Chapter 412
Fatty Wang slid down the slope, the speed was getting faster and faster, and with his huge size, the impact was astonishing.

"Stop, stop, stop!"

When Uncle Ming and the others saw Fatty Wang sliding down quickly, they were all panicked and yelled in panic.

"Grass, get out of the way, you can't stop!"

But how could Fatty Wang control his own speed?


The next moment, Fatty Wang still bumped into it.

Fortunately, Zhou Suyi was well prepared and stuck a black gold ancient knife into the ground, stopping everyone.

"Fatty, you're going to kill us." Uncle Ming wished he could strangle Fatty Wang to death.

"Whatever you say, isn't it all right?" Fatty Wang insisted.

Hu Bayi also said: "Fatty, you really should lose weight!"

"Hey, Lao Hu, these fat people have been with me for so long and have feelings for them. Are you the unfeeling person, fat man?"

Zhou Suyi rolled her eyes.

Seeing that Fatty Wang almost aroused public anger again, he hurriedly changed the subject.

"I said, how many people have died here? The steps are almost turning into slides. I can't blame Fatty at all!" Fatty Wang said depressedly!
Everyone didn't bother to pay attention to him.

Zhou Suyi looked ahead and observed the situation here.

This is an astonishingly large crystal mine. On the dome that is tens of meters high, water drops seep from time to time, as if the lake is hanging above the head.

Crystal stone veins criss-cross, and the top of the head is full of transparent crystal stones, as if there are steel guns stuck on it.

Standing below, there is tremendous pressure, as if there is a feeling of being pointed at by countless steel guns, and even staring at it for a long time, there is a feeling that those crystal stones are about to fall.

Under the light of the flashlight, as long as a person moves below, there will be countless shadows swaying on it, as if entering a labyrinth of mirrors hanging upside down. dizzy.

Looking forward, it is also a vast expanse of whiteness, as if clouds are floating in mid-air, which feels very magical.

Clouds and mist divide the cave into two parts from the middle, and cut it into two layers. The lower part is like a lake formed by white clouds.

A topaz-like mountain emerges from this sea of ​​clouds. The platform at the entrance is connected to the top of the jade mountain by a stone path in the air.

It was a half-fossil, half-plant-like thick vine, which had been repaired into a section of sky beam for passage. It looked extremely spectacular and magical, as if it was really a fairy bridge on top of colorful clouds.

The evil Luohai people back then really had a lot of brains, and they probably used everything they could use.

Netizens were also quite shocked to see the underground scenery.

"Good guy, I call him good guy, this is too beautiful."

"Why do you spend money on travel? It's not too sweet to watch this kind of natural wonder in the game."

"This game is really strong, such scenery can be rendered, yyds."

"It is estimated that there will not be any games that can surpass this in decades."

"I know why Director Zhang didn't make these movies anymore. I guess there is no way to restore the scene here."


Netizens were stunned.

I have seen all kinds of beautiful scenery before, but after arriving here, I still can't help but marvel at the magic of nature.

Who would have thought that such a miraculous scene would exist deep underground.

"The front should be the destination!" Fatty Wang was eager to try, thinking that this last place should at least have some funerary objects.

As he said that, he was about to step forward, but Zhou Suyi hurriedly stopped him.

"Fatty, follow behind, don't make trouble for me!" Zhou Suyi directly threatened.

After all, just now I really wanted to slap this guy with two big pussies.

Fatty Wang subconsciously covered his face, saw Zhou Suyi's eyes, and nodded hurriedly, "Hey, brother Yang, don't worry, I, Fatty Wang, do things, don't you know, that's just one word, steady force!"

Zhou Suyi rolled her eyes, where did you get your confidence?

Zhou Suyi didn't bother to pay attention to him, and took a step forward to test the firmness of the road, but there was no problem, so she collapsed directly.

Standing on the top and looking down, stepping on the clouds, as if walking in a heavenly palace, you can't see the terrain below at all.

"It's okay, it's safe, you can come up!" Zhou Suyi said!

After hearing what Zhou Suyi said, the others followed suit.

This time, even Ah Xiang felt strange.

At this moment, it was as if everyone had attained the Tao and became immortals together, directly ascending to the immortal world, as long as they stepped across this bridge, they would enter another world.

"Hey, you said that this evil Luohai man really knows how to play. This small place is really good. Hey, fat man, if there is such a day, I will come here and lie down in it. It can be regarded as buried in Fengshui. It's a treasure, isn't it!"

"Fatty, don't talk nonsense!" Hu Bayi said angrily!

"Fat boy, can you stop talking nonsense!" Uncle Ming was also speechless.

If it wasn't that he couldn't beat Fatty Wang, he really wanted to go up and beat him up.

The terrain here is a very neat semicircle, with a line of banner clouds fluttering on the top, giving people a sense of mystery in the midst of emptiness.

In the crystal veins on the top of the head, from time to time, there are bright lights like will-o'-the-wisps flickering, appearing and disappearing suddenly, making it even more mysterious, and no one knows where the light comes from.

Either generated out of thin air, or occasionally reflected by the light of a flashlight.

In short, the scenery is magical, but it makes people feel uncertain.

On the light yellow mountain in front, there seems to be an old face in the darker part, and the geological structure of the stone peak can't be seen at close range, it looks like jade and fossil.

Occasionally, everyone can still hear the crisp sound of running water in the depths.

The farther you go forward, the less at ease everyone will feel.

Looking back, I can no longer see everything behind, as if I am really living in the clouds at this moment.

Fatty Wang felt his legs trembling even more. He was already afraid of heights, but after losing the excitement, he suddenly felt terrified and didn't dare to look down.

Every time you look at it, you will feel dizzy, as if you are about to fall.

"I said, why am I so uneasy in my heart?"

"Fat boy, can you stop talking?" Uncle Ming said dissatisfied!

Hu Bayi also said: "I think so too, Fatty, you'd better not talk, everyone can feel at ease!"

Fatty Wang ignored them and said: "Before, there were footsteps in the passage, but now the footsteps are gone. Tell me, will there be something following up!"

Everyone rolled their eyes in unison, probably thinking in their hearts, you really don't know which pot to open and which pot to lift.

Everyone has almost forgotten about this matter, but it happened to be brought up again at this time.

We don’t know, it’s up to you to tell.

Zhou Suyi wanted to give this guy a kick. Isn't this disturbing the morale of the army?


(End of this chapter)

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