Chapter 397
Zhou Suyi and the others let down the rope and climbed down along the rope. When they were close to the bottom, they found a cave that could accommodate people.

Just as everyone was exhausted, this cave was an excellent resting place.

Zhou Suyi led the people to the cave.

The hole is spacious and tidy, with traces of man-made repairs.

When the flashlight shone in, there was a crystal clear light flickering, like some kind of special transparent spar, and the depth could not be seen clearly.

But there is no danger inside.

The cave was very deep, and everyone went deeper in order to prevent being attacked by wild animals.

Turn to the back and see a relatively large space.

There are some old stone platforms on the ground, with bull-headed skeletons piled up in the corners, and a black humanoid wooden statue more than one foot high on the stone platform.

"I'll go, there are still traces of someone's life. The relationship is good, and we have prepared a camping place for us!" Fatty Wang is very satisfied with this!
Hu Bayi looked at it carefully and said: "This should be the place where the Reincarnation Sect used to sacrifice!"

"What, priest, whoever has his mother is a priest?" Fatty Wang just sat down and stood up again.

It is true that there have been shadows before.

It is very taboo to sacrifice such things.

Zhou Suyi checked around, but didn't find any engravings that could make people fall into hallucinations.

She also has some shadows about these things.

Fatty Wang and the others are alright, as long as the game never remembers what happened, she remembers it clearly.

"Don't worry, I haven't found any danger for the time being. The geographical environment here is just right for us to camp. Finding other places may not be better than here. Let's rest here today!"

Hearing what Zhou Suyi said, everyone stopped in relief.

After driving for a long time outside, digging ice for a long time, and then dug from the top of the demon building to the bottom.

After tossing all the way, it would be a lie to say that I am not tired.

Everyone is almost exhausted and just waiting for a good rest.

Without Zhou Suyi's reminder, everyone ate something and couldn't wait to get into their sleeping bags. After a while, they started snoring like thunder!

"Old Hu, go to rest too, I'll watch the night!" Seeing that Hu Bayi was also quite tired, Zhou Suyi asked him to rest.

As for himself, things were fine.

With unicorn blood, which is almost like a stimulant, she seldom feels tired during the game.

Hu Bayi was not polite, "Okay, then I will rest for a while, and then I will replace you."

This night, she didn't skip it. Zhou Suyi knew that something was going to happen again, so she didn't dare to take it lightly.

However, after watching for a while, I didn't see any danger.


Zhou Suyi opened her mouth and let out a long yawn.

"Miss Yang, go to sleep for a while!"

At this moment, Hu Bayi woke up to change Zhou Suyi.

Zhou Suyi nodded, "Okay, then I'll go to sleep for a while!"

Just as he was about to move, he suddenly saw a green vine coming out of a hole in the stone wall.

"Old Hu, look there!" Zhou Suyi said pointing there.

Hu Bayi also looked over.

The vine grew very fast, growing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then, a red flower bloomed on the top of the vine.

The flowers bloom quickly and are quite beautiful.

"Hey, how did this flower grow so fast?" Zhou Suyi was surprised, and at the same time, a bad premonition welled up in her heart, and her face was full of vigilance.

The fear of being dominated by corpse-scented konjac before is still vivid in my mind.

If this is another flower similar to the corpse-flavored konjac, it is really too much.

"Don't say anything!" Hu Bayi stepped forward to pick off the fruit, and peeled off the hard outer shell.

Who would have imagined that dark yellow mucus flowed out of the fruit, like corrupted blood, it looked a bit disgusting.

In particular, there seemed to be a small piece of flesh and blood in it. Zhou Suyi glanced at it, and her stomach twitched in nausea.

"This doesn't look like pork or mutton, but rather, human flesh!" Hu Bayi said!

"Human flesh?" Zhou Suyi felt another chill.

How can a flower grow human flesh?Or, this is a piranha, is it that this piranha has eaten human flesh and has not yet digested it?

The more I think about it, the more uncomfortable I feel, and my heart feels a little hairy.

Moreover, as the fruit was peeled off, a strong stench was emitted from it, just like the rotten smell of a dead pig on the street after being thrown for a few days.


As soon as the fruit was picked, the green branches withered instantly, turning into a pile of gray dust.

Hu Bayi's face suddenly turned ugly and he said: "This is Xuanwu's corpse, blood bait red flower!"

"What's the smell, it smells so bad, who the hell is shitting?" Fatty Wang woke up in a daze.

This stench-like smell woke up everyone who was still asleep. When they learned about the situation from Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi, they all looked incredible!

"What is Xuanwu Rejecting Corpse, Bloodbait Red Flower, the name sounds so frightening!" Fatty Wang said!
"Old Hu, what exactly does this mean?" Zhou Suyi didn't know anything about these things, and only Hu Bayi could explain them clearly.

Hu Bayi explained: "Kunlun is a beast with dragon veins. The corpses buried in some special places on the top of the dragon will die and be immortal. Immortal corpses in places of great vitality are called "Xuanwu rejecting corpses". , underground, and even some strange changes, such as the "blood bait" "fruit of the stranger" that keeps growing. "

"In this way, there must be corpses with blood bait red flowers growing deep in the cave."

"So, there's still room to go inside!" Fatty Wang said!
Hu Ba nodded, "Very likely!"

Zhou Suyi's eyes lit up. Now they have nowhere to go, and they don't know which direction to go. Now that the blood bait red flower appears, it seems to be some guidance.

Anyway, everyone slept for a long time, and their energy was almost recovered, so Hu Bayi led people to search for it.

Netizens were also amazed.

"Blood bait red flower, is this thing a plant or an animal? It's scary that it has human flesh and blood."

"It must be a plant. Didn't you hear the old nonsense? The flesh and blood in it came from the corpse, not the flower itself."

"It's really knowledgeable. The world is so big, there are so many wonders, there are all kinds of weird things."

"Good guy, the trees are really dead. If he hadn't seen these things, I don't think he could have thought of them."

"So, Lin Mu was still the tomb robber."


Netizens have also seen the growth process of this weird blood bait safflower, and they all feel that it is very magical and weird.

After all, when I think that this thing grows out of the corpse, I feel terrified.

And this kind of plant, which has never been discovered outside, appears in Lin Mu's game, which inevitably makes people doubt Lin Mu's true identity again.


(End of this chapter)

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