Chapter 396 Fluorescent Sea

Zhou Suyi's Kuixing Kick Fight kicked the White Wolf King so hard that he couldn't get up.

You know, this move was able to kick away even the hard armor of the earth dragon, and now that he has the Qilin blood, his strength has been increased many times, and the power of this move has also increased many times.

The White Wolf King struggled a few times, but didn't get up.

Zhou Suyi called for Chuyi, and at the same time, the black gold ancient sword flew up and down to deal with the surrounding wolves.

In front of him, dealing with these wolves was really as simple as chopping melons and vegetables.

They all climbed up and looked at the dying White Wolf King on the ground, trembling with excitement.

"Brother Chuyi, let's go!" Hu Bayi patted him on the shoulder.

Chu Yi nodded vigorously, and stepped forward to look at the White Wolf King.

The White Wolf King was also looking at him. Although it was already fish on the chopping board, the White Wolf King's eyes were still deep and fearless.


With a loud roar, Chu pierced the white wolf king's chest with a knife.

The White Wolf King's body twitched a few times, completely silent.

Looking at the dead White Wolf King on the first day of the lunar new year, he wept bitterly.

At this moment, suddenly there was a violent vibration around, like an earthquake.

"what happened?"

This sudden change frightened everyone. At this time, the earthquake would inevitably cause an avalanche, which would be troublesome.

Could it be that killing the White Wolf King really caused something to be furious?
However, Zhou Suyi soon realized something was wrong.

He looked down at the hole below, and it was Uncle Ming who climbed up with the crystal corpse on his back.

"It's the crystal corpse. As long as the crystal corpse leaves the last floor, it should cause an avalanche."

"Fuck, it's this old Hong Kong farmer who hurt us again!" Fatty Wang became anxious immediately.

It's too late to say anything at this moment. Once the avalanche occurs, it is basically impossible for them to return the same way.

At this moment, Ah Xiang pointed to the frightened look beside her.

"Axiang, what's wrong?"

Everyone hurriedly followed Ah Xiang's gaze and saw a white figure hiding in a corner, digging.

"Snow Maitreya!"

Zhou Suyi recognized it at a glance, it was the Snow Maitreya that ran away before.

At this moment Xue Maitreya is digging the wall.

And after a while, a hole was dug out there, and Xue Maitreya went straight in.

"Damn it, there is a secret passage here."

Everyone was very surprised.

Zhou Suyi thought about it carefully, and looked inside, there were some glacier crevasses, "Master Tiebang Lama told me a lot about the magic country in the long poem of the King of the Jewels of Conquering the Enemy, combined with what we have seen, I have a bold guess that the depths of the glacier is the door of disaster leading to the main city of the Demon Kingdom—Eluohai City. The Reincarnation Sect wants to dig through this mysterious door."

At this moment, the vibration became more violent, and something fell from above, making a thumping sound.

"It should be an avalanche, and I can't go back up there, so I can only try my luck." Hu Ba said.

At this moment, they really had no other choice but to go in and try their luck.


At this moment, Peter Huang let out a scream.

When everyone looked, they saw that Peter Huang's body was ignited by a blue immeasurable karmic fire, which was already burning and rolling on the ground, and beside him was the glacier crystal corpse.

Obviously, Uncle Ming gave the crystal corpse to Peter Huang just now.

And the Dapu ghost worm in the crystal corpse reappeared out of nowhere.

"Ah Huang!" Uncle Ming panicked.

"Fuck, I just said that this corpse is very evil, leave him alone, and leave quickly!" Fatty Wang said.

Uncle Ming is going to pick up the glacier crystal corpse.

But Hu Bayi immediately grabbed Uncle Ming, "Uncle Ming, keep the green hills here, don't be afraid that there will be no firewood for burning, with this corpse, we will all die."

The corpse's head was tightly entangled by Zhou Suyi, and the Dapu ghost worm could still come out.

If you bring this body with you, it's a ticking time bomb.

"Axiang, let's go!"

Zhou Suyi pulled Axiang, and the group couldn't control that much anymore, they all got into the cave dug by Xue Maile.

Uncle Ming was crying as he walked, and he was crying so loudly.

He came here for the crystal corpse this time, but in the end he didn't get the crystal corpse, and he even lost his wife and lost his army. The loss was too great, and he couldn't accept it for a while.

"I said, is this reliable? It feels like a glacier crevasse." The more Fatty Wang crawled into it, the more uneasy he felt.

It doesn't look like it was dug out artificially at all, it's like a natural ice cave.

Hu Bayi said: "Do you remember the hexagrams that were calculated before coming here? In the end, there is a beginning. When encountering water, you can find the middle way. The middle way refers to the way of the mean. The right way can also be understood as the way of safety. , in a desperate situation, but the willows and flowers are bright, and I found a more mysterious passage. This long and narrow slope leads to the deepest part of the Longding Glacier. There may be lakes or dark rivers there. Where there is water, there must be a way. Can."

It was only then that Zhou Suyi remembered the hexagram that Zhang Yingchuan had calculated for Hu Bayi before, but she didn't expect it to be here.

For a while, I felt a little more confident in my heart.

If you can really find Eluohai City by accident, then it will be all right.

After the tunnel extended obliquely downward for a while, it met the vertical ice abyss. Although the ice wall was slightly inclined, this angle was no different from going straight up and down.

There is no way ahead.

However, below the cliff, there is a blue river flowing.

In the dark environment, this blue river is like the Milky Way in the sky hanging upside down, full of a magical feeling.

"It's so beautiful!" Zhou Suyi looked at the scene below and couldn't help sighing.

At this moment, there is nothingness around them, and looking at the blue galaxy below, it feels like they have come to the sky and are on top of the stars.

it feels amazing
"Mom, did this escape to the sky? How could there be such a beautiful scene?"

"Oh my god, it's so beautiful. There is such a beauty hidden in this glacier."

"Nature is simply amazing."

"Don't sigh, the fire form of Dapu ghost insects is blue, these can't be Dapu ghost insects."

"Don't make trouble, if there are so many Dapu ghost worms, even the gods won't be able to survive."


Looking at the beautiful scenery below, the netizens were also shocked, but after the shock, they were deeply worried, sweating for Zhou Suyi and the others, for fear that the things below would be dangerous.

"I said damn it, why do these rivers glow?" Fatty Wang asked!

Everyone was puzzled.

But Zhou Suyi thought of something and said: "I have been to the beach before, and I have seen a glowing sea. It is a kind of microorganism that can emit fluorescence. When the waves fluctuate, those microorganisms will emit fluorescence. It should be the same under the river. , has a microorganism that can emit fluorescence!"


(End of this chapter)

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