Chapter 408
Everyone stared at the paintings on the human skin pictures, and their expressions were extremely serious.

For them, these are too cruel.

Not to mention that these are all drawn directly on human skin, just to say that these pictures are really cruel.

Zhou Suyi recalled the poems that Ake taught her, which contained many records about the Demon Kingdom.

"In the values ​​​​of the Demon Kingdom, the bone of the snake god is the highest god, second only to this evil god is the cave where his bones are buried, and the third is the "Jingjian Aghan" with a black naked eye on the top of his head .”

"See Ah Han? You mean, the strange snake we met in Jingjue Kingdom?" Fatty Wang asked.

Thinking of that strange snake with a tumor on its head, I still feel my scalp numb.

That thing is not like a creature on the blue star, it looks very weird.

Zhou Suyi nodded.

Hu Bayao: "From this point of view, there should be some kind of connection between this demon country and Jingjue country, and, from the point of view of time, this demon country should have existed first, perhaps, Muchen Bead should have been there in the first place." It was stored in the Demon Kingdom, but it was later spread to the Jingjue Kingdom for some reason and was acquired by the Jingjue Queen!"

Speaking of this, Hu Bayi was a little excited.

If that's the case, they're probably on the right track this time.

Only in E Luohai City can the power of Muchen Bead be activated and the curse on them be lifted.

"Oh, don't bother Ms. Yang, let her continue talking!" Uncle Ming listened with gusto, and immediately became a little unwilling to be disturbed by the two of them.

The two ignored him.

Zhou Suyi continued to explain what she knew, and at the same time secretly rejoiced in her heart.

Fortunately, I didn't steal and play tricks at that time, so I wrote down all those poems, otherwise after I got here, my eyes would be darkened when I saw these things, and I wouldn't know anything.

"The religion of the Demon Kingdom believes that each generation of ghost mothers is reincarnated, and they can never show their faces to others, and they must always cover their faces, because their eyes are the sixth eye that can rival the "Buddha's eyes." Eyes". Buddha eyes are boundless, demon eyes are boundless, and not every generation of ghost mothers can have such demon pupils."

"Their burial customs are also very strange. Only the chief priest is eligible to be buried in the nine-story demon building. And the first ghost mother, Nianji Heiyan, who is regarded as the daughter of the evil god, has been buried in the demon of Longding Glacier. It's in the tower. The glacier crystal corpse we saw before should be!"

Thinking of the crystal corpse before, Uncle Ming felt a pain in his flesh.

That was his goal this time, but now that he has lost his wife and lost his army, this term is simply invented for him.

But in the end, Mao didn't get it.

Everyone searched again, and found some content on those human skins. It was a picture of the devil's country offering sacrifices to the bones of the snake god, and the picture was a bit cruel.

Countless people were sacrificed to the bones of the snake god. Those people seemed to have been drained of blood, and their remaining corpses would be eaten by those loyal believers.

This scene is really unacceptable.

Zhou Suyi felt extremely uncomfortable with these pictures.

Is this fucking something a human can do?
Just don't be cruel.

Fatty Wang also yelled, "His grandma, I said, the people in this demon country are all perverts, people cannibalize, what do they think, they are his mother's beasts, and they won't do such a thing of cutting off children and grandchildren, no wonder This demon country is extinct, and such evil snobbery, if it is not destroyed, it is simply unacceptable."

Hu Bayao: "It seems that there really is the bone of the snake god here, but looking at the depiction in the picture, it seems that the bone of the snake god does not exist in this world, it seems to exist in another space, only through sacrifices, Only then can the access to that space be opened!"

"Is it the imaginary number space of the evil sect again?" Fatty Wang said.

Hu Ba nodded.

Zhou Suyi suddenly thought of her eyes again.

The remaining eyes of the snake god.

Not only can you see things in the dark, but there is also a certain chance to open the imaginary space.

So are the eyes still needed here?

Zhou Suyi thought it was very possible.

Everyone continued to move forward and came to the back of the main hall, where there was a huge stone gate.

Everyone came to the stone gate.

Fatty Wang was about to go forward to push the door, but before he touched the stone door, he was so scared that he screamed and ran back.

"Fatty, what a fool, what a surprise!" Hu Bayi said angrily.

"Fat boy, what kind of plane are you flying? Everyone's nerves are tense. Don't you know that people can scare people to death?" Uncle Ming also looked dissatisfied.

Among the three of them, Hu Bayi, Fatty Wang was the one he looked down on the most.

Fatty Wang was not in the mood to argue with him, he swallowed and said, "Grandma, Old Hu, Brother Yang, I think the people in this demon kingdom have probably turned into lizardmen. I was about to open the door just now, and I heard You can hear the sound of walking inside, if you don’t believe me, just listen to it yourself!”

"Fat boy, stop talking nonsense, there is no one else here besides us." Uncle Ming said!

"Fuck, if you don't believe me, go and listen for yourself. Fatty, I'm a dog if I lie to you!"

Now, Uncle Ming didn't dare to refute, but subconsciously moved away from Shimen.

As for Zhou Suyi, her expression changed a long time ago.

She has the blood of a unicorn and has a keen sense of perception. As soon as she arrived near the stone gate, she heard footsteps inside the stone gate.

Drumming, as if countless people were walking together.

The voice was muffled, and it sounded like there were quite a few people.

"The fat man didn't lie, there were indeed footsteps inside." Zhou Suyi said.

Hearing Zhou Suyi's words, everyone's expressions became serious instantly.

Obviously, Zhou Suyi is still very convincing in their hearts.

For a moment, everyone was a little nervous.

People who were watching the live broadcast outside were also anxious, and Professor Zhang was even more nervous.

In the past few days, they have gone to the place where the sinful Balu was detained.

It has been developed into a scenic spot, and no one pays attention to whether there is something hidden in some places.

However, when they opened the wall, they really found the hidden room and the gate where Ba Lu was imprisoned.

At that time, all the tourists were dispersed immediately, and the stone gate was opened only after full preparation.

The moment the stone door was opened, three sin-eating Baloos rushed out.

However, fortunately, Zhou Suyi and the others were exploring the way in the game, so they were well prepared.

As soon as the three sin-eating baloos came out, they were covered by a large net, followed by densely packed anesthesia needles, and then the three sin-eating baloos were secretly taken away for research.

Many people know about this matter, but Professor Zhang knows it.

Therefore, he was very excited.

Watching Zhou Suyi and the others go deeper step by step, Professor Zhang knew that his chance to make a name in the archaeological field had really come.

This time, the game still did not disappoint them.


(End of this chapter)

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