Chapter 409 The Road to the Demon Kingdom

The dull sound of footsteps made one's scalp tingle, and the closer they got to the stone gate, the more real they could be heard.

It seemed that every sound hit the heart, causing the heart to beat violently.

"Get out of the way, I'll open the door!"

At this time, Zhou Suyi could only bite the bullet, after all, he was the player, the real participant in the game.

At this moment, you have to handle it yourself.

The others didn't talk nonsense, after all, Zhou Suyi's ability was obvious to all.

Zhou Suyi stepped forward, took a deep breath and pushed the stone door hard.


The heavy stone door was opened by Zhou Suyi little by little.

The moment the door opened, the sound of dull footsteps became clearer.

Zhou Suyi also raised her vigilance, her eyes fixed on the world behind the crack of the door, and if there was any trouble, she could immediately deal with it as quickly as possible.

After looking around, Zhou Suyi was relieved to find no danger.

This is a passage, there are many crystal clear ores reflecting the light, and it can be seen from a long distance, but there is no one.

Seeing that there was no danger, the others breathed a sigh of relief, but they didn't even open their brows. Obviously, the sound of thud coming from nowhere still made people feel extremely uncertain.

Zhou Suyi led the way, and everyone followed into this passage.

The passage was very rough and winding, not for people, but for reptiles like snakes.

Moreover, that voice has been appearing intermittently.

After entering the stone gate, the footsteps became more dull, like the sound of thunder, a little muffled, like a giant walking around non-stop.

Every step I take, will make people feel inexplicable in their hearts.

"Grandma's, it's too fucking tormenting. If you have something, don't pretend to be a fool. If you have the ability, come out and fight Fatty!" Fatty Wang couldn't stand it anymore.

Ah Xiang was even more frightened and shivered, holding on to Uncle Ming's clothes.

As for Uncle Ming, he couldn't protect himself, if he didn't care about the difference between men and women, he would have gone up and hugged Zhou Suyi's thigh and left.

Rao Zhou Suyi herself felt that although she had experienced all kinds of storms and strange things, the more she didn't know what it was, the more tormenting people's nerves, making people feel extraordinarily uncertain.

It was the same for everyone else, their nerves were tense all the time, and they never dared to relax for a moment.

Finally, after walking for a while, I saw that the tunnel in front of me turned white, which looked extremely pale, which made me feel even more uncertain.

"This, this passage, why does it look so familiar?" Fatty Wang looked at the white passage in front of him with doubts on his face.

Hu Bayi frowned, and he recognized it, "This should be the passage to the real demon kingdom recorded on those human skins!"

"Everyone be careful!" Zhou Suyi quickly reminded.

Usually at this time, the game must do something.

If you haven't done anything for so long, then this game will look too abnormal.

After being reminded by Zhou Suyi, everyone became more nervous.

Suddenly, a shadow appeared in front of them, rushing towards them.

That thing still has a fishy smell, which makes people tense.

"Be careful!" Zhou Suyi hurriedly reminded, and at the same time, the black gold ancient knife behind her was quickly pulled out, and chopped down with a swish.

A strange snake with a tumor on its head fell to the ground, and its body had been split in two.

"Damn it. It's these strange snakes again!" Fatty Wang cursed.


When Axiang saw the strange snake, she screamed in fright.

With the appearance of this snake, more black snakes appeared later.

"not good!"

Hu Bayi took out his engineering shovel and began to defend. Fatty Wang took a shotgun, aiming one shot at a time, and headshot with precision.

Although the marksmanship in the first grade of junior high school was not as accurate as that of Fatty Wang, he did not flinch.

Only Ah Xiang and Uncle Ming hid behind.

They are not busy at all with this kind of thing.

For a while, the passageway became chaotic.

Zhou Suyi stood at the front, waving the black gold in her hand so impenetrably, almost most of the strange snakes died under her knife, there was a layer of snake corpses on the ground.

Only a handful of strange snakes penetrated through Zhou Suyi's line of defense and came to the back.

But Hu Bayi and the others were still behind, so there was no pressure.

"Sister Zhou is really fierce, and I feel that her strength is getting stronger and stronger."

"I think it's a bit redundant to fight like this, let's just let the blood out."

"Hahaha, that's right, bloodletting, once the Qilin's blood comes out, who will fight for the front?"

"I still like this fighting scene, it's exciting and satisfying, and it's not difficult to do it directly with unicorn blood."


Seeing this intense and tense scene, netizens couldn't help but feel their blood boil, wishing they could make a move immediately and show off their strengths.

However, reason still defeated impulse, just their proficiency.

It is estimated that one back and forth, at least covered with snakes.

So, there are some things to think about.

The strange snake struck a few times, but it couldn't break through the defenses of several people at all. After a while, the ground in front was covered with a layer of blood-stained snake corpses.

This is also because the space is small, Zhou Suyi can block the passage by herself, otherwise, if it is in an open place outside, Zhou Suyi can't cover everything.

Soon, the battle is over.

Those strange snakes seemed to know how powerful they were, and they stopped coming outside, so Zhou Suyi and the others stopped.

Seeing that the group of snakes stopped attacking, Fatty Wang immediately started blowing.

"Grandma, even a few little snakes dare to come out to fight with your fat man. It's like lighting a lantern in the toilet, looking for death. I don't even need to shoot you, fat man, just easily crush you!"

"Fat boy, why are you so embarrassed? If Miss Yang hadn't been at the front, you would have fed you to the snake!" Uncle Ming said unceremoniously.

The two quarreled again.

Zhou Suyi was really too lazy to listen to the two of them bickering, "Okay, stop arguing, be careful, let's continue!"

Everyone continued to move forward, and found an inclined shaft. There were strange symbols beside the inclined shaft. Looking inside, there was a vast expanse of whiteness, and there were steps leading to the bottom.

The steps were so worn that they were almost a slope.

"Why is there a well here?" Fatty Wang asked!

Zhou Suyi said: "This should be the place where human beings are used to sacrifice in the human skin painting. Those slaves should be sacrificed by walking down the mouth of the well!"

"Good guy, this step is almost worn out, how many people have died in it!"

They were all shocked, unable to imagine how cruel the scene was here.


Suddenly, everyone saw a black shadow flashing past under the inclined shaft.

Everyone's hearts that had just been let go were instantly raised.


(End of this chapter)

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