Chapter 395

Zhou Suyi really didn't know if she didn't check, she was startled when she checked.

I really didn't expect that there was such a thing as Dapu ghost bug.

She checked it carefully again, first she had to find the weakness of this horrible bug.

It's a pity that there are very few records about Dapu ghost worms, and there is no record of how to deal with Dapu ghost worms.

Zhou Suyi thought of the insect repellant instead of the insecticide given by the game before, and was a little depressed. I guess this is also a warning.

If you want to kill these Dapu ghost insects, you can only rely on brute force.

But this thing is small, it can fly, and there are so many of them, it's not that easy to kill them all.

As long as one of them is not killed or touched, it is definitely a dead end.

"what can we do about it?"

Zhou Suyi touched her chin and thought carefully, suddenly her eyes lit up, and she thought of a very disgusting method.

Immediately without hesitation, he went straight into the game.

This time it started directly from the cracking of the crystal stone.

Everyone was still nervous. Before Zhou Suyi could react, she rushed towards the Glacier Crystal Corpse with a brisk walk. As soon as the Glacier Crystal Corpse opened its mouth, Zhou Suyi took out a powerful insect repellant and pointed at the Glacier Crystal Corpse. There was a spurt of madness in his mouth.

Some Dapp ghosts were just about to crawl out, but they were immediately choked back by the smell of insect repellant.

"Old Hu, tape!"

Zhou Suyi shouted to the back.

Everyone was in shock, and they didn't even realize what was going on.

But Hu Bayi is an old partner after all.

He also saw the Dapu ghost insects that were about to fly out, and his expression changed drastically.

"Dapu Ghost Bug!"

He knew about this thing before, and knew the horror of this bug, and was thinking about how to deal with it, when he heard Zhou Suyi's voice.

"adhesive tape?"

Hu Bayi didn't understand what Zhou Suyi wanted the tape for, but at the moment he didn't ask, he quickly took out the tape from his backpack and threw it over to Zhou Suyi.

"Miss Yang, go on."

Zhou Suyi caught the tape, quickly tore off a section, and then lifted the crystal corpse's chin, and the crystal corpse's mouth closed.

After that, Zhou Suyi smacked a bunch of tape on it, sticking the crystal corpse's mouth tightly.

It wasn't enough to do all this, and he raised the crystal corpse's head, and wrapped the tape three times inside and three times outside.

Whether it is the ears, nose or eyes, all the holes that can be plugged are blocked, and I don't believe that these bugs can still come out.

After she finished all this, the others were relieved.

"What are you doing? This is a glacier crystal corpse. These adhesive tapes will damage the corpse!" Uncle Ming became anxious and wanted to tear off the adhesive tape when he went up.

In the end, he was stopped by Fatty Wang, "Hey, don't move, don't move, my brother Yang must have a reason for doing this, don't make trouble."

Although Fatty Wang is usually unreliable, he has absolute trust in Zhou Suyi.

Whatever Zhou Suyi does, she will definitely support her.

Seeing that Fatty Wang was blocking Uncle Ming, Peter Huang immediately stepped forward and slapped Fatty Wang's hand away, and the two sides were immediately at war.

"What are you doing, do you want to fight? Let me tell you, Fatty, I have tolerated you all this way for a long time!" Fatty Wang rolled up his sleeves as if he was going to fight.

"Oh, don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive!" Uncle Ming hurriedly said: "Miss Yang, what are you doing this for? This is a glacier crystal corpse. If it is a little damaged, it is worthless."

"Fatty, don't be impulsive!" Zhou Suyi said, and the fatty backed away, "Uncle Ming, you may not have seen that there are Dapu ghost insects in this corpse, once these insects come out, we will all be in danger."

"Dapu Guichong, what is Dapu Guichongla?" Uncle Ming was puzzled.

Zhou Suyi explained: "It is a terrible insect in the Demon Kingdom. It has two forms of Dapu ghost insects. One is the infinite karmic fire. As long as it touches it, it will burn people to ashes, and even their souls will be burned. The other is Naiqiong Shenbing, as long as it touches it, it will be instantly frozen, and the soul will never be reborn."

Hearing Zhou Suyi's explanation, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

"A bug, is it really that powerful?" Uncle Ming obviously didn't believe it.

Zhou Suyi smiled, "Believe it or not, it's up to you, according to what we said before, this corpse belongs to you, and we won't take it. However, you must never remove those tapes before leaving here."

Uncle Ming hesitated for a moment, then looked at the opponent's lineup and Zhou Suyi's terrifying combat power, and finally compromised, "Okay, I trust Miss Yang, everyone is kind, don't get angry."

"Hahaha, sister Zhou really has a way, I really didn't expect it."

"There are more and more ghost ideas."

"Can Dapu's immeasurable karmic fire only burn people? Can tape stop it?"

"At present, it is really only useful for people."

"Hahaha, awesome, I really didn't expect that there would be such a way."


Netizens were impressed by Zhou Suyi's showmanship, which is really unexpected.

How did people grow their brains?

Zhou Suyi nodded.

As long as Uncle Ming doesn't take off the tape here, she doesn't care whether Uncle Ming will be killed by Dapu ghost bug in the future, it has nothing to do with her.

Just then, the sound of howling wolves came from above.

"No, the wolves took the opportunity to block us."

Just as we were talking, the White Wolf King arrived with the pack of wolves.

Another bitter fight followed.

But without the threat of Dapu ghost insects, everyone became more and more courageous as they fought, especially Zhou Suyi, who really blocked the gods and killed the gods, and the Buddha blocked and killed the Buddha, and rushed up against the wolves.

Throwing the Yin-exploring claw in his hand upwards, it directly hooked the upper layer, and then, the body flew upwards directly in the air.

Several wild wolves jumped directly from above.

Zhou Suyi slashed down with several knives, and the wolves were cut into two immediately.

The people below were stunned.

This is really fierce.

This is not a woman, she is clearly a superwoman.

The next moment, Zhou Suyi was on the top, facing the White Wolf King.

Seeing Zhou Suyi killing so many wolf sons and grandchildren, the White Wolf King's eyes were already red, and he rushed towards Zhou Suyi.

Zhou Suyi raised his knife and slashed, but unexpectedly, the White Wolf King made a feint and quickly turned to Zhou Suyi's side, and Zhou Suyi's knife directly cut into the air.

He was about to slash sideways, but the wolves in front had already pounced on him, so Zhou Suyi could only back away.

But the White Wolf King was so fast that he pounced on him from the side.

The huge body descended from the sky with unparalleled prestige.

Zhou Suyi's pupils shrank suddenly, but she didn't panic, her body suddenly flew into the air, kicking upwards.

Kuixing fights.

At this moment, the mountain-moving stunt was used again.

Bang kick, this kick could break even the scales of an earth dragon, let alone a flesh and blood white wolf king.

Compared with those super perverted monsters, the White Wolf King is still much weaker, not in the same order at all.

The next moment, the White Wolf King was kicked out and hit the wall heavily, and he didn't get up for a while.

"Brother Chuyi, we promise you to avenge the killing of the White Wolf King for you, and I will leave this final knife to you!" Zhou Suyi shouted to Chuyi below.

When I heard this on the first day of the junior high school, I was almost moved to tears. The blood in my body couldn't help it at this moment, as if it was about to burn.

How many years of enmity, now, can we finally see the light?

(End of this chapter)

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