Chapter 403 Breaking the Formation
Looking at the fish array like a wall, densely packed white bearded fish are stacked together very regularly, and it looks strange.

Zhou Suyi frowned, thinking that the IQ of this white-bearded fish was almost the same as their looks, and they were really going to be smart.

The white-bearded fish just now must have come out to inquire about information. Knowing that someone was coming, he immediately made other white-bearded fish form a fish formation to block the road.

It would be fine if it was less, as the violence can break through directly.

However, looking inside this passage, there are densely packed, all of them are white beard fish, and there are thousands of them in a few.

Moreover, each fish is biting each other's tails, connected end to end, and cooperates quite tacitly. It may not be so easy to get in.

I am afraid that if I go in by myself, I will be trapped when I get there. At that time, I will not respond every day, and the ground will not work.

Moreover, I don't know if this white beard fish is aggressive.

Now that we have come down, these issues must be clarified.

Even if she fails, she can come through, so Zhou Suyi has nothing to fear, and she just swam over, and it was just a kick to go up.

The fish outside immediately fell apart and dodged to the side, but did not attack Zhou Suyi.

Very simple.

Zhou Suyi continued to go deeper, only to find that the road behind was still blocked by white bearded fish.

In this way, if you go in rashly, you may really be trapped to death in it.

"I don't know if Qilin's blood is useful to these white bearded fish?"

Zhou Suyi cut her finger, and the bright red blood immediately floated to the side. The fish next to her seemed to feel the threat, and immediately dispersed.

But here is running water, the current is fast, and a drop of blood is quickly washed away, and the fish immediately bit each other's tails and blocked it.

All this happened in a very short time.

Zhou Suyi frowned, the method of using blood to open the way obviously wouldn't work.

Unless one's own blood is endless, otherwise, in this kind of living water area, it will not play a big role at all.

Even if the schistosomiasis is dry, it may not be able to end.

He didn't go further, but retreated back, and kicked away all the white-bearded fish that had just blocked the entrance of the cave. Although the white-bearded fish didn't attack people, it took some effort to break them up.

Zhou Suyi came out of the water and swam back!
The people above were waiting anxiously.

After all, the black lights are in the dark, and no one knows what will happen next, so they all sweat for Zhou Suyi.

Seeing that Zhou Suyi returned safely, they were all relieved.

"Brother Yang, what's the matter, have you found the entrance of the cave?" Fatty Wang immediately stepped forward and pulled Zhou Suyi up!
Zhou Suyi wiped the water off her face and nodded, "There is indeed a passage below, but it may not be so easy for those who are intercepted by the dense fish array to pass!"

Everyone looked at each other after listening.

"Fish array? This fish can still form an array?" Fatty Wang was a little unbelievable.

It's understandable for people to fight in battle and lead troops in formation. If this fish is really good, can it form an formation to fight against the enemy?

Uncle Ming said first: "I've heard of this. I've been on the boat for so long, and I've heard people say that there are fish walls in many places. These fish are blocked together to prevent other creatures from attacking. A means of self-protection, very magical!"

Zhou Suyi hurriedly asked: "Uncle Ming, have you ever heard how to crack this fish formation?"

Uncle Ming said: "Of course I know. Since ancient times, if fishermen want to break the fish formation, they need ghost commanders. But we are deep underground in Kunlun Mountains. Where can we find ghost commanders? And even if there are ghost commanders who can drive them, I'm afraid It can’t even deal with tens of thousands of white beard fish that are more than half a meter long.”

"What is this handsome ghost?" Zhou Suyi continued to ask.

"Do you know what a "black ghost" is? It's not what Sichuan people call black pigs. In some fishing towns, fishermen raise a large-billed water bird called a cormorant, which can help fishermen go into the water to catch fish. Its neck must be tied with a rope in advance, otherwise it will miss the fish by itself, and the common name of this kind of water bird is "black ghost".

"In any place where black ghosts are raised for fishing, no matter how many cormorants there are in the waters of a lake or a river, there must be a "gui handsome" at the head. The ghost handsome is two or three times larger than ordinary cormorants. The big mouth is stronger than a steel hook, and the two eyes are shining brightly, which looks like an eagle."

Uncle Ming was boasting, obviously he had reached his professional field, and felt that it was finally time to show his face.

"Sometimes fishermen go fishing in the lake by boat, but they can't catch even a fish scale for several days, which means that the fish school under the water has formed a fish formation. Offering sacrifices to the river god, and then putting Guishuai into the water, no matter how thick the fish array is, it can't support it three times and two times, and it collapses."

"Hey, what you said is the same as what you didn't say. Under the mountains, where are we going to find a shit handsome ghost!" Fatty Wang looked contemptuous.

"If you want me to say, if you are afraid of a hammer, isn't it a fish? We are alive, and we can still be stopped by a few fish. It just so happens that the fat man is still hungry. If you catch a few of them and grill them directly, you will be scared." kill them!"

Zhou Suyi shook her head and said, "It's not that simple. Although those white bearded fish are not aggressive, they are too numerous. Once they are trapped underwater, they will definitely die!"

Hearing this, everyone's expressions became serious!

"It seems that we can only use explosives. Ms. Yang, tell me about the size and width of the hole carefully. I will let Fatty prepare some explosives. As long as the explosion is done properly, it should not be a problem to explode the fish array." Hu Bayao.

When Fatty Wang heard that he was going to use explosives, he immediately became excited.

"You can have this, I'm good at this."

Zhou Suyi felt that there was no other good way, so she could only tell what she saw.

Fatty Wang is still very proficient in explosives, so he immediately started to prepare the appropriate equivalent.

"Okay, done."

Hu Ba nodded, and hurriedly said: "Everyone, get ready, let's go down together, and when the fish array is blown up, go directly there together, don't fall behind!"

Everyone nodded one after another, packed all the important things in sealed bags, took the oxygen cylinders, and went into the water one after another.

As soon as I went down, everyone was freezing enough.

They didn't have Zhou Suyi's unicorn blood, so the water was really cold.

The others were fine, but Ah Xiang was a weak woman who shivered from the cold when she got out of the water, so Zhou Suyi asked Fatty Wang to hold Ah Xiang.

Fatty Wang was immediately overjoyed, and patted his chest to promise to complete the task.

Everyone swam forward and soon came under the crystal wall.

Zhou Suyi took the prepared explosives and dived down. The white bearded fish were still there, guarding the entrance of the cave firmly.

"Yu'er, Yu'er, I'm sorry!" Zhou Suyi murmured in her heart without being polite, and directly threw the explosives out. After the explosives flew a certain distance, they detonated directly.


(End of this chapter)

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