Chapter 392
No one expected that Uncle Ming's sudden sudden action not only startled everyone, watching the flashlight fall on the crystal stone, but also made everyone's hearts tugged.

Uncle Ming's legs went limp, and he almost fell to the ground.

The bottom of the tower was quiet, there was no sound at all, it seemed that everyone's breathing froze at this moment.

Everyone's eyes widened, staring at the lines on the crystal stone, and found that the crystal stone was intact, without any signs of cracking, and the frozen time returned to normal.

"It's dangerous!" Zhou Suyi subconsciously touched the cold sweat on her forehead.

Although it was cold, I was really nervous.

Hu Bayi also swallowed, "It's okay, it's okay, it seems that this crystal stone is much harder than we expected."

Fatty Wang breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that nothing was wrong, and gloated a little at the same time.

After all, this kind of thing is usually caused by him, and today it is not that I am not myself, that is called a scorn, of course, a few words of teasing.

"Let me explain, uncle, you are really my dear uncle. You lost the flashlight twice today, can you hold it tight next time? If you can't control your hands and feet, don't do it yourself, let Lao Huang give it to you. Use the flashlight to light it up, otherwise, if you fall twice, our little life is in your hands."

Uncle Ming was a little embarrassed, but he was not angry, "Oh, no, Fatty, don't look down on people. Back then, I was also a person who ran a boat and saw strong winds and waves. How could I be so courageous? I just watched The thing under the crystal is alive, still...still moving."

As Uncle Ming said, his face was full of horror, and he frantically touched the fake hair mound, "How do you use this thing?"

Hearing what he said, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Let me explain, Uncle, you can't use your hands well, and you can't use your eyes well, right?" Fatty Wang was dubious.

Zhou Suyi touched the black gold ancient knife.

This is not a joke, no fucking king of rice dumplings again.

What kind of luck is this for me, to open the coffin to cheat the corpse?

This **** has caught up with Conan's physique.

Hu Bayi also became nervous and looked carefully with a flashlight.

Although Crystal Zizai Mountain has the word mountain in its name, it is actually not as big as a mountain. In terms of size, it is at most the size of a bathtub for bathing. let it go.

It was placed horizontally in the pit at the bottom of the tower, symbolizing the power of the collapsing snow peak, the white wolf demon slave was engraved on the front facing up, looking down from above, it looked like an eyeball embedded in the eye socket.

"How is it, old Hu? Are you really cheating?" Fatty Wang asked beside him.

Hu Bayi looked solemn and did not answer.

Zhou Suyi also leaned over, holding an ancient black gold knife in her hand.

If there is anything strange about the corpse, he will chop it up with a knife, and he will act first, and he must not let this thing run out like last time.

If you look closely, there are a lot of mercury-like things flowing slowly inside the crystal shell.

The shadow line of this mercury is clear, it happens to be a woman, and in the body of the mercury humanoid, there are some dark red things that glow slightly, like the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and other internal organs of the human body.

"Is this really a corpse?"

Zhou Suyi was a little unsure.

Because it was covered by the layer of crystal stone outside, it was impossible to see the true face of the human figure that flowed like mercury.

Maybe it's just an optical effect, or the human figure inside is also a crystal clear liquid crystal, it's probably the glacier crystal corpse that Uncle Ming was looking for.

As for whether it is a real human corpse, it is still a symbolic artifact like the crystal mountain outside, and there is no way to know it without opening it.

However, I didn't see any movement of the corpse inside.

Zhou Suyi suspected that Uncle Ming might be really nervous, so he just misread it.

"I said, what should we do now?" Fatty Wang said.

Hu Bayao: "I think, don't act rashly. Tonight, the wolves may attack. Before that, let's not cause trouble."

He also said this to be cautious.

But suddenly, Uncle Ming didn't know what happened.

Like crazy.

"Mine, mine, this is mine, I have to take it, no one can stop me."

"Fuck, you old Hongkong farmer is screaming, believe it or not, I will beat you." Fatty Wang said angrily.

"Get out, this is mine. Anyone who dares to get close will die." Peter Huang was also crazy, with a fierce face and red eyes.

Zhou Suyi only felt a little confused and a little irritable.

"Don't make any noise!" She shouted angrily, but no one listened at all.

"Mine, mine, mine!" Uncle Ming's eyes were red, and he threw himself at the crystal stone.

Fatty Wang and Peter Huang also rushed forward.

Even the first day of junior high school who is not interested in these things, his eyes are red at the moment, and he is eager to try, as if he is about to quarrel in the past.

Hu Ba saw that something was wrong.

Zhou Suyi firmly held the ancient black gold knife. At this moment, she had the urge to hack everyone to death, but reason still defeated this urge.

Feeling something was wrong, he gritted his teeth and bit the tip of his tongue.

A sharp pain instantly woke up his mind, and the irritability immediately disappeared without a trace.

"What's going on?" Zhou Suyi thought of her state just now, and suddenly felt afraid.

Looking at the messy crowd in front of him at this moment, his expression changed again.

At this moment, Fatty Wang and Peter Huang were wrestling together, and Uncle Ming lay on the crystal stone and kept hitting it with his hands.

Chuyi and Hu Bayi also rushed up to fight.

These people seem to have suddenly gone crazy.

"What's the situation, have you been bewitched again?"

"Damn it, it feels a bit evil, why are they all crazy all of a sudden?"

"Wan Duzi, it won't be another group of exterminations."

"I feel that there must be something wrong with this glacier crystal corpse."

"Sister Zhou seems to have recovered."


The authorities are obsessed, but the bystanders are clear. Netizens can naturally see that something is wrong with these people.

And just after that moment, they suddenly became abnormal.

Zhou Suyi looked at Crystal Freedom Mountain, and suddenly understood something in her heart.

Just now Uncle Ming said that the corpse inside was moving, and everyone gathered together and stared at everything inside carefully.

It was from this move that the crowd suddenly became manic.

"There is indeed a problem with this thing. Once you stare at it, you will be tricked."

This reminded her of the pattern on the stone she encountered when she went to Xianwang's tomb. After looking at it for a long time, people would fall into it and feel that they were also a member of the pattern.

And this, obviously after watching for a long time, will stimulate the greed and mania in people's hearts, and make these talents fall into this state.


(End of this chapter)

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