good care of that hand."

"Hey, can you blame me? It's obviously because this thing is too fragile. The builders must have cut corners. Fatty, I touched it, and it's a touchstone!" Fatty Wang was still quibbling.

Everyone didn't bother to pay attention to him.

"The structure here feels so strange!" Zhou Suyi said.

Although I haven't seen many ancient tombs, I can see some problems.

Hu Bayao: "This should be a kind of pagoda burial decoration called Linggai. There should be places where every floor is connected. It is estimated that under the ice cap should be the entrance to the next floor!"

"In it, why is there a statue with a wolf's head and a human body? Does it have any special meaning?" Uncle Ming asked!
Zhou Suyi knew this.

"In the long poem of Conquering the Enemy King of Orbs, there is a silver demon slave, the White Wolf King. He is called the Crystal Freedom Mountain, and he serves beside the evil god at the bottom of the tower. Once an enemy approaches, an army of demon wolves will descend from the sky and kill the enemy. kill!"

Hu Bayao: "This crystal plate should be an imitation, not the real crystal Zizai Mountain. The real one should be next to the evil god on the last floor!"

"Crystal Freedom Mountain? This name is so fucking weird!" Fatty Wang said!
Zhou Suyi said: "It is said that Crystal Zizai Mountain was also a giant white wolf, the ancestor of all wolves in Kunlun Mountain. After his death, his body turned into a huge iceberg crystal stone, so it is called Crystal Zizai Mountain!"


(End of this chapter)

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