Chapter 420

After finally watching Zhou Suyi's magical operation, it seemed that he had solved the problem of the sacrifice and made the Great Black Sky Thunder Mountain recede, but who would have thought that before he was stable for a few minutes, there would be another trouble.


Strong winds came.

A few more blurry shadows flashed past, and Zhou Suyi and the others rushed to take action.

Chuyi and Fatty Wang hurriedly aimed their guns.

But the thing was going so fast it was impossible to aim.

In just a moment, except for Zhou Suyi, almost everyone was injured.

Their clothes were either scratched or their flesh was injured, but none of them were fatal.


Another black shadow flashed past, this time Zhou Suyi moved.

She stretched out her hand in an instant, and her slender fingers grasped a black shadow with incomparable precision.

When he twisted his fingers, the thing lost its life force.

Zhou Suyi threw the thing on the ground, and everyone's eyes widened.

This thing is more than one meter long, with a flat head, a thick body in the middle, and a slender tail.

Its whole body is covered with thin, transparent scales like ice crystals, which can also emit a faint night light.

Those thin scales are sharper than blades, it has no legs, it has two fin-like things, it looks like two human arms, and hands, which are no different from human hands, but the proportions are too small , Even the length of the arm is included, it is only as big as the palm of a normal person.

"Damn it, what the hell kind of monster is this?"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Never seen anything so strange.

It looks a bit like a man, but also like a fish, which is extremely weird.

Zhou Suyi also looked confused, she really didn't know this thing.

She looked at Hu Bayi. After all, Hu Bayi had seen a lot, so maybe he knew him.

However, before she could ask, Hu Bayi said, "This is the silver doll that puts out the lamp."

"Light off silver doll?" Everyone was dumbfounded, they had never heard of this name before.

Hu Bayi didn't talk nonsense, and explained directly: "It is said that that kind of thing is indeed different from extinguishing lights. It is very rare. It is about the same size as an ordinary baby. It only eats small snakes and shrimps. Back then, powerful officials and nobles often I like to raise a live one in a jasper glazed pot, and turn off all the lights in the house at night to see the rarity. It can live for dozens of days at most, and there is a lot of resentment after death. If there is no town house, most people would not dare to raise it at home, but I have never heard that such a thing can directly hurt people."

Hearing this, everyone was astonished.

It was the first time for them to see such a magical animal.

Fatty Wang's eyes rolled around, "Hey, if I can catch a few back, I can definitely sell them... Ahem, it will definitely make a huge contribution to our country's biodiversity!"

Everyone rolled their eyes in unison.

Zhou Suyi was speechless.

It's this time, and this guy is still thinking about making money. His appearance is very enviable.

"Hahaha, absolutely, Fatty really has a big heart."

"Good guy, I successfully unlocked a new creature, and I have more strange knowledge."

"Kinky doll? Huh?"

"Awesome, I have learned a lot."


Netizens are all amazed.

Especially a group of biologists, they really admire this game.

Zhou Suyi ignored him, squatted down, and used the black gold ancient knife to pry open the silver baby's mouth.

Hell, this thing's mouth is full of barbed bony spurs, and there are hundreds of densely packed flesh suckers.

Seeing this scene, everyone gasped.

Fortunately, those wounds just now were only scratched by the scales of this thing.

If you do get bitten, it definitely doesn't feel good.

Fatty Wang scolded: "Grandma, it seems that those who had their eyes gouged out were thrown down and fed to these silver dolls with lights out. Those corpses were all sucked into mummies by these things!"

Zhou Suyi directly cut the palm of her hand, and spilled blood.

In an instant, more than half of those silver dolls with lights out retreated.

Although this thing sucks blood, it is difficult for such an evil thing to resist the power of Qilin's blood.

Fatty Wang, who watched this scene, became envious again, thinking in his heart again, if the curse can really be solved in a while, whether he should solve it or not.

"Oh, I said, stop researching this thing, and think about how to leave quickly!" Uncle Ming urged anxiously.

Watching the black shadow recede, Uncle Ming once again saw the hope of being alive.

"Old Gangnong, you finally said something serious!" Fatty Wang said.

But at this moment, Zhou Suyi noticed that there seemed to be something wrong with Ah Xiang's state.

Ah Xiang seemed to be suffering from sleepwalking, her absent-minded eyes were staring straight ahead, blood was dripping from her nose, but she didn't notice it.

"Axiang, Axiang!" Zhou Suyi called out twice, but Axiang didn't respond at all.

Instead, he walked down the pile of corpses.

"Isn't this girl bewitched?" Fatty Wang also saw that there was something wrong with Ah Xiang's state.

Originally, the fact that Ah Xiang could see some dirty things was enough to make people feel weird, but now this behavior makes people feel extraordinarily uncertain.

Zhou Suyi wanted to reach out and grab her.

Although the black shadow has receded, no one can guarantee whether there are other dangers.

However, Uncle Ming stopped her, "Don't disturb her, Miss Yang, Ah Xiang seems to be suffering from soul-departure disease. The soul-departure disease must let her wake up by herself, and her soul can't come back once she touches her. I didn’t have this kind of symptoms before, I’m afraid I’ve got an evil spirit?”

Hearing this, Zhou Suyi frowned, and a chill came to her heart unconsciously.

Because she was not sure what happened, Zhou Suyi didn't dare to act rashly.

Although Uncle Ming is not a very good old guy, he is still the person who knows Ah Xiang best. At this moment, it is still right to listen to Uncle Ming.

However, Ah Xiang's condition seemed to be getting worse, and her nose began to bleed continuously.

At first it was just a drop of blood, but later it became bleeding.

After a while, the front of Ah Xiang's clothes was already stained red with blood.

Due to the excessive blood loss, there was no trace of human color on her face, no matter what she said, even bleeding could kill people.

Hu Bayi thought of something and said: "Things with pungent smells such as nitrate can restore consciousness to hysterics, you can try it."

"Try it quickly!" Zhou Suyi said!

Ah Xiang is probably also a key npc. If she dies, the game may also end.

Hu Bayi hurriedly took out the sulfur, but before he could make a move, he saw a sharp crystal shard in Axiang's hand at some point, raised his hand and stabbed it at his eyes.

This sudden move was beyond everyone's expectations, and it was too late to stop it.


(End of this chapter)

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