Chapter 402 Shame
Fatty Wang was really out of line. He yelled at the white-bearded old man for a while, and said that he was traveling, which made the netizens feel a little overwhelmed.

Although the netizens couldn't see it clearly, they all noticed that the old man with the white beard really existed. Everyone knew that it must not be easy for this thing to pop up in this kind of place.

This is deep in the snow-capped mountains, or underground. I don't know where it is.

There are still people in this kind of place, which is a scary enough thing in itself.

"Hey, I said why are the people in Luo Haicheng so cold and cold, why don't they talk to others? I said it's very impolite for an old man to ignore others. You should talk back." Talking, he is not happy.

Everyone was speechless.

Zhou Suyi didn't even know what to say, but now she couldn't figure out what was going on, so she let Fatty Wang mess around, and at the same time, her eyesight reached its limit, staring at the old man with white beard carefully.

"Hey, tell me, does he not understand us? Hey, Brother Chuyi, Brother Chuyi, if you communicate with him in your local language, maybe he will understand!" Fatty Wang said to Chuyi Pulled over.

The expression on the first day of junior high school was a little awkward, "This, is it really possible?"

He really didn't want to say much, he felt a little ashamed like Fatty Wang.

But Fatty Wang refused to let go, "Hey hey hey, why are you ashamed, no one is laughing at you, can you do it, try it!"

Helpless on the first day of the junior high school, he could only shout in the local language: "We, we... The boulder is passing by. If there is no malicious intention, can you come here!"

The white-bearded old man on the opposite side still didn't respond at all.

Fatty Wang saw that it was useless, and immediately became even more reluctant, "I said why is this old guy so rude, he can't be a deaf-mute, I heard that he stayed underground for a long time, and didn't get along with people for a long time. Communication will indeed become dumb, this old man, shouldn't he also become dumb?"

At this time, Zhou Suyi's eyes became strange, and she had already seen clearly what it was.

If he could really respond to Fatty Wang, it would be hell.

"Stop shouting, that's not human!"

"What, no, it's not a person!" Fatty Wang immediately became nervous, "I said, Brother Yang, we don't want to scare people. The one with the beard is not a person. Could it be... Zongzi?"

When he said this, Uncle Ming, Ah Xiang and the others all became nervous and hid back one after another.

"Miss Yang, what do you see?" Hu Bayi asked.

Zhou Suyi said with a strange expression: "That's not a person, nor a rice dumpling, but a fish!"

"What, what? What are you talking about? Fish? How is it possible." Fatty Wang couldn't believe it.

That white beard as long as a fish?Also looks like a human.

If it's really a fish, then he just yelled with others for a long time, isn't this behavior a bit stupid.

"Miss Yang, are you right? Is that really a fish?" Uncle Ming came over again, feeling that this is really a new sight on the market today.

He is a boat runner and has been in contact with water all year round. He has seen countless kinds of fish, but this is definitely the first time he has seen a fish with a long beard that looks like a human.

Zhou Suyi nodded, "Well, it's a fish, but it looks a little strange, I can't make a mistake!"

Fatty Wang is so embarrassing. He just chatted with a fish for a long time and said that he was impolite. Isn't he too stupid?

Fortunately, the fat man has a thick skin, this is not counted, and he still despises others, "Fuck, I said why are you so cold, ignore us, it turned out to be a fish, his mother, you said this is not a waste of Fat man and me Feelings!"

On the first day of junior high school, he looked at him with some resentment. He actually participated in this stupid thing, which was somewhat embarrassing.

"Hahaha, I laughed so hard, it's so funny to see the resentful little eyes on the first day of the junior high school."

"I rub it, I have gained more knowledge, there is a bearded fish, 666."

"This game is really powerful, and a new species has been discovered."

"Darwin is coming here cursing, grandma, how did this white-bearded fish evolve?"


Netizens thought it was very funny when they thought that Fatty Wang had yelled with a fish for a long time.

I was very curious to see such a strange fish.

"That, that, since it's a fish, there's no need to pay attention to it. I said, the door in front of me should be the door of disaster. Didn't it mean that this place was dug up by the reincarnation sect? Why didn't I see it? Where is the hole!" Fatty Wang immediately changed the subject!

Such a shameful and embarrassing thing must not be allowed to continue.

Fat Master couldn't bear it even with his thick face.

Hu Bayao: "The water level of this underground river should be much higher than before, submerging the original entrance of the cave. You guys wait here first. I'll go down and see the situation!"

Zhou Suyi hurriedly said, "I'm good at water, so let me go!"

She didn't dare to let Hu Bayi take the risk alone.

If there is any danger below, Hu Bayi will lose the game, and it is still unclear what danger is below.

If she goes down by herself, even if it is really dangerous and fails, she will have experience next time.

"Okay, then be careful!" Hu Bayi was not hypocritical.

After all, he was clear about Zhou Suyi's strength, so if he said more, he would appear to be too hypocritical.

Zhou Suyi took off her coat and jumped into the river directly.

The river water was very cold, icy cold, but it didn't affect Zhou Suyi.

The Qilin blood is really useful, not only can it be used as a stimulant, but it will not feel cold.

"Oh, Ms. Yang is really talented and courageous, Ah Xiang, in the future, if you marry Brother Hu, you should walk around with Ms. Yang more, and learn more from Ms. Yang!" Uncle Ming Very hot-eyed.

What I thought in my heart was that it would be great if my goddaughter Ah Xiang had this ability.

Ah Xiang's face turned red immediately, and she didn't dare to look at Hu Bayi.

Zhou Suyi swam towards the other side of the river.

When it was about to reach the crystal wall, the white bearded fish turned over and entered the river.

"Hey, it's really a fish, grandma's, scare me for a long time, and I will catch and roast it later to relieve my hatred!" Fatty Wang said fiercely.

In front of the crystal wall, Zhou Suyi plunged into the water, searched under the water, and found a hole.

The hole is not too big, about seven or eight meters wide, and there is no problem at all to accommodate people.

But what makes one's scalp tingle is that countless white bearded fish formed a fish formation, blocking the front of the cave entrance, tightly protecting the cave entrance.

If you want to pass, you must break through this fish formation.

"No way, these fish are so smart. That fish just came up to observe the situation? Knowing that I came down, did you seal the road?"

Zhou Suyi's eyes were a little strange, and she wondered if this group of fish really became fine?


(End of this chapter)

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