Chapter 421 The Invisible Door

Hu Bayi was about to use sulfur on Ah Xiang, but Ah Xiang made an unusual move.

She didn't know where to get a crystal shard, and poked it in her eye.

Everyone couldn't react, and no one thought that Ah Xiang would suddenly commit suicide.

Fortunately, Zhou Suyi was right next to Ah Xiang, and she reacted quickly, grabbing Ah Xiang's hand, and with a light force, the crystal fragments in Ah Xiang's hand fell to the ground.

At the same time, Hu Bayi immediately wiped sulfur in front of Ah Xiang's nose.

Ah Xiang coughed fiercely, and immediately fell to the ground when her body became limp.

Zhou Suyi supported Ah Xiang, and was relieved when she saw that Ah Xiang's eyes seemed to have recovered.

"Ah Xiang, what happened to you just now?" Zhou Suyi asked hurriedly.

Ah Xiang looked confused, "Me? What's wrong?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, apparently Ah Xiang didn't know what happened just now.

"Sister, you were bewitched just now." Fatty Wang described what happened just now vividly.

After hearing this, Ah Xiang looked terrified.

"I, I don't know what's wrong? It seems that there is only one thought in my heart. I don't want to stay here, so I want to leave quickly!"

Fatty Wang said: "No, I said sister, even if you want to leave, you have to find a way. Look at the direction you are going. There are rock walls. There is no way. You are planning not to hit the south wall Don't look back."

Ah Xiang was a little confused when she heard this, "There is a cave in front, you guys, is it so hard that you didn't see it?"

Everyone followed Ah Xiang's gaze, and looked confused again.

There is indeed a mountain wall, so there is no opening.

"Hey, it's over, it's over, what a girl, this look is not working well, she must have bled too much just now!" Fatty Wang was quite sorry.

Zhou Suyi stared there, frowning, and then looked at Ah Xiang.

"Axiang, are you sure there is a cave there?"

Ah Xiang nodded vigorously, "Sister Yang, is it so hard that you can't see it? There is really a cave there!"

"Why are you still talking nonsense? It's so hard, are you still bewitched?" Fatty Wang touched the black donkey's hoof.

Looking at that posture, a disagreement was about to be stuffed into Ah Xiang's mouth.

Zhou Suyi rolled his eyes at him, "Don't talk."

"Ah Xiang, you lead the way, take us to that cave!"

"Okay!" Ah Xiang nodded in agreement.

Although timid, but with Zhou Suyi by her side, she felt very at ease.

Ah Xiang led the crowd to the location of the cave she mentioned.

When he reached the mountain wall, Ah Xiang pointed to the front, "This is it, you guys, really can't see it?"

In his eyes, it was a cave, but in the eyes of others, it was a mountain wall.

"Sister, this is obviously a mountain wall, where is the cave?" Fatty Wang said.

"How is it possible, this is obviously a cave."

Saying that, Ah Xiang stretched out her hand.

Everyone watched Axiang's hand pass through the mountain wall and disappeared into the mountain wall, and their eyes widened instantly.

"Fuck, what's going on, I'm dazzled?" Fatty Wang was startled.

Hu Bayi was also shocked, and hurriedly stretched out his hand, which passed through the mountain wall with ease.


Zhou Suyi also raised her hand and reached in, the inside was empty.

As soon as she gritted her teeth, she walked over directly, and her body actually passed through the mountain wall and entered inside.

As soon as I entered, I saw that the inside was really a cave. Looking outside, I could see Hu Bayi and the others with shocked faces.

"It's amazing, this turned out to be a projection!"

Zhou Suyi was also shocked.

The entrance of this cave turned out to be a projection of a mountain wall. As long as you don't touch it, it is impossible to find that there is a cave here.

Only Axiang's magical eyes can see through all this.

She was a little lucky now that Axiang was indeed an important npc, fortunately she was stopped in time, otherwise if Axiang's eyes were blind, they would never be able to find this cave.

Others came in one after another, feeling the magic of this Evil Luohai people.

They don't understand the specific principle of this, but they just think it's awesome.

"Is this projection technology from two or three thousand years ago? It's amazing."

"It should be using the light and shadow effect caused by the reflection of those crystal stones."

"Fortunately, there is Ah Xiang, otherwise, it would be troublesome."

"It turns out that Ah Xiang's role is here. Only her eyes can see this hidden cave."

"You say, what will be in this cave?"


Netizens also felt surprised one after another, and began to guess what secrets were hidden in the cave.

The cave is not very deep. After entering, I took a flashlight and saw the end at a glance.

There was a wall made of boulders, and there were three very low door openings under the wall, and on the thick wall, there was a totem of a blood-dropping eyeball, and the eyes were full of evil.

Everyone looked at the bloody eyeball totem, feeling inexplicably uneasy.

"Fuck, how do you feel, this place is evil!" Fatty Wang felt a little guilty!

Zhou Suyi also felt uneasy inexplicably.

"Everyone be careful, don't bang what you shouldn't touch, don't touch what you shouldn't touch!"

As he spoke, he glanced at Fatty Wang.

Fatty Wang suddenly became unhappy.

"Brother Yang, why do you just look at me, I'm a professional!"

"Ha ha!"

Zhou Suyi gave him a haha, then ignored him and continued walking forward.

Everyone came to the end and came to the stone gate.

There was a fishy smell coming from the three low door openings below. Hu Bayi wiped it with his hands, and there was still a sticky liquid, and some fish scale-like wafers hung on the stone.

"It seems that those silver dolls with lights out should come in and out here!"

The textures on the stone wall are inconsistent, it seems that it was once broken and then repaired, or it was not a wall but a stone door at first, which was blocked for some reason.

"Let's go in? Otherwise, I think it's better to go back the same way. This Luohai City is so poor that it doesn't even have a decent baby!" Uncle Ming was a little worried, feeling uneasy, and really didn't want to go in and take risks. .

Fatty Wang said unhappily: "You old Hong Kong farmer, you boasted so much when you came here, but you turned out to be a coward. If you want to go, you go by yourself, and we won't react!"

Uncle Ming was under the eaves, and Fatty Wang didn't dare to talk back when he said that.

"Since we're here, we want to go in and have a look!" Zhou Suyi said.

She is a player, so naturally she can't back down, and, if her guess is right, this should be the real secret hiding place of the entire Eluohai City.

Naturally, we have to go in and find out.

Saying that, he took the lead and went directly into one of the door openings.

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang followed immediately, and even A Xiang quickly followed, leaving Uncle Ming glanced back, shivering, and hurriedly followed.


(End of this chapter)

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