Chapter 418 She Stands Up Again
The surrounding blackened area is getting bigger and bigger, and the place for them to stay is getting smaller and smaller.

Despair slowly began to creep up on everyone's cheeks.

If it was true what Zhou Suyi said, as soon as they touched it, they would be shaken into flesh like that spotted dragon, then they would really be dead.

Hu Bayi was the first to react, "Hurry up, use those corpses as a cushion, with a layer of corpses separated, it shouldn't be affected!"

The corpse ball exploded just now, and countless corpses and debris were blown away, and there were corpses all around.

When everyone heard the words, they didn't dare to hesitate any longer.

They hurriedly began to search for the corpses, and they couldn't manage so much at the moment, they piled up all the corpses layer by layer.

"Quick, hurry up!"

Seeing the continuous spread of black shadows, Zhou Suyi hurriedly urged.

Everyone didn't care whether it was useful or not, and rushed to the hill of corpses in one go.

At this moment, the ink-colored shadow quickly spread over.

Bang bang bang.
Everyone's hearts were in their throats, and they could clearly feel that the corpse below was smashed to pieces in an instant.

The corpse above slid down, and everyone tried their best to stabilize their figures.

If this one goes down, everyone knows what will happen.

It will directly become a meat paste, the bones will be shattered, and only a layer of human skin will remain.

The next moment, the entire cave was almost pitch black, the surroundings were pitch black, and the sound of thunder could be heard around.

Black shadows kept hitting the crystal wall, as if there was a demon hiding in the darkness, struggling hard, trying to come out.

Everyone is very nervous.

Whether they can survive this time, I am afraid they can only resign themselves to their fate.

Even Zhou Suyi had no good solution.

Even if it was her, even if she had the blood of a unicorn, if she landed on the pitch-black crystal wall, she would probably be shaken to a pulp in minutes.

This is the power of nature, and it is simply not something humans can contend with.

It has far exceeded the limits of human beings.

"What should I do, Brother Hu, Miss Yang, you are all supernatural beings, thank you for thinking of a way, we can't just hide here all the time, can we?"

Uncle Ming couldn't bear it any longer, his legs were shaking, and he might fall at any time.

"Fuck you, uncle, if you hadn't procrastinated, it would have been settled by now. Fatty really wants to kick you down!" Fatty Wang yelled.

If it weren't for worrying that kicking Uncle Ming down would break the balance, I really wanted to take action directly.

Hu Bayao: "There is no good way, only sacrifice, or continue to wait until this wave of crystal tremors passes!"

Although Hu Bayi has all the skills in the five elements of Feng Shui, but now there is really no good way.

This situation is almost unsolvable.

The people in the Demon Kingdom are really powerful. The things they created are really unimaginable and extremely outrageous. I don’t know how they found such a dangerous place.

The most terrifying thing is that they actually used this terrifying power.


As the crystal tremor phenomenon expanded, the halberd-shaped spar above the head began to vibrate.

"Everyone, be careful, the spar on it seems to be falling off!"

Zhou Suyi reminded her.

But just after finishing speaking, a huge spar fell from above and smashed towards everyone.

"It's over!"

At this moment, there is only one thought in everyone's mind.

Even the hearts of netizens jumped up.

This time he was dead, and there was no escape.

If you dodge, you will step on the ground and die, but if you don't dodge, if you are dropped by such a big spar, you will be smashed into a pulp in minutes.

No matter what, he couldn't escape the fate of being smashed into a pulp, and there was a dead end.

At this moment, everyone fell into despair.

They never expected that they had escaped so many risks and narrow escapes so many times, but this time they were still dead after all.

I still abide by that sentence, walking by the river for a long time, how can I not get my shoes wet.

They are no exception.

But at this moment, Zhou Suyi gritted her teeth and jumped up suddenly.

At critical moments, only she, the player, can save herself, and it is impossible to rely on others.

After all, everyone else is just an npc, and he is the real player.

His speed was extremely fast, as if he had taken off on the spot.

The moment she passed by Jing Shi, Zhou Suyi used Ke Kuixing to kick and fight.

This kick used all its strength, and it didn't directly smash the spar, but it caused the tens of tons of spar to change direction and fall to the side.


Everyone stared blankly at Zhou Suyi's figure, they were so shocked that they didn't know what to say.

Zhou Suyi saved all of them again.

However, under the huge rebound force, Zhou Suyi's figure also flew upside down.

"Miss Yang!"

"Brother Yang!"

In an instant, everyone's expressions changed.

Now, Zhou Suyi flew out, once it landed, it would be a dead end.

Although there were still some places around that were not affected by the crystal tremor, they were all too far away from Zhou Suyi, even if they fell, they would not be able to last much time.

At this moment, everyone's heart was filled with guilt.

They only regret that they don't have Zhou Suyi's ability to step forward at critical moments and save their own lives.

It's obviously a game, but it made netizens feel a tragic mood.

"Don't, don't, sister Zhou, come on, resist."

"Damn it, why did you cry while watching a game?"

"Sister Zhou, come on."

"If it can be done once this time, a reward of [-] rockets is absolutely unambiguous."


At this moment, netizens couldn't help crying.

Everyone could see it, and felt that Zhou Suyi might have lost the possibility of survival.

The strength of Daheitian Jilei Mountain is obvious to all.

Under such conditions, the physical body cannot survive.

Not at all possible.

Although Zhou Suyi is powerful, she is still in the category of human beings, and it is impossible to fight against the vast force of nature!


The huge spar fell to the ground and shattered into countless pieces.

The huge force caused the ground to vibrate a little.

However, the situation in front of him did not develop as everyone imagined.

Everyone saw Zhou Suyi flying to the depths of the altar.

But just when everyone thought that Zhou Suyi was bound to die, Zhou Suyi suddenly took out her claws.

The Yin-Exploring Claw flew out with a whoosh, and landed on the spar above with incomparable precision.

And Zhou Suyi flew in mid-air, towards the two pools inside the altar.

Those are two pools in the shape of eye sockets.

According to the ritual recorded on the wall, as long as the eyeballs and muchen beads are put into different pools, the sacrifice can be completed!

"Old Hu, Muchen Bead!" Zhou Suyi shouted.

Although Hu Bayi was shocked at the moment, after all, he had cooperated with Zhou Suyi for so long, and there was a tacit understanding between them.

At this moment, she knew what Zhou Suyi was going to do.

Immediately without saying a word, he threw the muchen bead in his hand.

"Take it!"

Muchen Bead drew an arc and flew towards Zhou Suyi, just in time to land in Zhou Suyi's hands.


(End of this chapter)

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