Chapter 411 Unreliable Fatty Wang

Things are clear, false alarm.

Fatty Wang took the opportunity to unload Uncle Ming's weapon, and at the same time he didn't forget to take the opportunity to grab some.

Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi didn't care about that, they were all staring at the much-changed pearl.

"It's itchy, Fatty, help me see why my neck is so itchy!" Uncle Ming kept scratching his neck, as if it was very itchy.

Ah Xiang also scratched her neck intentionally or unintentionally.

"Why are there so many things!" Fatty Wang said angrily.

But I just picked up his gold watch, and I was too embarrassed to refuse such a small request, so I could only go over and scratch it for Uncle Ming.

However, his face immediately changed upon seeing this.

"Old Hu, Brother Yang, come and see!" Fatty's voice was a bit wrong.

Zhou Suyi walked over immediately, and her face changed after seeing it.

"What's the matter, why do you all have such expressions?" Seeing their weird expressions, Uncle Ming immediately became anxious.

Zhou Suyi didn't answer, and immediately walked behind Ah Xiang to look, there was a red mark under Ah Xiang's neck.

Only then did Zhou Suyi say: "I'm afraid we were all deceived by our own eyes. Maybe this place is not Eluo Haicheng, but a ghost cave!"

"Ghost cave? What do you mean?" Uncle Ming asked hurriedly.

Zhou Suyi then talked about being cursed after entering the Invincible Ghost Cave.

After hearing this, Uncle Ming and Ah Xiang's expressions changed again and again.

However, Uncle Ming was an old man after all, and when he heard that Zhou Suyi and the others were here to solve the curse, he immediately had hope again.

"This time we are regarded as grasshoppers tied to a rope. We can't leave us, and we can't escape you. We can't separate them. How do you sing in I boil eggs for my relatives? Oh, yes, this It's not a family, it's better than a family, guess what, it's like this..."

Uncle Ming sang while talking.

The crowd was speechless.

Zhou Suyi waved her hand, "Okay, stop singing, we should go down!"

"Go down, go down? Miss Yang, let's go down like this. This is a place for sacrifices, a place where slaves go down. If we go down, nothing will happen, right?" Uncle Ming was still a little scared.

After all, the scenes seen in those human skin paintings before, those who were thrown down did not end well.

Zhou Suyi said: "There is no way, we can only go down!"

She didn't say much, and just walked ahead.

When the others looked at Zhou Suyi's back, they were all in admiration for a while, and it's really not enough to refuse to accept this courage.

Just seeing a black shadow below, he dared to go straight down, and they really didn't dare.

But since Zhou Suyi went down, they could only follow immediately.

Zhou Suyi herself panicked.

But now seeing that the end of the game is approaching, I don't want to procrastinate any longer.

Whenever this moment, the heart is full of excitement and anticipation.

"The last moment is coming, looking forward to ing..."

"I feel that the difficulty of this game is much lower than the previous two."

"That's because the previous foundation was laid well, without Qilin's blood, without that experience, you can try again."

"That's right, the groundwork is almost done, and the strength has improved a lot."

"I feel that the last level is definitely not easy!"


Netizens can also see that with Zhou Suyi's continuous progress, this game is coming to an end, and it won't take long, as long as Zhou Suyi successfully clears the level, it will be completely over.

For a while, netizens were also a little bit reluctant, and didn't know if there was another game for this game.

After all, if this level is passed, the curse on the trio will be lifted, and there will be no need to continue to rob the tomb.

At the same time, the shooting of the Longling Miku movie outside has also come to an end.

For a time, it was highly anticipated again.

As for masturbation ah masturbation, needless to say, it has become popular all over the Internet.

Almost any Internet cafe you walk into is a picture of the alliance, everyone is working hard and fighting hard, and Le Chi is incomparable in the effort to score.

According to this trend, it is absolutely no problem to be popular for a few years.


Zhou Suyi walked down the steps, but the steps became steeper as she reached the bottom, and the steps were almost smoothed, turning into a smooth slope.

Zhou Suyi could only use the black gold ancient knife to control the speed so as not to slide down directly.

She hurriedly reminded the people behind, and the people behind also hurriedly figured out their own ways, so as not to let the speed go too fast.

Finally, after going through a steep slope, the steps finally became gentle.

When she reached the entrance of the cave, Zhou Suyi hurriedly stopped, and there was already a cliff in front of her.

The people behind stopped one after another, but Fatty Wang was too big and had too much impact.

Before everyone could react, there was a bang, and everyone was knocked down.

"Fuck me, Fatty Wang, your uncle!"

Zhou Su Yifei cursed in the air.

He really thought of all kinds of dangers, but Fatty Wang is the most dangerous guy when he forgets about safety.

I don't know how long it took to fly in the sky, and then there was a bang, and Zhou Suyi lost consciousness.

【game over】

Seeing this reminder, Zhou Suyi really had the urge to kill.

The road was so smooth, and there was nothing wrong with encountering various dangers, but it was hard to be overwhelmed by such a trivial matter.

"Fatty Wang, this guy!"

Zhou Suyi gritted her teeth, wishing she could eat Zhou Suyi alive.

Netizens are also dumbfounded.

"Hahaha, I laughed so hard, this is fine."

"Sure enough, Fatty Wang is the most dangerous unstable factor."

"Hahaha, I haven't failed for so long, I almost forgot that this is a game, and just watched it as a movie."

"Really, the texture of this picture is not inferior to the movie at all. If it doesn't fail frequently, it is really the same as the movie."


Netizens also burst out laughing, Fatty Wang is really unreliable.

Zhou Suyi entered the game again.

When she saw Fatty Wang, Zhou Suyi wanted to go up and give this guy a big blow.

When Fatty Wang saw Zhou Suyi's eyes, he panicked.

After all, this is not the first time I saw this look, and I felt a little scared, "What's the situation, why is Brother Yang looking at me like this again, no, no, I will restrain myself later!"

Fatty Wang warned himself in his heart, and at the same time subconsciously covered his face in case something happened to his face.

"Okay, let's go down!" Zhou Suyi didn't bother to smear too much ink, so she walked down directly after speaking.

Others can only keep up.

When it got down, Zhou Suyi directly inserted the ancient black gold knife into the ground as a buffer.

If this can still be knocked down by Fatty Wang, then she will admit it.


(End of this chapter)

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