Chapter 416
Hearing Hu Bayi say that those two eyeballs are useful, everyone was overjoyed. After all, if it was really possible, they would not need to suffer any harm.

As long as you get those two eyeballs, all problems can be easily solved.

"Grandma, it's so far away, there's no way to go down!" Fatty Wang scratched his head.

He has a fear of heights, let alone talk, even if he looks down, he feels dizzy and dizzy, as if he is about to fall.

Zhou Suyi looked down, gritted her teeth and stomped her feet.

She knew very well in her heart that as a game player, this thrilling scene must be completed by herself, so she didn't waste any more time.

"I'm going down, you wait for me here!"

He didn't give other people a chance to react as he said, and climbed down the rock wall directly without even taking the rope in order to buy time.

His speed made Hu Bayi and the others frightened and sweated for him.

"Miss Yang, be careful!" Hu Bayi couldn't help, he could only feel anxious.

Zhou Suyi's speed was extremely fast, just like Spider-Man. For her, the steep rock wall was as easy as walking on flat ground.

Not long after, Zhou Suyi came to the lake.

The old fish with white beard opened his eyes and looked at him.

It looked like it was dying, and there seemed to be tears streaming from the corners of its eyes!

Zhou Suyi sighed, saying that all things have spirits, especially creatures that have lived for a long time.

Now, this white-bearded old fish is like a human being, full of longing for life before dying.

But Zhou Suyi had no choice.

"Whether you can survive or not depends on your luck!"

Zhou Suyi sighed, cut her finger directly, and dripped blood into the mouth of the old fish with white beard.

His blood is the Qilin bloodline, and the Qilin is a divine beast, and the power of the bloodline within a drop of blood is very powerful.

As for whether he can help this old white-bearded fish, I don't know.

Although it was just a game, after all, it was the white-bearded old fish who sent the two eyeballs at a critical moment. If she didn't do anything, she felt sorry for herself.

After bleeding, Zhou Suyi got two eyeballs.

The white-bearded old fish was able to move suddenly after eating Zhou Suyi's blood, as if he had taken a stimulant.

The Qilin bloodline not only has a strong suppression effect on all kinds of evil things, but also seems to have a strong blessing effect on all kinds of beasts.

The white-bearded old fish swam twice in the lake, and let out a cry like a dragon's chant at the place where Zhou Suyi left. It seemed to be grateful to Zhou Suyi, and it seemed to be saying goodbye, then turned and disappeared into the lake.

"This Qilin bloodline is truly miraculous!" Zhou Suyi thought to herself.

It's a pity that this kind of blood only exists in the game, not in reality. If there is also a unicorn blood in reality, it would be too comfortable.

However, although she doesn't have the blood of a unicorn, Zhou Suyi discovered through these days of games that her movements and reactions are much sharper.

Although it is not as powerful as in the game, it should be no problem at all to deal with a few old men.

This game has already produced memory in the brain invisibly.

Zhou Suyi was about to climb up, when suddenly, the mountain of corpses below moved suddenly.

"No, Miss Yang, come up quickly, those corpses are fake!" Suddenly, Hu Bayi exclaimed.

The faces of the others were extremely ugly.

Ah Xiang screamed in fright.

Zhou Suyi only lowered her head for a glance, and suddenly felt her scalp go numb.

The mountain of corpses below seemed to come alive.

Countless corpses twisted together and turned into a huge meat ball.

The meatball was surrounded by countless arms, just looking at it made one's scalp tingle.

This thing, just like the terrifying Zhixian coffin in the King's Tomb, made people feel even more terrifying.

"I wipe the class, this thing looks too disgusting."

"It's even more disgusting than the one at the King's Tomb. That one has only hands, and this one is completely made of corpses."

"What's the principle? It's not true that all the corpses are scammed. The number is too much."

"This day will be called Liar's Day."

"Good guy, it's night again, you're going to stimulate me again!"


Looking at the terrifying big meat ball, netizens felt disgusted and terrifying through the screen.

The shriveled and blackened corpses, the faces with their eyes gouged out, and their facial features distorted, when combined together, it was too terrifying.

The next moment, the huge meatball caught up with Zhou Suyi.

"Fuck, how did these things come out? Why are these ancient people so perverted!" Zhou Suyi cursed and quickly climbed up.

Countless corpses can gather together to form a terrifying monster.

Zhou Suyi hastened to speed up, but Routuan was even faster, chasing Zhou Suyi along the rock wall.

"Brother Yang, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up!" Fatty Wang also shouted anxiously.

However, they were powerless, the distance was too far, and the meat ball was too big, so they couldn't help at all.

Rao fired a few shots on the first day of the lunar new year, but it didn't have any impact at all on the big meat ball.

The speed of the meat ball is too fast, if this continues, Zhou Suyi will have no time to climb up.

However, even so, Zhou Suyi was not in a hurry.

"Fatty, explosives!" Zhou Suyi shouted.

Fatty Wang was stunned for a moment, then suddenly slapped his thigh, and then remembered that they had brought explosives this time.


Fatty Wang responded, quickly assembled some explosives, and threw them at Zhou Suyi without hesitation.

"Brother Yang, catch it!"

The explosive package was thrown at Zhou Suyi at an extremely fast speed.

Zhou Suyi shook her hand and threw out the Yin-Detecting Claw, catching the explosive package.

Without saying a word, she ignited the explosive package and threw it towards the corpse ball.

Countless arms on the corpse ball slid across at will, catching the flying explosive package.

The next moment, there was a loud bang, and the explosive package exploded directly.

Half of the corpse ball was blown away, countless corpses were blown away, and stumped limbs and broken arms were everywhere, as if a corpse whisper had been played.

The scene is terrifying and disgusting.

Many people who had supper at night probably vomited immediately when they saw this scene.

The power of the explosion was not small, and only half of the entire corpse ball was left.

Zhou Suyi was also affected by the air wave, and she almost didn't fall. Fortunately, the probing claws used were so perfect that they directly hooked a big rock and hung in mid-air.

The people above were all sweating for Zhou Suyi.

It's like licking blood with a knife, making a joke of your own life.

Too dangerous.

That is Zhou Suyi, otherwise anyone here would either fall to his death or be caught by that horrible corpse ball and become one of them.

Zhou Suyi pulled the Yin-exploring claws, not daring to stop, and continued to climb up.

And only half of the corpse ball left at the bottom kept wriggling and turned into a ball again, but it was a little smaller than before, and rolled up again.

Moreover, after the weight is reduced, the speed seems to be faster than before!

Everyone who had just relaxed felt their hearts lifted again.


(End of this chapter)

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