Chapter 404 The world behind the gate
Zhou Suyi detonated the explosives directly, and a huge explosion happened underwater in an instant.


A loud noise came from under the water, and the huge bubbles spread instantly, and the surrounding white bearded fish were instantly blown into a blood mist, and the crystal wall above trembled, and gravel fell from above.

"Be careful, get into the water!" Hu Bayi hurriedly reminded, and everyone hurriedly got into the water.

At this moment, the bottom has been covered by blood mist, and a large number of white bearded fish were frightened and went out from the hole one after another.

The previously seemingly incomparably strong fish array was instantly broken through.

After all, these fish are just animals, not humans. Although they have strong executive ability, their ability to deal with emergencies is obviously weak.

Zhou Suyi greeted everyone in front and hurried into the cave entrance.

The small fish are about the size of an adult's palm, and the big ones are more than half a meter long. They don't care about anything in panic, and the pain of being hit by them makes people burst into tears.

Ah Xiang was hit a few times, choked up a few times, and almost cried.

Others are better, after all, the water properties are good.

Even Uncle Ming, who looks thin, has excellent water skills, and he is worthy of being a boat runner.

Zhou Suyi watched the people behind while moving forward, preventing them from falling behind.

Less than 20 meters away, everyone got out quickly.

As soon as they went out, they grinned their teeth one by one, obviously they had just been hit hard by a school of fish.

"Grandma, you killed Fatty!" After all, Fatty Wang has a big body, so the chance of being hit is the greatest, and he is feeling very uncomfortable at the moment.

Hu Bayao: "Don't stay here, keep swimming, go ashore first!"

At this moment, the crystal wall is still unstable. If it really collapses, they are so close and buried directly below, it will definitely be a dead end.

However, fortunately, Fatty Wang was reliable this time, and the explosives he prepared did not cause a large-scale collapse.

Otherwise, they will be played to death by themselves again.

Looking at the red river behind him, with the corpses of white beard fish floating everywhere, when Fatty Wang left, he did not forget to pull two big fish.

Netizens can't stand it anymore.

"Good guy, this bombing killed at least hundreds of thousands of fish, it's too cruel."

"The fish is so cute, braised or steamed?"

"Hey guy, has the Holy Mother come to the game?"

"Hahaha, these saints are really interesting. I usually never talk about big fish and meat. When someone gets something, he immediately comes out to call."

"Calling is a good use of the word, incisive!"


The Virgin is flooded, but fortunately, there are many normal people who teach them to be human.

Zhou Suyi and the others continued to swim forward.

Just as everyone was swimming forward, the water surface behind them suddenly churned up. Everyone looked back in surprise and saw a giant fish more than ten meters long rushing out of the water.

The top of this fish's head is bright red, its two gills are snow-white, and its beard is astonishingly long. The several-meter-long beard is full of small fish. The age of this old fish is hard to estimate. It is probably the king of fish in this lake. .

When Fatty Wang saw this big fish, his eyes lit up immediately, "I'll go, what a big fish, if this is stewed, it must be delicious, and it may prolong your life."

Zhou Suyi said in a bad mood: "You can accumulate some virtue, this fish has lived for at least 80 or [-] years, and it should have spirituality. If you eat this kind of thing, you won't be afraid of losing your lifespan!"

"Ah? If you lose your life, forget it!"

"What a big fish, this must be the king fish!" Uncle Ming was also a little excited.

As soon as the big fish appeared, it swam towards the depths of the lake, and soon disappeared, as if it was hiding from something.

Zhou Suyi watched the big fish run away quickly, her eyes narrowed slightly, and she had a bad premonition in her heart.

"Are you afraid of us? Or are you afraid of something else?"

Everyone was shocked for a while before they came back to their senses, and only then did they have time to look at the world behind the door of disaster.

The door of disaster behind him was embedded in the precipitous cliff, the sky above was blocked by thick clouds and mist, and the snow-capped mountains thousands of meters loomed in the clouds.

Surrounded by mountains and rivers, the trees are lush, as if you have come to a new world.

"Damn it, it's amazing, there is such a paradise deep in the ground!" Fatty Wang sighed.

Everyone else was surprised too.

This place is clearly a complete underground world, with everything in it.

The nearest place to them was a hillside. In the woods above, there was a wide winding road protruding from the forest. The road surface was as smooth as a mirror and connected to the lake.

"Hey, there is still a way here. Could it be that there are still people alive in this evil Luohai city? Let's go up quickly!" Fatty Wang was about to swim there.

Zhou Suyi looked at the mirror-smooth road, and suddenly thought of the white-bearded fish king who had fled just now, and suddenly felt that there might be something wrong with the road.

If it's a human path, it can't be so smooth, it's more like it's been ground by something.

Seeing that Fatty Wang and the others were about to go there, Zhou Suyi hurriedly said: "This road is so smooth, there must be something wrong, maybe some animal's belly rubbed it out, and the fish king has already run away, it may be dangerous here, let's stay away from it, Land elsewhere!"

"Damn it, when you put it that way, it really looks like it, as if it was ground out from the belly of a snake!" Fatty Wang stopped immediately after Zhou Suyi said this.


Ah Xiang trembled in fright.

"Then, let's go around quickly!"

Everyone didn't dare to be careless, and hurried away from the smooth road and swam towards the distance.

When they arrived at the shore, there was a big rock on the shore. Everyone was about to go up, when they heard a huge movement from the woods.

Looking up, he saw a huge monster suddenly appear at the end of the smooth path just now.

The surrounding trees fell in pieces, obviously knocked out by the huge monster.

"Ah!" Ah Xiang had never seen such a scene before, her legs went limp from fright, and she screamed out.

Zhou Suyi became vigilant, and silently held the black gold ancient knife, but she was not very afraid.

This thing looks like a big lizard, with black and white markings on its body, it is ten meters long, and it is extremely fast with a gust of wind.

In the blink of an eye, it jumped into the lake and disappeared.

"Damn it, hurry up!" Fatty Wang didn't take it seriously just now, but now he feels his scalp numb.

I couldn't help but secretly rejoiced, fortunately Zhou Suyi had a keen observation just now, and didn't let them go ashore directly from that position, otherwise, it would probably have become the big lizard's lunch now, and it was delivered directly to the door of others.

Without his reminding, everyone else tried their best to climb up.

It wasn't until they climbed the big rock and got out of the water that everyone felt a little more at ease. However, everyone's admiration for Zhou Suyi increased a bit.

Especially Uncle Ming, he couldn't help sighing inwardly, fortunately he didn't listen to Fatty Wang just now, otherwise, he would really be killed right now.

The Miss Yang in front of me is much more reliable.


(End of this chapter)

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