Chapter 413 One Flower One World
Everyone had almost forgotten about that incident, but now Fatty Wang brought it up again, leaving people speechless for a while.

Zhou Suyi thought about the content of the poem and said, "This should be Jilei Mountain!"

"Jilei Mountain? What are you talking about?" Everyone was puzzled.

Zhou Suyi said: "In the poems of the Demon Kingdom, Mount Jilei is a unique spirit among ores. I don't know the specific situation!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling a little more worried.

I really don't want to bother with this topic and move on.

Everyone came to the end of Tianliang.

It was a cave with very little space inside.

There are two pools on the ground, and hideous statues of ghosts are carved on the walls.

There are dozens of vigorous and simple white stone statues lined up on both sides.

They are slightly taller than ordinary people, and each of them is holding a stone that looks like a big bowl.

"This...isn't this the fucking human skin painting used to put eyes?" Fatty Wang said!
Everyone also frowned.

The pictures depicted on the human skin are all in line with reality, and they all happened in the past.

Now, they have found the source of the pattern on the human skin painting.

Zhou Suyi looked inside, it was empty, but there were no eyeballs.

There is an altar in the mountainside, and there are strange patterns carved around it.

There are humanoid grooves in the ground that look like outstretched limbs.

It appears to be a place of execution.

Too many people have been killed over the years, soaked in blood, the stone trough has turned dark red, it looks cruel.

It is conceivable how cruel things happened here back then.

How many people have their eyes gouged out here and then killed here.

The scene of blood flowing into a river seems to be visible as long as you close your eyes, which makes people feel an indescribable depression.

It seems that until today, there are still countless evil spirits and ghosts remaining here, roaring and roaring unwillingly!

Zhou Suyi and the others looked at the carvings on the surrounding stone walls, which were the rituals and steps of sacrificial offerings.

The more I watched, the more frightened and angry I became.

Although the composition of those ancient engraved patterns is simple, the psychological impact it brings is no less than that seen with one's own eyes.

Every stroke seems to be dripping blood.

Fatty Wang gritted his teeth, "My grandmother, these people have no conscience at all, they are all raised by their mothers, they can really do this kind of thing, if only I was born there. I will be the first Rebellion. His grandma, when the time comes, kill all these bastards and let them go through this cruel torture!"

The first day of the junior high school also clenched its fist silently, wishing that he could be reborn to the past to prevent all this from happening.

It's brutal, it's brutal.

"Bastards, they are simply a bunch of animals, and they are not worthy of being called people at all."

"The evil slavery society should never exist."

"If there is a hell, it will be the [-]th floor of hell, and none of them can offset the sins of these people."

"As human beings, how did they manage to do it? Did they really treat those slaves as animals?"

"It hurts to see!"


Such a cruel scene, even the netizens were filled with righteous indignation.

If those people are still alive, they probably want to play a game immediately, and then kill those people without leaving a single one.

The simple and simple characters in the murals can clearly distinguish the "sacrifice" and "priest".The whole process of offering sacrifices to the "snake bone" is done by two priests.

Dressed in different clothes and masks, they first fastened a slave to a wall and began peeling the skin off the top of the slave's head with sharp weapons.

Before the slave was completely dead, they put him on the execution stone in the ground and killed him in a stone trough.

Then a "priest" carried the dead offering into the place where there were two pools on the altar, which was the most important place for offering sacrifices to the snake bones.

No matter what kind of ceremony is held, the deceased and the "phoenix gall" must sink into the corresponding two pools at the same time.

This seems to be to maintain a certain balance of power.

Everyone is watching.

Zhou Suyi saw a crystal bowl and walked over.

That seems to be the only thing that stands out here.

Fatty Wang and Hu Bayi immediately followed.

"What is this thing for? It's not for blood, is it?"

Hu Bayi shook his head, "There is no blood, and there is crystal sand flowing inside. It seems to be a tool for timing. It seems that the sacrificial activities here must be completed within the specified time!"

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed.

Because the fine sand inside seems to have begun to flow.

Fatty Wang cursed, "Damn it, it starts counting as soon as it comes in? What will happen if you don't complete the sacrifice?"

Hu Bayi shook his head, "I don't know, but bad things will definitely happen. Perhaps, those spirits in Jilei Mountain will be released!"

Zhou Suyi also believed in this very much.

If the sacrifice is not completed within the specified time, I am afraid that danger will definitely occur, and the game will inevitably fail at that time.

When everyone heard this, their hearts sank.

"Looking at these patterns, as long as you put the phoenix gall and slaves into the pool, the sacrifice will be successful. Now that we have the Muchen Bead, it is logical that it will be successful, but I always feel that it is not that simple!" Zhou Suyi said!

During this sacrificial process, the most critical item is the Muchen Bead.

And Muchen Bead is in their hands now.

However, if it could be done so easily, Zhou Suyi felt that it was impossible.

When this game is not so easy, there must be some factors in it.

At this time, Fatty Wang said suddenly: "Wait, aren't we going to sacrifice the snake bones? But, where are the snake bones? Why didn't we see them?"

He looked around just now, but he didn't see the so-called snake bone.

"Perhaps, only when the sacrificial ceremony is started can the real snake bones be seen. The Eluohai people believe that the world is a cycle of life and death. After this world is destroyed, another world will be born, and the cycle will go on and on, and all worlds will become one," Snake "Bone" will also be resurrected in that world, and sacrifice their lives to enshrine it, hoping that the Eluohai people can survive in another world." Zhou Suyi said.

These are derived from those verses and psalms.

"So, if we really sacrifice, there will be a new world."

Fatty Wang shook his head after finishing speaking: "Nonsense? Isn't that? This is too outrageous. How can there be another world!"

Uncle Ming interjected: "It's not impossible. Buddhism has long said that there are three thousand small worlds, one flower, one world, one tree, one Bodhi. Perhaps, just like scientific research, this world may be real. There are Parallel worlds exist, but opening parallel worlds requires some special methods, and sacrificing snake bones is probably one of the ways to open the door!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, except for Zhou Suyi, these people had no understanding of the parallel world at all.

But Zhou Suyi felt that there was some truth.

After all, I have seen the Jingjue Queen in the imaginary number space before.

Although that space is not very large, it is indeed a small world independent of the big world.

Only those who have mastered the method can enter that world.

Therefore, it is said that there is another world here, and that another world can emerge through sacrifices. Zhou Suyi does not resist this statement!


(End of this chapter)

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