Chapter 419

Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi have cooperated many times, and they have a tacit understanding with each other. This throw is precise, and Zhou Suyi catches it neatly.

"Time has passed, I don't know if the sacrifice is still useful."

Zhou Suyi didn't have much confidence in her heart, but at this moment, he could only give it a try.

And, he felt, it should be okay.

After all, although the sacrifice time has passed, the game has not failed, which proves that it is still possible.

These two pools are also exquisite, and each pool represents a kind of power.

If two items are thrown into the wrong pool, it may only have the opposite effect, and may even make the situation worse.

"Old Hu, it's up to you!"

Zhou Suyi didn't know anything about the layout of the five elements and Fengshui, so she could only rely on Hu Bayi.

And at such a critical juncture, it was obvious that there was no time to say so much, Zhou Suyi only said this sentence, but she believed that with the tacit understanding between them, Hu Bayi could understand what she meant.

Sure enough, Hu Bayi immediately understood what Zhou Suyi meant when he heard this.

At this moment, knowledge of five elements, eight trigrams, yin and yang, and geomantic omen flashed in Hu Bayi's mind.

In this short moment, he understood everything.

"The eyes are on the left, Muchen Bead is on the right!" Hu Bayi shouted, full of confidence.

Just in time, Zhou Suyi reached the top of the pool, she threw the eyes of Glacier Crystal Corpse into the pool on the left, and threw the Mu Chen Pearl into the pool on the right.

Then flew back and swung back.

Zhou Suyi completed a series of actions in an instant.

Not only helped everyone kick away the huge crystal, but also completed self-rescue, and even used his own strength to fly to the altar, completed the sacrificial ceremony, and came back safely.

In the eyes of everyone, Zhou Suyi was like a god.

Netizens were all excited and couldn't help themselves.

"Beautiful, awesome, yyds, awesome, I can't think of any words to describe it."

"It's over if you're awesome."

"This is too handsome. As a girl, I want to marry Sister Zhou."

"It's not much more refreshing than watching a movie. With this set of movements, watching a movie without a few minutes of slow motion can't be justified."


Netizens are really paying homage.

Zhou Suyi's operation of escaping from death is simply crazy.

When Zhou Suyi returned to the hill where the corpses were piled up, everyone hurriedly asked for their health, full of anticipation.

However, things didn't seem to go as smoothly as expected.

The spar on it was still falling, hitting the ground continuously, making loud noises, the ground was shaking constantly, and everyone's hearts were in their throats.

I'm afraid those crystals will really smash the ground and release the black shadow inside.

After about 3 minutes, these 3 minutes seemed like a century to them.

Everyone is very nervous.

Sacrifice does not seem to have any effect at all.

Zhou Suyi sighed, "It seems that the time has passed, and the sacrifice is no longer effective?"

At this moment, Zhou Suyi suddenly thought of something.

At that time, she was in the imaginary space of the Jingjue Queen, and had a conversation with the Jingjue Queen.

I vaguely remember that initiating this ceremony seems to require a huge energy blessing.

Then, she thought of the blue toad she got from outside the King Xian's Tomb. According to the system's introduction at that time, this blue toad had huge energy inside.

At that time, he thought that this toad might play a role in the future.

Could it be now?

"It's come to this point, I have to try any method!"

Immediately, Zhou Suyi took out the blue toad.

She had brought this thing with her before, just in case of emergencies.

Immediately, the blue toad was thrown out.

After all, time is urgent, and there is no time to think about how to use it.

The blue toad flew towards the altar with a blue light.

With a bang, the blue toad fell on the altar and shattered into countless pieces.

In an instant, the blue light was blazing, and everyone felt as if they saw a blue sun, and their eyes were closed in a hurry.


Vaguely, Zhou Suyi heard a huge roar exploding in her heart.

Her eyes narrowed into a slit, and she looked towards the place where the light was blazing. She seemed to see a vague world, which was slowly overlapping with this world.

But the light was so bright that even his eyes couldn't keep watching, so he had to close them.

After waiting for about 1 minute, the light finally faded away, and the thunder around seemed to stop.

Everything around seemed to freeze at that moment, and everything became calm.

This sudden calm made everyone feel uncomfortable.

"What's going on, why, it stopped suddenly?" Fatty Wang was still a little confused and uncomfortable.

"Successful, successful, must have been successful!" Uncle Ming shouted excitedly.

At this moment, there is a feeling of seeing the sun through the clouds and mists.

Everyone was overjoyed, feeling that they had suddenly come to heaven from hell.

"It's really finished, you see, those blacks seem to have faded!" Chuyi looked around excitedly.

On the originally pitch-black crystal wall, the Kuroshio receded slowly, revealing a string of white crystal stones, as if white spots had grown on them.

The white spots slowly expand.Although the speed is not fast, it still gives everyone hope.

"Successful?" At this moment, even Zhou Suyi felt a little excited in her heart.

But at this moment, Zhou Suyi frowned suddenly, pulled Fatty Wang next to him to hide,

Fatty Wang was taken aback.

He didn't know what happened, he just felt a pain in his arm.

When he looked again, he found a bloody wound on it.

"Fuck, what the hell is going on here, who, who the hell attacked me!" Fatty Wang cursed in a dazed expression.

He didn't see anything, only a cut was cut on his arm.

This is really evil.

Just as the others were about to relax, something like this happened suddenly, and they became tense again in an instant!

Another black shadow flashed past and rushed towards the crowd.

Zhou Suyi hurriedly dodged, and everyone saw only a blurry shadow flashing past, but when the blurry shadow approached the crystal wall, it disappeared instantly.

"Look below!" Ah Xiang looked down in horror, as if she saw something extraordinary.

Everyone looked and saw that there seemed to be many vague shadows on the corpses.

These shadows move very fast, but as long as they get close to the crystal wall, they will disappear without a trace.

"Damn it, it's not over yet, what the hell is this?" Fatty Wang scolded!

Others had the same thought.

They haven't settled down since they came in.

Dangers came one after another, and they never had time to breathe.


(End of this chapter)

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