Chapter 410 The Change of Muchen Bead
When everyone came to the well, they thought of the cruel pictures in the human skin painting, which was enough to make people feel chills.

And the shadow that flashed past suddenly, undoubtedly made things worse, making people feel even more uncertain.

"Fuck, did you see it?" Fatty Wang's eyes widened immediately.

Everyone's face turned ugly.

Hu Bayi also sighed, "It seems that there is a figure!"

"What the hell, what's the matter? I just came in and met a zongzi?" Fatty Wang immediately took out the black donkey's hoof.

Uncle Ming is holding the fake hair mound, and really regards this thing as a treasure that can ward off evil spirits.

Fatty Wang almost couldn't laugh when he saw him holding the fake hair Qiuyin like a baby.

Others were also nervous.

After all, most of the three of them had never seen zongzi before, and such supernatural things would always bring strong uneasiness to people.

Zhou Suyi frowned.

The black shadow just disappeared in a flash, and even he didn't see clearly what it was.


At this moment, a terrified cry pierced the night sky, instantly causing everyone's tense nerves to become tense again.

Everyone turned their heads suddenly, and saw Uncle Ming pulling Ah Xiang back quickly, and at the same time took out a pistol and pointed it at Hu Bayi.

"Fuck, what are you doing, you old bastard?" Fatty Wang yelled, and at the same time he pointed his gun at Uncle Ming.

Zhou Suyi also frowned, staring at Uncle Ming.

I don't know what kind of nonsense Uncle Ming is trying to do at this moment.

"Uncle Ming, what are you doing?" Zhou Suyi stepped forward with a knife, giving Uncle Ming a great sense of oppression.

She couldn't figure it out.

If it was going to be black and black, it would be just whimsical for the two of them to deal with so many of them.

It's not black eating black, what could it be?
Could it be that the other party was possessed by a ghost?

Was that black shadow just now a ghost?

But it doesn't look right on closer inspection.

If she was really possessed by a ghost, how could she still protect Ah Xiang?
Looking at Ah Xiang again, Zhou Suyi noticed something was wrong.

Ah Xiang hid behind Uncle Ming with a terrified expression on her face, peeking at Hu Bayi's direction from time to time, as if there was something frightening her there.

Zhou Suyi glanced at Hu Bayi, but found nothing unusual.

I can't help but feel even weirder in my heart.

Hu Bayi also had a puzzled look on his face, he took a step forward to clarify the matter, but when he moved, Uncle Ming became even more excited.

"Don't come here, don't come here, I'll shoot if you come here again. have something lying on your back."

As soon as he said this, Zhou Suyi noticed that Hu Bayi's hair almost stood on end.

Obviously, these words scared Hu Bayi enough.

Fatty Wang also hurriedly turned his head to look, but he was relieved when he saw nothing.

"Fuck your grandma, you old bastard is talking nonsense here, believe it or not, Fatty, I'll kill you with one shot!" Fatty Wang scolded.

Hu Bayi was still calm, and signaled Fatty Wang not to get excited.

He looked at Ah Xiang's terrified appearance, and immediately understood something.

Zhou Suyi whispered: "It should be what Ah Xiang and Uncle Ming said."

Hu Bayi frowned, "I have no grievances with her, she can't frame me. Could it be because I didn't agree to marry her? But Ah Xiang seems to have a good personality, so she shouldn't frame me, could it be true? What did you see?"

Zhou Suyi frowned tightly, and was about to bite her fingertips, so let's see the situation with a drop of blood first.

Hu Bayao: "Uncle Ming, don't get excited, what's going on, you tell it, let's discuss it together!"

Uncle Ming's hands trembled, obviously nervous.

He probably also knew that if Hu Bayi was really shot and killed, then they must also die.

However, now that I don't hold a gun, I feel that I have no idea.

"Brother Hu, you and I have a good friendship. I think you have a bright future, so I intend to betroth Axiang to you. But you really have a problem now, and Axiang's eyes can't be wrong."


Hu Bayi swallowed, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

He knew in his heart that under such circumstances, Uncle Ming might really shoot if he didn't get it right.

This villainous Luohai city is far beyond human common sense and imagination, anything can happen, and after the death of Uncle Ming's wife, bodyguard, and Ma Zai, he has become a bird of fright.

For his own safety, he absolutely dared to shoot.

"Ah Xiang, what's going on, what did you see?" Zhou Suyi said as softly as possible.

Ah Xiang still admired Zhou Suyi very much in her heart, and when she heard her asking, she opened her mouth timidly.

"Brother Hu, I'm very scared. I did see something black on your back just now, but I couldn't make out what it was. It seemed like a black vortex."

"Black vortex!"

Hearing this, Zhou Suyi and Fatty Wang were taken aback at the same time, probably thinking of the curse behind them at the same time.

That is a black swirl-like eyeball pattern.

Zhou Suyi thought to herself, is the curse so hard to be a living thing?
Hu Bayi hurriedly pointed to the cursed position on his back and said, "Ah Xiang, is this here?"

Zhou Suyi watched nervously, but saw Ah Xiang shook her head, "No, it's in your backpack, and it's still there now."

"In the backpack!"

Hu Bayi hurriedly took off the backpack for inspection, and soon took out a bead from it, which was Muchen Bead.

"that's it!"

When she saw Muchen Bead, Ah Xiang became excited immediately.

Zhou Suyi and the others all looked at Muchen Bead, and found that the layer of jade on its surface was gradually melting and disappearing, revealing the beads inside. Inside the beads, it was really like a vortex spinning slowly.

Fatty Wang's eyes widened, "Fuck me, what's going on, why did the bead look like this?"

Zhou Suyi thought about it carefully and said: "It should be the ability to transform the environment here, which activated this much dust bead and made this much dust bead react."

Hu Bayi also said: "It seems that this well should be close to the real sacrificial place, and a certain power of the sacrificial place is more intense, which is why this much dust bead was aroused."

Uncle Ming heard what they said, looked at the bead, and knew that there might be a misunderstanding.

"Brother Hu, I didn't mean it either. We are still a family. Let's put down our weapons. Don't hurt your peace. When Ah Xiang marries you, we will be even closer!" He made an excuse and put the gun down.

"Who the hell is a family with you!"

Fatty Wang was not polite, he went up and down and confiscated Uncle Ming's gun. At the same time, he was groping for Uncle Ming's body, and even took off Uncle Ming's gold watch.

Uncle Ming could only be dumb and couldn't tell if he was suffering from eating Coptis chinensis, so he just admitted it.


(End of this chapter)

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