Chapter 401
The huge crystal wall really stunned everyone present, it was too spectacular.

"Fuck me, this is really a fucking crystal wall!" Fatty Wang's eyes widened.

Although he had seen many big scenes, the scene in front of him still shocked him.

That's crystal.

Such a large piece of crystal is too shocking to look at.

The light from the flashlight shone brightly, almost blinding his dog's eyes.

Whoever can pull out all these crystal stones will definitely become a rich man.

"Oh my god, my god, this, this is simply a miracle, how did the Eluohai people do it!" Uncle Ming was also dumbfounded, looking up at the huge wall in front of him, so shocked that he didn't know what to say.

On the first day of the junior high school, his eyes widened. It was really the first time he saw this kind of scene, and he was deeply shocked by it.

He felt that coming with Hu Bayi and Zhou Suyi this time was the greatest luck in his life.

Not only did he kill the White Wolf King to avenge himself, but he also witnessed such a spectacular scene, it really was a worthwhile trip.

Zhou Suyi was also shocked.

Girls have always been very fond of shiny things, but now they are shocked when they look at this huge crystal stone wall.

"This should be the so-called door to disaster. Sure enough, the Jingjue Kingdom is just a branch of the Eluohai people. Compared with it, the Eluohai City feels more powerful."

Even Ah Xiang, who was timid, had sparkling eyes at the moment, looking at the sparkling crystal wall in front of her, wondering what she was thinking.

"Oh my god, this is too extravagant, what kind of skill is it to build such a large wall with crystals."

"Is this Evil Luohai City so arrogant?"

"I thought that the wealth of the Queen Jingjue was the ceiling, but I didn't expect that there is a more ruthless one here."

"Oh my God, there are so many good things buried underground, no wonder so many people want to rob graves."

"I want to go too, but I really don't have the skills. Is there a teacher who can teach me?"

"You still need to teach, go through the trilogy of ghosts and lights, and you will be a master."


Netizens were also shocked.

Even though as a modern person, I have seen many big scenes, but the huge crystal wall in front of me is still very shocking.

Now that the door of disaster has been found, passing through this door is definitely Eluohai City.

Once this trip is gone, it must be extremely dangerous.

Hu Bayi came to Uncle Ming, and began to persuade him earnestly, "Uncle Ming, you and Axiang are no match for us. We have made a plan not to go back this time, and you have three choices. The first is to walk along the river bank." Go upstream, but the chance of getting out there is [-]/[-], and secondly, stay in the cave just now, and wait for us to come back to pick you up."

"But I don't know if we can come back with our lives. In the end, we will go downstream with us and pass through the gate of disaster. Behind the gate may be Eluohai City. This trip is definitely extremely dangerous, and we are close to death." , I may not be able to take care of your father and daughter, and there is no guarantee of life safety. It is up to you to decide what to do."

Zhou Suyi also didn't want to take these two people with her, the old and the young would inevitably be a burden.

"Uncle Ming, think about it carefully, and think about it for Ah Xiang. This trip is bound to be extremely dangerous, and there is a real possibility that you will never return. As for your treasures, we don't have to." Zhou Suyi also persuaded.

As a result, Uncle Ming didn't think about it at all.

"Absolutely don't leave separately. Everyone must be together whether they live or die. Let's go to the door of disaster together. Brother Hu, I will marry Axiang to you in the future, and I will hand over my business to you. Naturally, those treasures will also be taken over." It's yours, so why do our family say two things? There's no need to discuss it, it's just decided."

Hu Bayi felt helpless for a while, and glanced at Zhou Suyi with a guilty conscience.

Zhou Suyi didn't take it seriously. Along the way, Uncle Ming wanted to marry Axiang to Hu Bayi several times.

This is in the game, I will never be jealous.

Although Hu Bayi and Lin Shu look very similar, they are almost made of the same mold, but they are really outside after all.

It is impossible for me to be jealous of a game npc.

Fatty Wang was very angry, "It seems that the old Gangnong believes that we have to leave him alone. No matter what he says, he always thinks that we want to find a way to escape alone. It seems that the big dye vat of capitalism can really corrode people's souls. Since yesterday Up to now, I have said to him several times what should be said, and I have said three times that it is as light as water, and whether you go downstream is dead or alive, it depends on everyone's fortune."

"Hey, that's the only way to go." Hu Bayi didn't bother to say any more.

Life and death are fate, wealth is in the sky, and then it depends on their luck.

"Fuck, old Hu, old Hu, look, there's a white beard coming from there!"

Suddenly, Fatty Wang exclaimed, pointing forward, his face a little ugly.

When he said this, everyone looked over.

Seeing this, everyone was surprised.

I saw an old man with a white beard floating in the water under the crystal wall, staring at them right now!

The lights were not too bright, but the white beard of the old man with white beard was very conspicuous, just floating on the water and staring at them!


An inexplicable chill enveloped my heart.

Ah Xiang was so frightened that she hid behind Uncle Ming, who also trembled a little.

Although he thought he had seen some big scenes while running the boat, he still felt terrified at the moment.

"Fuck, his grandma, isn't this demon kingdom still dead? Is it possible that the people of this demon kingdom have been living underground all this time. They saw us coming and came out to welcome us!" Fatty Wang said!
"Impossible, how is it possible, thousands of years have passed, how could these people have been living underground for thousands of years!" Uncle Ming couldn't believe it.

"I said, I've heard of lizardmen before, saying that lizardmen live underground. Is it possible that this white-bearded old man is also a kind of lizardman!" Fatty Wang continued.

They all guessed.

Zhou Suyi raised her vigilance.

The old man with the white beard suddenly appeared at this time, there must be something wrong.

Fatty Wang even yelled nonchalantly: "Hey, old man, we are here for sightseeing, and we happened to pass by here. Don't look out. I heard that you Eluohai people are very hospitable. Can you come over and talk for a while?"


Travel, it's a fucking loss that you can't figure it out.

Traveling across the snow-capped mountains and into the depths of the ground, I can't even believe it, right?
Is there such a hard-working donkey friend?

Zhou Suyi couldn't hold back anymore, and the netizens almost burst out laughing.

"It has to be the fat man. When I was afraid, he instantly stirred up the atmosphere."

"It doesn't matter, I only obey the fat man."

"The old man on the other side is probably scolding his mother in his heart."

"There's something wrong with this old man. Three points don't look like a human, but seven points look like a ghost."


(End of this chapter)

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