Chapter 406
Looking at the little lights in E Luohai City in the distance, everyone felt a strange atmosphere, and felt inexplicably uneasy.

Zhou Suyi said: "Whether it's true or not, you have to go down and have a look, everyone be careful!"

When everyone entered the city, the houses here are like beehives, one by one caves, extending in all directions, if you are not familiar with it, you may get lost in it, and everyone dare not wander around.

There was not a single person in the city, but seven or eight of the ten families had already lit their lamps, and those lamps were all ordinary, ancient fuel made from the dried dung of wild animals mixed with fat, and they seemed to have been lit not long ago.

Although the city cave is old and dilapidated, it is not as dilapidated as a thousand-year-old monument. Compared with the dilapidated Jingjue ancient city, it looks like a newly built one.

Some of the utensils and animal skins in the cave seemed new, and there was even a half-finished skull wine cup.

The wine in the glass is still there.

The cloudy wine seemed to exude a not-so-mellow aroma.

The time in this city really seemed to be frozen, and the moment it was frozen seemed to be the moment when the residents in the city disappeared.

"It's so strange, the people here seem to have disappeared in an instant, but everything inside seems to be frozen in a certain moment!" Zhou Suyi said, looking east and west!

As a modern person, I have seen many similar movies and plots.

But seeing it with my own eyes now, I still feel very miraculous and weird.

Fatty Wang muttered a little, "Grandma, there won't be any goblins here, I think, we must have been under some kind of demon spell."

As he said that, he took out the black donkey's hoof and held it in his hand, only to feel more at ease.

Suddenly, he twitched his nose a few times, "Hey, do you smell anything? It seems to be beef, do you smell it?"

"Fat boy, are you crazy about meat and meat!" Uncle Ming said.

"No, it really smells like beef!"

Fatty Wang didn't even quarrel with Uncle Ming, he twitched his nose and followed the smell to find it.

"Fatty, be careful, don't mess around!" Zhou Suyi was afraid that the fat man would mess up again, so she hurriedly reminded her.

However, she did smell the smell of meat.

Fatty Wang came to a cave and walked in directly, followed by others.

As soon as I entered the room, I saw that in the stone cauldron inside, there was indeed overcooked yak meat, which was steaming and full of fragrance, which made people drool.

"Fuck, look, look, there's really fucking beef." Fatty Wang ran over, drooling.

Although there is still a lot of rations, but they are compressed biscuits and the like, without any oil or water. Seeing this cooked beef, how can you bear it?

"This... is it edible?" Uncle Ming was very skeptical.

Zhou Suyi's eyes were strange, and she thought of those ghost movies she had watched before.

Those things that look delicious may be some disgusting bugs.

Thinking of this, I suddenly felt a little nauseous.

But then she thought of another thing.

That is the ability of the snake god mentioned by Queen Jingjue.

Imaginary space and illusion of travel.

According to Queen Jingjue, the transformation of the realm can visualize the previous things.

Then everything here, could it be that the remnant bones of the snake god were concretized at a certain moment in Eluohai City?Probably.

Zhou Suyi hurriedly stated this guess.

Everyone was shocked after hearing this.

But Fatty Wang and Hu Bayi accepted it very quickly.

After all, he had encountered such weird things before in Jingjue Ancient City.

At that time, even the snake god was about to hatch.

And the monster that was concretized is still vivid in my mind.

Hu Bayao: "Since it is created by the illusion of travel, then everything is real, but it is kept at a certain moment, and the time is frozen. It should be edible!"

Hearing what Hu Bayi said, Fatty Wang couldn't bear it anymore, grabbed a piece of beef and stuffed it into his mouth!
It was so hot that his tears were about to come out, but he just couldn't bear to spit them out.

"For a few days, Gulu, for a few days, I haven't eaten such a delicious food!"

The others couldn't help swallowing when they saw that he had eaten.

Although I ate fish for a few days, how can there be any oily fish, and how can this steaming beef be delicious.

"I don't want to eat it. Fatty, I've eaten it all. It's delicious. It's really delicious. It's authentic yak meat!"

Seeing Fatty Wang's mouth full of oil, the others couldn't help it anymore, and they all ate meat from the pot, even Uncle Ming and Ah Xiang were no exception.

Obviously hungry too.


Just as everyone was eating their mouths full of oil, a cow cry suddenly came from deep inside.

The sound was very clear in the silent ancient city, and everyone heard it.

In an instant, everyone felt their scalps were about to explode.

Even Zhou Suyi's heart rose to her throat in an instant.

Fatty Wang swallowed a piece of meat in his mouth, "It's over, it's because the cow is not reconciled to death. Seeing that we ate beef, come and take revenge on us!"

"Fatty, don't talk nonsense if you can't speak!" Uncle Ming was very speechless to Fatty Wang.

He was already nervous enough, but this fat man still prefers which pot he doesn't open and which pot he lifts.

"Hey, Uncle Ming, I'm not scaring people. You heard it too. It's a real cow cry. Didn't all the living things disappear? There's still a cow cry. It's not a bull ghost, but it can be What!" Fatty Wang quibbled!

Everyone was speechless for a while.

What is this and what, the bull ghosts have all come out.

Zhou Suyi got up immediately, took out the ancient black gold knife, and walked towards it.

Whether it should be said or not, with the ancient black gold sword in hand, Zhou Suyi felt full of confidence.

The others followed.

When I got inside, I found a stone door, and a bright red bloody handprint was printed on the stone door, as if it had just been touched.

On the bloody handprint, it seemed that there was still blood flowing.

So shocking.

Ah Xiang was already trembling with fright, she hid behind Uncle Ming's back and didn't dare to look.

"Daughter, take a look, is there anything dirty here?" Uncle Ming said in a low voice, obviously nervous.

Ah Xiang looked around secretly, then shook her head.

Seeing Ah Xiang shaking her head, Zhou Suyi was not so nervous anymore.

After all, if there were any ghosts, Ah Xiang would definitely be able to see them.

"It's over, it's over, this is really haunted!" Fatty Wang quickly took out the black donkey's hoof, "This black donkey's hoof can deal with zongzi, but I don't know if it can deal with ghosts!"

When it is interrupted, it will suffer from chaos.

Zhou Suyi knew this truth very well, so she simply stepped forward and pushed the door open.

As soon as the door was opened, there was a strong smell of blood coming from inside.

When the light shone in, everyone gasped and became tense unconsciously.

It's full of blood inside, the blood is still very fresh, and when illuminated by the light, it reflects a strange blood-red light, which makes people shudder!


(End of this chapter)

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