Chapter 400 The Door of Disaster
Fatty Wang saw at a glance that the woman covering her face was very similar to the murals and statues of Queen Jingjue they saw in Jingjue Country.

Although they couldn't see their faces clearly, their temperaments, especially the way they covered their faces, were very similar.

Especially on the two patterns, there are eye-shaped totems, which are more similar.

Zhou Suyi nodded, she was not surprised at all.

After all, I knew about the existence of Eluo Haicheng and some things about the ghost mother in the previous conversation with Queen Jingjue.

But this time they came, on the one hand, to help Uncle Ming find the Glacier Crystal Corpse, and more importantly, to find Eluohai City, to find a real way to lift the curse.

Everyone continued to look down.

The third floor is a giant snake with eyes on its head. When everyone looks at this snake, they feel more familiar. It is exactly the same as those strange snakes with eye-like tumors on the top of Jingjue Kingdom.

Hu Bayao: "It seems that there must be a lot of connection between Jingjue Kingdom and Demon Kingdom. Our goal this time may be right!"

"Hey, it's a pity, Fatty, my cursed blood hasn't been completed yet, so this will undo the curse, isn't it a pity!" This guy is still thinking that his blood can be as powerful as Zhou Suyi's.

Zhou Suyi was speechless for a while, this guy really got into the drama too deeply.

Hu Bayi ignored him, probably thinking that this guy was crazy.

The fourth layer has been artificially worn and destroyed, but looking at the worn shape, it is a circle, and maybe it was also an eye mark before.

The bottom layer is the most peculiar, only engraved with some things that seem to be bones.

After reading it, Hu Bayao said: "Both these two countries should have a deep yearning for cave culture, and they also have a high admiration for snakes and eyes, but it is obvious that the highest admiration in the Demon Kingdom is those Skeletons!!"

"What is the meaning of these skeletons?" Uncle Ming asked curiously.

Now that I haven't got the Glacier Crystal Corpse, it would be nice if I could bring some other valuables.

Otherwise, it would be a great loss for the wife and the soldiers.

Hu Bayi was also aware of this, and shook his head.

On the contrary, Zhou Suyi said: "That is the bone of the snake god. Both the bone of the snake god and the eyes of the snake god are items left behind after the death of the snake god. Both items should have the ability of illusion and imaginary space!"

"Transformation, imaginary number space? What does this mean?" Uncle Ming became even more curious.

"Hey, don't inquire about things you shouldn't ask about." Fatty Wang said.

"Fat boy, we are in the same team. I have shared the contents of the scriptures with you. If you have any news, you should also share it with me, right?"

He looked at Hu Bayi and Zhou Suyi, "Miss Yang, brother Hu, what kind of god is this snake god you're talking about?"

Zhou Suyi didn't bother to explain to him, Hu Bayi said briefly.

After hearing this, Uncle Ming's eyes lit up again.

Obviously, the glacier crystal corpse was not obtained, and now he is very interested in the so-called snake god bone.

They searched again, and finally found some crystal tablets beside them, which also recorded some things, which they basically couldn't understand!

Fortunately, Hu Bayi understands some ancient prose, combined with a few crystal tablets, he can roughly understand the content.

"These crystal monuments should be a small part dug out from the "Gate of Disaster" by the Reincarnation Sect, and the stone carvings on them were all made by the Eluohai people."

"The door of disaster? What is this?" Everyone was puzzled.

Hu Bayi explained: "According to the above description, the Gate of Disaster is an insurmountable huge crystal wall. When the Demon Kingdom was destroyed, the Gate of Disaster closed the only passage to the outside world, and thus isolated itself from the world. Later reincarnation sects dug a passage in it to wait for the day of reincarnation."

Fatty Wang's eyes lit up. "So, as long as we find the door of disaster, we can find the Demon Kingdom?"

Hu Ba nodded, "According to the above description, it is indeed the case!"

Uncle Ming became excited, "Everyone, what are you waiting for? Now that we know the news, let's stop eating pollen here, act quickly, and get the bone of the snake god quickly. Don't worry, I have a channel, I can help you sell it, and I can definitely sell it at a very good price. When the time comes, if we get a point, everyone will be a millionaire!"

"Hey, hey, I made an agreement before coming here. The glacier crystal corpse is yours, and we will share the other things equally. Don't make up your mind about the bones of the snake god!" Fatty Wang suddenly became unhappy.

No matter how cheap this is, let you take it.

"Oh, Fatty, don't be so stingy, we are a team, and of course a team should share blessings and share hardships." Uncle Ming said.

"Hey, I said why are you so shameless!"

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, Zhou Suyi hurriedly stopped her, "Okay, okay, stop arguing, that snake god is huge and has big bones, enough for you to share."

Hearing this, Fatty Wang and Uncle Ming gave up.

After leaving the cave, everyone stopped resting and tidied up their equipment before continuing on the road along the river.

When we approached the river, we discovered that the glowing objects in the river turned out to be groups of aquatic jellyfish.

These jellyfish are almost transparent, but they emit a faint fluorescence, which looks very beautiful!
Hu Bayi said: "It seems that those Xue Maitreya evolved from these aquatic jellyfish. As time passed, these jellyfish climbed ashore, looked for food, and became Xue Maitreya!"

"You said that this thing is really amazing. A jellyfish can evolve into that kind of monster. It's really a big thing in the world. There are no wonders!"

"This is the theory of evolution, and humans are also evolved from monkeys!" Zhou Suyi gave them a wave of evolution theory.

Everyone was amazed.

Everyone walked down the river.

It took two or three days to go this way, but they didn't find anything yet, which made everyone a little depressed.

After all, it's dark and dark here, and if you stay for a long time, it's inevitable that people can't accept it, and they feel depressed.

Fortunately, there are a lot of fish in this river, and there is no shortage of food and drink.

"I said, when are we going to be the first? I said, old Hu, are you sure we are going downstream? Is it possible that we are going the other way!" Fatty Wang said depressedly, knocking on his two heavy legs, Depressed no!
Hu Bayao: "I don't know, whether there is a map or not, it depends on luck!"


Fortunately, after walking for another half a day, they finally made a new discovery.

A huge mountain crack appeared in front of them, and in the mountain crack, a huge crystal wall several hundred meters high blocked the crack, which looked particularly shocking.

They look extremely small under the water feature wall!

(End of this chapter)

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