Chapter 391 Unreliable

The first few floors have not dug up anything valuable, let alone treasures, there is nothing, which makes Fatty Wang a little impatient.

However, after digging the last layer, no one dared to go down rashly.

Hearing Hu Bayi say that there might be danger down there, even Fatty Wang didn't act recklessly this time, but threw a few fluorescent sticks down first.

When the light gradually came on, everyone also saw the scene below.

Inside are two large round crystals, one white and one blue.

The two crystals looked crystal clear and were placed on a huge stone platform.

Other than that, I didn't see anything else.

Seeing this, Uncle Ming immediately became anxious, "No, no, it's recorded in the scriptures that the corpse buried here should be a glacier crystal corpse. How could there be nothing there? How could there be nothing!"

Seeing that there is no danger below, everyone can't wait to climb down.

"Just these two crystals? What's the situation? Isn't this nine-story demon building the tomb of the ghost mother of the Demon Kingdom? Where's the corpse? Grandma's, there shouldn't be another floor below this!" Fatty Wang was extremely depressed!

Uncle Ming said that the glacier crystal corpse can be sold for several million, which is real money.

Although I promised to give it to Uncle Ming, it's fun to take a look.

Not to mention Uncle Ming.

This was his last hope. If he couldn't find the Glacier Crystal Corpse, he would really lose his wife and lose his army.

He really couldn't bear this blow.

Zhou Suyi was much calmer than them, and was not in a hurry.

With the experience of presenting the king's tomb last time, she is clear that good things or precious things are so deep, it is impossible to put them in front of your eyes for you to see.

After a careful inspection, I came to the crystal plate and looked carefully, and vaguely saw some problems.

"The stone platform under this crystal should be movable!"

Hearing what she said, the others immediately became excited and all joined together.

Fatty Wang's eyes began to shine, "So, the Glacier Crystal Corpse is hidden underneath?"

"Really, great, great, then what are you waiting for, open it quickly, fat boy, come and help me!"

Uncle Ming was more anxious than anyone else, and went forward to move it, but with his small body, he couldn't move it.

Immediately, everyone worked together, moved the two crystals away, and removed the stone platform below, and found that there was a real problem below.

Below is a crystal plate, on which a statue of a wolf-headed man is engraved.

The statue has a fierce and ferocious face, wearing silver armor and holding a long gun. It looks majestic and breathtaking.

And under the crystal plate, a figure can be clearly seen.

This figure is in the posture of a woman, the whole body is silvery white, with shimmering light flowing on it, just like the ripples of water, it looks very magical!
Fatty Wang's eyes widened, "I said, Lao Hu, have you ever seen a corpse that glows? It's awesome. No wonder this old Hong Kong farmer, Uncle Ming, said that a corpse can sell for several million. Damn it, It's amazing!"

Zhou Suyi was also surprised. Needless to say, this ancient man played tricks on how to dispose of corpses.

Not only can it be made into zongzi, but it can also be made to glow all over, which is indeed a bit shocking.

"Yes, sister Zhou's experience is getting richer and richer."

"Hahaha, that's not right, I'm getting more and more professional, it's just a matter of practice, petting the dog's head."

"Practice? Hahaha, you really dare to think about it."

"Damn it, if Sister Zhou went to rob the tomb with Lin Mu in reality, it would be awesome."

"If I belonged to the archaeological team, I would invite Sister Zhou and Lin Mu to go archaeological together. The gimmicks are absolutely full, and the attention is absolutely explosive."

"Young man, come to work in the planning department tomorrow."


Netizens were very relieved to see that Zhou Suyi had discovered the problem, and they were clamoring for Zhou Suyi and Lin Mu to go to practice together.

This idea really attracted the attention of many netizens, and they all swiped the barrage there.

Some people found that the hot spots were mediocre, and rushed to post.

"What will happen if Sister Zhou and Lin Mu go to rob the tomb together?"

This topic immediately attracted a lot of attention, and the comments below quickly exceeded [-], and it was still increasing rapidly, and even began to quickly rush towards the trending searches.

"The glacier crystal corpse, it must be the glacier crystal corpse, hahaha, hahaha, I found it, I really found it." Uncle Ming looked at the shadow below, jumping and jumping excitedly, really crying with joy.

At this moment, it feels like everything is worth it.

Uncle Ming was about to dig it out, but Hu Bayi stopped him.

"Wait a minute, don't worry, we haven't figured out what the legendary curse is yet. The ripples in this crystal stone are very strange, as if they are locked in it. Once this crystal is cracked, the entire snow-capped mountain on the top of the dragon Both the glacier and the glacier are in danger of collapsing..." Hu Ba said.

"Isn't it? Is it so serious?" Fatty Wang didn't believe it.

Breaking a single crystal and triggering an avalanche might sound a little outrageous.

Uncle Ming also became nervous.

Now that the glacier crystal corpse is in front of him, it would be too uncomfortable not to take it out.

Hu Bayao: "The scale-like ripples densely covered in this crystal may be a kind of special sound wave accumulated in it. Once this crystal stone is broken, it will immediately cause a large-scale avalanche. In addition, the white wolf demon slave His posture speaks for itself, descending from the sky with white destructive power, which is also in line with the descriptions of avalanches and ice avalanches in ancient myths and legends."

Hearing what Hu Bayi said, everyone dared not act rashly.

"Then what should we do? We can't just look at the baby right in front of our eyes. Let's do nothing. That would be too tortured."

Not to mention Uncle, even Fatty Wang scratched his head in discomfort.

"Oh, brother Hu, you are very capable, think of a way to pull it off, as long as you get this glacier crystal corpse, when you go back, all my treasures will belong to you." Uncle Ming said.

Hu Bayi frowned, thinking seriously.

Uncle Ming walked around the crystal corpse scratching his ears and cheeks, and the light of the wolf-eyed flashlight shone in. He looked at it carefully, and the more he opened it, the more his heart became more and more excited, and he couldn't help but want to dig out the corpse inside.

But all of a sudden, Uncle Ming didn't know what he saw, and he was so frightened that the flashlight fell on the crystal corpse.


For a moment, everyone felt only a tingling scalp, and all nerves tensed up instantly.

Zhou Suyi was going to scold her even more.

Grandma, just looking at Fatty Wang, who would have thought that Uncle Ming was so difficult to be a plot trigger?

At this moment, everyone's hearts were in their throats, staring at the crystal stone nervously.

Once it is true what Hu Bayi said, once the crystal stone cracks, there will be an avalanche, and none of them can do without today, and they will all be buried under this glacier, with the glacier crystal corpse below.


(End of this chapter)

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