Chapter 398
The appearance of blood bait safflower once again made netizens feel the fantasy of nature.

Everyone came to the deepest part of the cave, where many stone platforms were placed together. After taking these stone platforms away, a secret passage really appeared.

This secret passage is a slope leading to the top, and everyone went directly into it.

Going around a few times inside, I found a big cave.

There was a large platform where they went out, and below it were densely packed blood bait red flowers.

And these blood bait safflowers all grew from a corpse.

"Fuck, this is kind of disgusting, and it's kind of fucking pretty, isn't it?"

Fatty Wang didn't even know how to describe the feeling in front of him.

Those blood bait safflowers are bright in color, really beautiful.

But when I think that it grows from the corpse, I feel very disgusting, which makes people feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Look there, it looks like there is a coffin!" Zhou Suyi's eyes were particularly good, pointing to the middle of a pile of blood bait red flowers.

It can be vaguely seen that there seems to be a mahogany coffin there.

"Go, go down and have a look!" Hu Bayi took the lead and jumped down.

Zhou Suyi reminded: "Everyone be careful, these flowers are so bright, they may be dangerous, don't touch them."

Be careful to make a ten-thousand-year ship, and it is always right to be cautious.

Everyone nodded, and they were also very afraid of the bright flowers growing on the corpses.

The entire cave seems to be covered with countless blood-red flowers at the bottom of the cave, and many of them have already grown blood bait fruits.

It's like a flower garden full of flowers, but the color of the flowers is monotonous, and the green vines are full of embellishments, which looks gloomy and heavy. It seems that they are all fake flowers made of paper, which looks eerie and weird.

"Grandma, it feels like we are surrounded by wreaths." Fatty Wang complained.

Uncle Ming suddenly felt jealous, "Fat boy, if you can't talk, don't talk. Don't you know that doing this kind of thing is very taboo?"

He is a boat runner, and there are some special words that are most taboo when going to sea.

"I said, why are you so superstitious, an old Hong Kong farmer!"

Fatty Wang and Uncle Ming started arguing again.

Everyone didn't bother to pay attention to them, they were used to it.

Fatty Wang rummaged around, but couldn't find anything of value, and was immediately disappointed.

Others looked at the coffin under the pressure of the boulder with disbelief on their faces.

The coffin is normal, but the coffin under the stone is very rare.

Zhou Suyi felt that after coming down these few times, she had seen a lot and had seen all kinds of burial forms.

For example, to present the tomb of the king, there are several kinds of coffins at once.

But it's definitely the first time I've seen it being pressed by a stone.

Not to mention her, even Hu Bayi was puzzled.

Just as he was thinking about opening the coffin, suddenly, a green... puppy ran out from among the flowers.

"Fuck, what are you kidding, green dog?!" Fatty Wang jumped up in fright.

That's right, from the appearance, it does look like a puppy with green hair, which looks extremely weird.

The others were also taken aback.

After all, this thing looks too weird.

"It seems to be a green-haired turtle!" Zhou Suyi said.

The shape of this thing is more like a tortoise, but the green fur on its body is too much and too dense, so it looks like a cat or a dog, which is very weird.

The green dog seemed to have lost its sense of sight and hearing, and had no idea that there were outsiders here.

It kept devouring the blood bait fruit, very greedy, as it gnawed all the way, the red flowers that had lost the fruit withered and turned into ashes, and after a while, a male corpse more than two meters high was exposed below.

"Hey, what the hell is this motherfucker?"

Everyone was stunned.

No one has ever seen such a weird animal. Fatty Wang stretched out his hand to grab it, but suddenly he felt itchy on his arm.

When he looked up, his expression suddenly changed.

"Fuck, it's over, I have fucking grass growing on my body!"

Zhou Suyi rolled her eyes when she heard his words.

You have grass growing on your body, why don't you grow green hair on your head?

This guy is really unreliable, such a strange place is so shocking, it really makes people tense up.

However, when she looked at Fatty Wang's arm, her expression also changed.

Fatty Wang is really not exaggerating this time, the back of his hand actually grew 'grass'.

But it's not real grass, but green granulation, which looks very permeable.

"Ah!" Ah Xiang exclaimed suddenly.

Everyone hurriedly looked around, and saw that Ah Xiang also looked at her hand and exclaimed, with a look of horror on her face.

Thin green granulation sprouts also grew on her hands.

"What's going on, I have my hands, my neck too, how could this happen!" Uncle Ming was also anxious.

Hu Bayi looked at his hands, and he was not spared, and green granulation also grew on his hands.

Zhou Suyi hurriedly checked herself, but she didn't feel anything.

There was no such disgusting granulation growing on his body.

Hu Bayi looked at the blood-baited red flowers and said: "No, this kind of blood-baited red flowers will spread pollen in the air, and once they encounter fresh blood, they will grow wildly. Those positions of yours should have been cut by accident. It was broken, and it happened to be infected by pollen!"

"Fuck, then, what should I do, old Hu, help me, I won't become the fertilizer of these plants like those corpses!" Fatty Wang was fearless.

But when he saw the corpses on the ground, he thought that he would become one of them, and flowers would grow from all parts of his body. It was so scary.

The most important thing is that if someone comes in in the future and sees flowers growing on some special parts of yourself, then your mother will be really disappointed.

Even if I was scared to hell, I didn't dare to say how I died, it was simply a shame to open the door for a shame, it was so shameful.

Zhou Suyi didn't have it. She quickly realized that her unicorn blood should be at work, and she couldn't help but sigh that this blood is really awesome.

But it's useful for yourself, but you can't give them blood transfusions for others.

She gritted her teeth, cut her finger, and tried it on the granulation on Hu Bayi's hand.

Pity it didn't work.

These granulations are rooted in the flesh and blood, and external application is useless.

"Fuck, it's over, it's over, even Big Brother Yang's blood won't work, this time he's really dead, Lao Hu, hurry up and find a way!" Seeing that Zhou Suyi's invincible blood was useless, Fatty Wang became anxious extremely.

Hu Bayi was quite calm, looking carefully at everything around him and analyzed: "Blood bait is interpreted as a place of excessive vitality in yin and yang feng shui. The dead body does not rot, and the blood does not decay."

"Over the years, not only the corpse slowly began to swell and grow bigger, but also flesh flowers bloomed every twelve hours. The dead are fine, and there are only two choices for this kind of thing to grow in the body of the living. , the first is to run far away, leave this place where there is too much anger, the blood bait will naturally heal without treatment, but this area is the source of the ancestor dragon, it may be difficult to leave!"

Upon hearing this, the hope that had just been ignited in everyone's hearts was extinguished immediately.


(End of this chapter)

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