Chapter 407 Ice Palace
The room was bloody, and it was shocking to look at, which made people's hearts rise immediately.

Zhou Suyi took a deep breath, looked around and listened to all directions, and walked in without feeling any danger.

For her, she doesn't like the little bit of fright like a horror movie.

For example, when opening a door, it can be opened at once, but if you insist on a little bit of nerve tension, it is simply sick.

Therefore, it is better to do things simply.

Seeing that Zhou Suyi went in directly, the others really admired her.

"I said Brother Yang, what's going on inside?" Fatty Wang asked nervously at the door, still holding a black donkey's hoof.

Zhou Suyi looked around, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief, "It's okay, this place should be just a slaughterhouse!"


Everyone was suspicious, but since Zhou Suyi said she was fine, they had nothing to be afraid of and walked in one after another.

I saw blood all over the surrounding walls, and the stone tables and wooden stakes in the middle were also bright red, with piles of fresh yak meat on them, and some bloody cowhide were still steaming, as if they had just come from Stripped from a cow.

A bull's head two or three times larger than an ordinary yak hangs upside down.

There is no skin on the cow's head, the eyes are wide open, the blood is dripping, the two nostrils are still breathing, most of the cow's tongue is sticking out, as if it is still alive, the nostrils are still steaming, making a muffled sound .

"This is, do you want to die with peace?" Fatty Wang avoided it with a look of fear.

Uncle Ming and Ah Xiang were too frightened to approach.

Hu Bayao: "Don't be nervous, this is a normal phenomenon. Animals will maintain their physical activity for a period of time after death, but they are not completely dead. The moment of illusion here should be just in time for this cow to be killed. , that’s why it will always be in this state!”

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, this thing was simply too unbelievable.

Especially Uncle Ming and Ah Xiang, the two of them felt that they had seen the New World, and they really opened their eyes with a knife.

Just now, I still didn't believe the delusion of what Zhou Suyi said, but now looking at this dying bull's head, everything makes sense.

Since there was no danger, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but they still felt a little awkward in their hearts.

"This is really amazing. Where did this snake god jump out from? It's so awesome."

"Fortunately, this snake god is dead, otherwise, if he lives until now, human civilization may suffer from it."

"Blue Star has a history of billions of years, and some weird things have been born. I think it's normal. It's not normal if it doesn't exist."

"Nonsense, the prehistoric blue star is simply not suitable for the survival of humans and various animals, what a hair."

"Hehe, who stipulated that the survival of organisms must rely on oxygen and a suitable temperature, maybe they don't apply to this condition at all?"


Netizens were amazed when they saw the miraculous ability to transform scenes.

Being able to transform a city with abilities is an extremely appalling thing in itself.

Hu Bayi asked everyone to rest where they were, and wait until dawn tomorrow before proceeding.

But despite saying that, in fact, the interior of this evil Luohai City has always maintained a state.

The sky outside has already darkened, but the interior of Eluohai City has always maintained a state of dusk, which is extremely weird.

There was nothing wrong with this night, the timeline skipped directly.

When they woke up the next day, everyone's spirits and spirits had recovered a lot. They ate beef yesterday, which really replenished their physical strength.

After everyone finished repairing, they set off again.

The more you go inside the ancient city, the more caves there are, and the scale is getting bigger and bigger.

At the end of the underground of Nest City, there are two large stone gates that are concealed. There are two door openings on the left and right sides of the passage. Two gemstones, one blue and one white, are respectively embedded in the door openings. Use a flashlight to shine inside. Inside the cave, it is tens of square meters square, with a high dome and a stone ghost head statue in the depths.

The ghost head was ugly and ferocious, with a row of seven-star ladybugs engraved on its lower jaw, and faint butter lamps were burning in the four corners.

On the ground in the middle, there are two steamed sacrifices of black cattle and white horses lined up side by side, and the things in the doorway on the other side are similar.

After comparing Uncle Ming's scriptures, Hu Bayao said: "This should be the Ice Palace and Fire Palace marked in the scriptures, both of which are used for sacrifices. Behind the stone gate, there should be an altar."

Zhou Suyi was afraid of traps, so she took the initiative to push open the stone door at the end, and immediately felt a chill as soon as she entered.

This is a jeweled temple, but although there are many lights in the temple, it is very dim, and the hall is deep, so it is difficult to see the situation inside.

"It's so cold, it won't be haunted here!" Fatty Wang said.

"Fat boy, you can't talk, can you stop talking nonsense, don't you know that talking nonsense is very taboo in this kind of place?" Uncle Ming wanted to strangle Fatty Wang to death.

This guy's mouth has no gate.

Zhou Suyi also glared at this guy, really afraid that this unlucky bastard's crow's mouth skill would be triggered again.

Ah Xiang also had a look of resentment.

She was timid at first, but she was even more frightened when Fatty Wang said that.

Seeing that everyone was staring at him, Fatty Wang laughed a few times and didn't want to say much. He was afraid of causing public anger, so he hurriedly changed the subject, "I said, old Hu, that's not right, this should be the core area of ​​the Demon Kingdom, but why? Is there no such thing as a palace?"

Since Eluohai City is so similar to Jingjue Kingdom, there should be an underground palace.

Zhou Suyi is very clear about this point, because these are recorded in the poems that Ake taught him.

Zhou Suyi has recited it so many times, and now it is almost a word of mouth.

"As the main city of the Demon Kingdom, Eluohai City has a political system completely different from other countries. The Demon Kingdom has no king in the past, and is directly ruled by the main god they enshrine, the "Snake God's Remains". All major decisions are made by the middle school. Priests obtained it through divination after offering sacrifices to the bones of the snake god. In that ancient era, divination was a very serious and important event that could not be held lightly, and it was held at intervals of several years, or even more than ten years."

"Miss Yang is still reliable, she knows everything, Ah Xiang, you have to learn from Miss Yang in the future!" Uncle Ming began to flatter Zhou Suyi.

Obviously, I still feel that following Zhou Suyi is more reliable.

Zhou Suyi ignored him, looked around, and frowned again.

On the walls around the main hall, a lot of human skin was stretched. There were many patterns on these human skins, which seemed to record some important things.

Everyone walked over curiously.

"Grandma, this demon country is cruel enough to paint with human skin, it's too cruel!" Fatty Wang said!
"What's all this painting on it?"

"It should be all the important events recorded in the Demon Kingdom!" Hu Bayi stared at the human skin pictures. The paintings on them are very simple, but they can also clearly and straightforwardly understand the content of the records.


My father just passed away, and I have just been busy these few days, so I will gradually restore and update.

(End of this chapter)

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