Chapter 393
Zhou Suyi didn't expect that people would be tricked just by staring at the crystal corpse. Fortunately, she had the Qilin blood as a base, so she didn't lose herself completely like everyone else.

With the experience of last time, it is much easier to deal with this time.

Zhou Suyi sighed, she could only bite her finger, and then nodded between everyone's eyebrows.

With the suppression of Qilin blood, everyone recovered immediately.

Fatty Wang came back to his senses, seeing himself hugging Peter Huang and still biting his ear, he was suddenly stunned.

"What are you doing, let go, it's disgusting!" Peter Huang pushed Fatty Wang away, which was disgusting.

Uncle Ming was lying on the crystal stone with a dazed expression on his face.

"Fuck, what's going on?"

Everyone's faces became extremely ugly.

Zhou Suyi said: "There is something wrong with this crystal stone, as long as you stare at it, you will be confused. You were all tricked just now."


Everyone gasped, they didn't expect this thing to be so evil, they all backed away subconsciously.

Uncle Ming jumped down with a jerk, apparently quite frightened.

clap clap clap...

But at this moment, there was a slight sound of something breaking.

At this moment, everyone felt their scalps were about to explode.

I just experienced such a thrilling and weird thing, and I haven't waited to breathe a sigh of relief, but now it's so exciting again, I feel that my little heart can't bear it.

"It's over!"

clap clap clap...

The shattering sound became more and more intense, and the crystal stone was like glass, with more and more cracks, and finally with a loud crash, it shattered into countless pieces.

At this moment, everyone felt their hearts tugged, and they were so nervous that they couldn't breathe.

Zhou Suyi was also very nervous.

one second……

two seconds...

Time seemed to stand still, and no one spoke.

Just like that, another full minute passed.

"I said, it seems, isn't it, nothing happened?" Fatty Wang asked tentatively.

His words seemed to open the floodgates of time, and everyone took a deep breath.

"It seems like nothing really happened."

"Hahaha, it must have been too long. This mechanism has failed. We are too cautious." Uncle Ming couldn't be happier.

Now, the crystal stone is cracked, revealing the true face of the crystal corpse inside.

It was a female corpse with a transparent body, with silver light flowing under the skin, and the bones and internal organs inside were all dark red, like agate.

This is not like a real corpse, but more like a work of art.

"Is this a fucking corpse? Are you sure it's not a work of art?" Fatty Wang was stunned.

Zhou Suyi was also surprised, seeing such a beautiful corpse for the first time, it really looked like a perfect work of art.

Just when everyone was still exclaiming and lamenting the crystal corpse, the first day of the junior high school suddenly exclaimed, "Look, the crystal corpse opened its mouth!"

Everyone looked around, only to see that the crystal corpse suddenly opened.

A few ladybugs with white light crawled out of the mouth.

These ladybugs are only the size of finger caps, and their bodies are shining with white light, making them look very beautiful.

"No wonder this crystal corpse glows. It turns out that there is such a glowing bug in the body. Grandma's, what is this bug? Firefly?" Fatty Wang said!
"No, it's Dapu ghost insects. Be careful, everyone, don't be touched by these insects, or you will be burned to ashes immediately!" Hu Bayi hurriedly reminded.

"If you touch it, it will be burned to ashes?" Everyone was a little surprised, but they obviously didn't believe it.

And at this moment, there were several loud wolf howls from above.

Everyone looked up in horror, and saw the position of the dug out hole, the white wolf king looked down at them, and the rest of the wolf pack surrounded them.

Seeing this scene, everyone's hearts were shaken.

Sure enough, these wolves were restless and waited until they had reached the bottom before attacking.

This time, it is equivalent to blocking their retreat.

And those Dapu ghost insects fluttered their wings and flew up.

Zhou Suyi's complexion changed drastically.

This is the rhythm of the house leaking and raining all night.

But fortunately, when Hu Bayi said that those bugs were Dapu ghost bugs, he was already prepared, and directly took out the powerful insect repellent given by the game, and sprayed it in front of him.

chi chi...

The powerful insect repellent covered the past with white air, and the Dapu ghost insects immediately dodged and retreated.

It's just a pity that these are repellents, not insecticides.

Although the Dapu ghost worms are afraid, they can't kill them, they can only delay time.

If they can escape within this time, then naturally there is no danger, but if they cannot escape, it will be a disaster.


At this moment, the White Wolf King above issued an order to attack.

The wolves above jumped down from above one by one.

"Fuck, kill them!"

Everyone had already drawn their weapons.

This place is not considered lenient, if all the wolves come down, then they must be dead.

Fatty Wang shot directly, killing the first wolf that jumped down, but the second and third came soon after.

They were condescending and rushed straight at the crowd, very fast.

Zhou Suyi took the ancient black gold knife and slashed at it with one stroke. A wolf was split in two before it fell down.

However, there are too many wolves.

Now that these wolves are here, they seem to have been blessed by their ancestors, the Crystal Freedom Mountain, and have become extraordinarily brave.

On the first day of the lunar new year, he was also red-eyed. He and these wolves had a deep blood feud.

Now is the time for revenge.

Uncle Ming hid aside with Ah Xiang, trembling with fright.

"Daughter, don't be afraid, you hide here and don't move, it's fine!"

Uncle Ming said, while others stopped the wolves, he ran to the crystal corpse, gritted his teeth, moved the corpse out, and tied it behind him with a rope.

This guy is also good enough.

It's this time, and I still haven't forgotten my crystal corpse.

In just a moment, the ground was covered with a layer of wolf corpses, but the pack of wolves continued to descend.


Uncle Ming tied the corpse behind him, but there was still a Dapu ghost insect inside the corpse. A Dapu ghost insect crawled out of the corpse's mouth, and then vibrated its wings.

"Godfather, be careful!" Ah Xiang's face changed drastically when she saw this scene.

But it was too late.

The next moment, the Nadap ghost worm landed on Uncle Ming's body.

Although Dapu ghost bugs are small, they are like a spark that can start a prairie fire.

The next moment, a blue flame ignited on Uncle Ming's body, and it burned with a whimper.


Uncle Ming screamed violently, but was soon burned to ashes.

When the others saw this scene, they were all stunned.

It's unbelievable that such a small bug can have such power.

Zhou Suyi was even more speechless.

This Uncle Ming is really insane, everyone told him that the Dapu ghost is very dangerous, but this guy is still going up, isn't this pure courting death?

Such a death method, even the gods can't save it.


(End of this chapter)

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