Chapter 417 The Power of Thunder Mountain
Although the meat ball has become a little smaller, it is only compared to the original big guy. It is still big now, and, with the weight loss, the speed becomes faster.

"Quick, fat man, explosives!" Hu Bayi shouted.

Fatty Wang hurriedly continued to make explosives.

This time they brought a lot of explosives, which was enough.

"Miss Yang, come up quickly!"

Zhou Suyi's speed was very fast. While climbing up, she used the Yin-penetrating claws at an extremely fast speed.

Watching dynamite won't hurt Zhou Suyi later.

Fatty Wang said nothing.

"Go away!"

Several dynamite packets were thrown down one after another.


Accompanied by constant explosions, the corpse ball was finally completely shattered.

Countless fragments of corpses were scattered, and it was almost impossible to reassemble them!
However, the situation did not improve, and the surrounding light became even dimmer, not only above, but after the white mist disappeared, the light below also quickly dimmed.

The black shadows behind the surrounding crystals continued to spread, like a pool of ink, constantly splashing towards the surroundings, making people feel even more uneasy.

Zhou Suyi had just approached the top, but at this moment, he felt a gust of wind blowing from below.

Before he had time to think about it, the probing claws were thrown out and flew straight up.

Almost at the same time, a huge creature suddenly jumped out from the side, almost biting Zhou Suyi with its bloody mouth.

Everyone was sweating for Zhou Suyi.

What suddenly appeared was a spotted dragon.

This striped dragon was more than ten meters long, and it was several times bigger than the one they encountered before. Its huge body gave people an unspeakable oppression.

"Fuck me!"

Zhou Suyi couldn't help complaining, when this mother is so dangerous, she brought out another spotted dragon to add to the chaos, this is not a way for people to survive.

However, she didn't panic.

The so-called skillful people are bold, now Zhou Suyi feels that her skills are very high.

I have dealt with so many behemoths before, and now I have experience.

Fatty Wang and Chuyi immediately shot to cover Zhou Suyi.

The bullets immediately concentrated on the spotted dragon's body.

However, the striped dragon's skin is rough and thick, and its outer shell is like a hard armor.

The bullets jingled on its body, only slightly breaking through the outer skin.

It can't cause any fatal damage at all!
However, this also completely angered the spotted dragon.

The spotted dragon also jumped up and rushed towards the crowd.

"Run!" Zhou Suyi hurriedly shouted.

She was sure of herself, but not the others, and once they died, her game would be over at any moment, which was a bit uncomfortable.

Everyone quickly dodged around.

This thing is huge.

If it is hit, it will become meat sauce in minutes.

The spotted dragon charged forward, its big tail swept across, and the surrounding statues instantly shattered and fell off the cliff.

Fatty Wang scolded: "Fuck, this thing is so fierce, isn't this nima the ancestor of the spotted dragon?"

Hu Ba glanced in the direction of Crystal Pea, his expression was extremely ugly, "No, the crystal bowl is full of sand!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the muffled thunder around him grew louder.

The black shadow spread, this time at a faster speed, as if a large bottle of ink had been splashed around, continuously flowing and spreading.

Everyone's heart sank to the bottom, and everyone knew that something terrible was about to happen.

But now, the spotted dragon is following them, and there is no chance of escape.


The spotted dragon roared and rushed towards Zhou Suyi.

Zhou Suyi dodged away.

She knew that there was not much time left for them, and she couldn't delay any longer, so she immediately grabbed the striped dragon's tail.

The spotted dragon was furious, and swung its big tail vigorously, trying to throw Zhou Suyi away.

However, this time he miscalculated.

Instead of being thrown away, Zhou Suyi's body flew up uncontrollably.


Zhou Suyi yelled loudly, and the veins on her body stood up. This time, she went all out and pulled the tail of the spotted dragon, flying the spotted dragon out.

"It's so fierce, as expected of my brother Yang!" Fatty Wang looked envious.

Ah Xiang was full of admiration.

Uncle Ming wished he could go up and hug his thigh immediately.

Hu Bayi began to worry about the future.

Netizens were even more shocked.

"Good guy, that's all it takes to be powerful and powerful."

"Sister Zhou is really fierce, this unicorn blood has been used to the extreme."

"The reincarnation of the overlord, this shouldn't come to rob the tomb. If it were put in ancient times, it would be a proper prince."

"Really fierce, this is the real female man."

"Striped Jiao: Who am I? Where am I?"


Netizens really admired it to the extreme. Although it is said to be in the game, but it can do this, it is sincere admiration.

You know, the spotted dragon is more than ten meters long, obese, and weighs at least a few tons.

Being thrown away by a person, is this still a person?

It's almost a humanoid hook machine.

The next moment, amidst the stunned expressions of everyone, Zhou Suyi directly smashed the spotted dragon towards the nearby stone wall.


A loud bang.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

After hitting the stone wall, the spotted dragon was directly smashed to the ground.

All the bones and internal organs on the body were smashed, leaving only a piece of skin and broken minced meat.

Flesh fell softly to the ground.

"Damn it, damn it..."

Everyone was dumbfounded, and the reaction was bigger than before.

Forget about such a huge spotted jellyfish, and it was smashed into a meat paste.


Everyone was dumbfounded, what kind of power is this.

Even Zhou Suyi herself was dumbfounded.

He knew in his heart that the blow just now, let alone smashing the spotted dragon into a pulp, even if it was smashed to death, it would not be able to do it.

However, now Megalosaurus has become meat sauce, which is somewhat unreasonable.

"It's hard, am I really that good?"

If he was really that awesome, he would be afraid of a hammer.

Simply invincible.

Zhou Suyi looked at that position, the surrounding crystal wall had completely turned black, and she immediately understood what was going on.

"Jilei Mountain, it's Jilei Mountain, everyone, be careful, don't get close to the darkened place!" Zhou Suyi shouted hastily.

Everyone's expressions changed.

They didn't understand what happened, and they didn't know why Zhou Suyi said that.

Zhou Suyi hurriedly explained, "It's not my power to crush the spotted dragon into a pulp, but the power of the crystal wall. Jilei Mountain should rely on violent crystal vibrations to kill people. A momentary high-frequency vibration is enough to smash any object! "

When everyone heard this, their faces changed drastically.

At this moment, the crystal wall continued to turn black and spread around.

Almost most of the place has turned black, and the surroundings are completely dark.

Only the light of everyone's flashlights vaguely illuminated the surrounding area.

The area left for their activities has become smaller and smaller.

Everyone knows that it won't take long, and when all the surrounding areas turn black, it may be the time for their death.

For a moment, both Uncle Ming and Ah Xiang were a little desperate. The first day of junior high school was still calm, only Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang were much calmer even though they were anxious.


(End of this chapter)

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