Chapter 394
Uncle Ming was burned to ashes by the Dapu ghost insect, which made Zhou Suyi speechless for a while.

This guy is really obsessed with money, he really doesn't care about anything for the sake of money, he just deserves death.

Moreover, the game did not directly fail, Zhou Suyi immediately determined that Uncle Ming should also be a dispensable character.

"Godfather!" Ah Xiang burst into tears when she saw her godfather died.

It could be seen that this Uncle Ming was usually nice to her, and the little girl cried very sadly.

Peter Huang's face also turned pale in an instant, obviously he didn't take good care of Uncle Ming's safety, which made him blame himself very much.

He actually ran over directly.

"Don't go there."

Hu Bayi hurriedly reminded loudly.

However, Peter Huang also looked like a madman. When he arrived at the place where Uncle Ming's ashes were, he picked up the ashes on the ground.

However, he didn't notice that there was a Dapu ghost worm among the ashes.


The flames burned again, Peter Huang screamed and struggled, but soon turned into ashes.

It was so sudden that two people died in such a short period of time, and it also made people realize how terrifying this Dapu ghost worm is.

The game still hasn't failed.

Zhou Suyi gritted her teeth, but she couldn't take out her hands to deal with those bugs.

Those wolves are rushing down desperately, and they must pay attention at all times.

At this moment, Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang are all dying, and they were more or less scratched by wild wolves with a few bloodstains on their bodies. Chu Yi's eyes were red, and while killing the wolf, he stared at the white wolf king above, thinking of revenge up.

And those Dapu ghosts also flew over their heads eager to try.

Zhou Suyi could only take out a strong insect repellent to disperse the insects again, but the insect repellent in the bottle was obviously running out.

"Use ginger juice, this thing has immeasurable karmic fire, using ginger juice may be useful." Hu Bayi shouted.

This is the method he guessed before.

Immediately, everyone hurriedly took out the previous watering cans and sprayed them on the Dapu ghost insects.

Don't say it, it's really useful.

After being sprayed with ginger juice, those Dapu ghost insects fell from the air one after another, and froze into water-blue ice crystals, like blue crystals.

It looks like a lifelike work of art, very beautiful.

"It turns out that these bugs are afraid of water. His grandma's. If there were no lesbians here, the fat man would have pissed on them." Fatty Wang scolded.

Zhou Suyi also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although this bug was weird, I didn't expect it to be dealt with so easily.

Now, without the threat of these Dapu ghost insects, he can deal with those wolves wholeheartedly.

Really hard steel, Zhou Suyi is really not afraid.

With an ancient black gold knife in his hand, he slashed horizontally and vertically. It was really gods blocking and killing gods, and Buddhas blocking and killing Buddhas. These wolves were really not enough to watch.

The White Wolf King above saw so many wolves being killed by Zhou Suyi, his wise eyes fixed on Zhou Suyi.

At this moment, from the corner of her eye, Zhou Suyi suddenly caught a glimpse of a ray of light flashing past her feet.

The little light was not obvious, but her five senses were particularly keen, so she still noticed it.

It's a pity that a wild wolf rushed forward, and Zhou Suyi didn't have time to check what the light was, so she could only swing the knife, cutting the wolf in two.

Blood spilled.

But the next moment, Zhou Suyi only felt a sudden chill on her thigh.

"what happened?"

Zhou Suyi suddenly turned pale with shock.

This kind of coldness was so terrifying that it instantly made the thigh lose all sensation.

She lowered her head to check, and saw a small icy-blue worm on her thigh, it was the Dapu ghost worm that had just been frozen after being sprinkled with ginger juice.

The bug was not dead, it was still alive.

It's just that the original infinite karma seems to have changed into another form.

"No, it's over."

Zhou Suyi just thought of this in her heart, before she lowered her head completely, the freezing temperature instantly spread to her whole body.

The whole person was instantly frozen into ice crystals.

It happened that a wild wolf rushed over and threw Zhou Suyi down.



The next moment, Zhou Suyi fell to the ground, her body shattered into countless ice cubes.

【game over】

The game just fails.

Zhou Suyi opened her eyes with an expression of disbelief.

"How is it possible, isn't this bug already killed? Why can it freeze me instantly?"

Zhou Suyi felt incredible.

If it is said that a fire burns people, it is still possible. After all, the temperature of the flame only needs to be high enough.

However, being frozen in an instant is a bit outrageous.

How low is this temperature?

In the past, Zhou Suyi would always sneer at such scenes that were directly frozen when watching TV dramas, but she never thought that she would encounter it personally now.

"What the hell is this?"

Zhou Suyi felt a deep fear of this kind of bug.

The fire form can instantly burn a person to ashes, and after touching water, it turns into an ice form, which can instantly freeze a person.

This bug is a fucking Transformer.

"Damn, if you can catch one of these bugs, the crematorium will save a lot of money."

"Damn it, brother really has a strange brain. I'm afraid that if one fails, the entire staff of the crematorium will be cremated."

"Are these bugs so awesome? If they can be cultivated in large numbers and put on the battlefield, they will be invincible."

"This idea is good. If it can be cultivated in large quantities, it will be absolutely awesome."

"Whoever dares to raise this bug may not necessarily turn into a pile of ashes that day."


Netizens have also seen what is called the Great Thousand World, full of wonders.

It is absolutely astonishing that a bug can have such a great power.

If this kind of bug really exists in the real world, its application will be very extensive.

This suddenly made some experts unable to do it again. It was really buying a plane ticket overnight and heading towards Kunlun Mountain.

Zhou Suyi was a little annoyed.

After all, the game feels very smooth this time, with few deaths.

Therefore, a sloppy failure is a bit unacceptable.

"Dapu ghost, let me search to see if there is any information." Zhou Suyi immediately searched the Internet.

This search really yielded some results.

In the myths and legends of Tantric Buddhism, there is indeed a worm called Dapu ghost worm, and as mentioned above, this worm has two forms.

The fire form is called Wuliang Karma Fire, and the ice form is called Naiqiongshenbing.

The fire form can instantly burn people to ashes, and even burn the soul to ashes, while the ice form can freeze the human soul and never rebirth.

"Fuck, this fucking world is so big, there are so many wonders, things from myths and legends have appeared, this world is too crazy, wait a minute, this is a game, fuck, reality and games are almost indistinguishable." Zhou Suyi I am deeply moved.

I also admire Lin Shu in my heart.

So far, everything in several games is not fabricated out of thin air, but may actually exist in this world, which is scary.


(End of this chapter)

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