Chapter 414
Everyone researched and researched, but found nothing.

"According to the method above, a skinned person must be put in to achieve balance with Muchen Bead. Here we..." Fatty Wang glanced around, and finally his eyes fell on Uncle Ming.

There are so many people here, in his opinion, Uncle Ming is the perfect one to use as a sacrifice.

Seeing Fatty Wang's eyes, Ah Xiang burst into tears, hugged Zhou Suyi tightly and begged, "Sister Yang, please don't kill my godfather. Only godfather cares about me in this world, and I have nothing else to do." loved ones."

"Hey!" Zhou Suyi sighed.

Although it is in the game, but if she is really asked to skin and sacrifice Uncle Ming, it is really impossible to do so.

"Don't worry, we won't hurt your godfather!" Zhou Suyi comforted.

Fatty Wang leaned over and said in a low voice: "Brother Yang, you are not a gentleman if you are small, and you are not a husband if you are not poisonous. If you want to die, no one is more suitable than Lao Gangnong. Anyway, he asked for it himself. He said it 860 times no." Let him follow us, he wants to follow, plus he is much older than us, the curse of the ghost hole is that whoever is older will die first, so he is not much different from the dead now, we don't need to carry forward the spirit of revolutionary humanitarianism Now, according to Lao Hu’s words, that’s called sacrificing one’s life in hell for the sake of saving the world, and it’s come true, congratulations.”

"No, I can't do it anyway!" Zhou Suyi said.

She knew in her heart that as a game player, if she really did such a thing, she would definitely be wronged.

Moreover, for a game, she felt that it was impossible to set up such a cruel mechanism, so there must be other solutions.

At this moment, Uncle Ming came over with a determined expression on his face.

Uncle Ming stroked the top of Ah Xiang's head, and sighed: "Oh, this poor child, where's Brother Hu? I...I have something to say to him."

"Miss Yang, Fat Boy, I have something to say to Brother Hu, can you avoid it for a while?" Uncle Ming begged.

This time, even Fatty Wang nodded without saying anything.

Zhou Suyi sighed, and said to herself, is it so difficult for Uncle Ming to come to his senses suddenly at this time?

If Uncle Ming took the initiative to die as a sacrifice, then Zhou Suyi would not feel any pressure.

Seeing several people leave, Uncle Ming held Hu Bayi's hand tearfully.

"Actually, ever since I heard the name of Thunder Mountain, I've been prepared. This is God's will. Everything is God's will. Since no one dies, no one can leave alive... Then I will accept my fate..., But Axiang, I'm worried, you must promise me to take good care of her in the future."

As he spoke, he grabbed Ah Xiang's hand with difficulty, trying to let Hu Bayi hold her hand.

When Hu Bayi saw that Uncle Ming was a man who was about to die, his words were kind, and when a bird was about to die, his song was also sad, so he couldn't help but feel unbearable.

So he held Ah Xiang's hand and promised: "Don't worry about these things. Although I may not marry her, I will take care of her forever like my own sister. I will never give her anything I eat dry." Drink dilute."

There was a look of relief in Uncle Ming's eyes, and he wanted to hold Hu Bayi's other hand.

When parting from life and death, Hu Bayi didn't think too much, just wanted to reach out the other hand to hold him together.

In a trance, he saw a strange light that was hard to detect in Uncle Ming's eyes.

Hu Bayi suddenly thought of something, and suddenly yelled, "Fuck you girl, this scene is real enough, but it's almost too late to be fooled by Master Hu!"

Zhou Suyi and others in the distance didn't know what was going on.

Why did she act like an affectionate puppet just now, and suddenly start scolding her mother?

When he turned his head to look, he saw Uncle Ming snatch the Muchen Bead from Hu Bayi's hand.

Turning over and rolling away from the ground, Hu Bayi let go of Ah Xiang and rushed forward.

But don't look at Uncle Ming looking at the weak chicken, but he moves as nimbly as a monkey. He bounced up from the ground, stepped on the stone in front of the stone figure, and climbed onto the top of the stone figure with two rubs. , held up Muchen Bead and threatened loudly.

"Whoever dares to touch me, I'll throw the beads down. At worst, we will die together. You two fat boys, you two are bad guys. You are so clever that you want me, Lei Xianming, to die for you. It's just a dream. I haven't seen any scenes before. Not every time I live to the end, no one should fucking try to kill me."

"Fuck me!"

Zhou Suyi cursed, secretly thinking that Hu Bayi is so confused, he was really fooled by this old guy.

Grandma's is really hard to guard against.

Not only to watch out for monsters that may appear in the Jilei Mountain, but also to guard against Fatty Wang's troubles, and now even this Uncle Ming has to be wary.

Grandma, it's no wonder this guy has survived until now. His wife and Ma Zai are both dead. He is not dead yet, so he deliberately stayed at the end to deal them a fatal blow.

If Muchen Bead was thrown down, they would not be able to succeed this time.

If I had known this earlier, I shouldn't have softened my heart just now, and just killed this old guy.

"Old Hu, you are so confused!" Fatty Wang also ran over, quickly raised his gun and aimed at Uncle Ming.

"Do not impulse!"

Zhou Suyi hurriedly stopped Fatty Wang, if he shot down, even the much dust bead fell, all efforts would be in vain, and he would have to do it again.

Hu Bayi hurriedly said: "Why do you do this, old man? We are all grasshoppers tied to a rope, we can't leave me, and we can't fly you. I never planned to sacrifice anyone, there must be others Since you are in good health, I advise you to stop making troubles as soon as possible, come down quickly and let's discuss other methods."

But Uncle Ming didn't buy it at all.

"Ah bah! You bastards think you are smart, and you still want to lie to you, Uncle, even now. I think I, Zhuge Lei Xianming, cut off chicken heads and burned yellow paper at the age of 13. At the age of 14, I went to the sea to travel to Nanyang. At the age of 15, I personally I have slaughtered living people, met tigers on the road, encountered merman-eating fish in the water, and spent half my life in the rain of guns and arrows, how could I be tricked into killing my life by you."

"Grandma's, it's a bit difficult, why don't you hold him back, and I'll sneak to the back and get this old thing down." Fatty Wang said.

Zhou Suyi shook her head, "Don't be impulsive, try not to do anything if you can discuss it, Muchen Bead is the hope of all of us, there must be no mistakes."

Hu Bayi was full of guilt, and continued: "You have said the opposite, what do you mean we should be smart? If you were not suspicious at the beginning, refused to believe my advice, and said that you can't separate if you die, you wouldn't In such an embarrassing situation in front of me, how can I say honest words are harsh. It’s a pity that Axiang was involved. Who do you think she provoked? It’s useless to argue about these things now. We must help each other, otherwise everyone will die. There is no place to die."


(End of this chapter)

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