Chapter 422 Inside the Cave
Zhou Suyi led the way in, and the others immediately followed.

Even the unwilling Uncle Ming could only bite the bullet and follow.

Although he is afraid, he is not stupid.

There may be a way to survive if you follow the large army, but if you stay by yourself, you will definitely die.

Zhou Suyi entered one of the door openings first.

Once out of the low doorway, a magnificent underground canyon appeared in front of everyone.

The cliffs on both sides are dead and heavy, and the outline of the ore can be seen nearby by the glimmer of the ore, while the high distance is pitch-black and endless.

Walking forward tens of meters, I found that the criss-crossing in the canyon were all the skeleton fossils of huge creatures.

The nearest triangular skull is not much smaller than a private house.

Near the edge of the canyon, countless bone fossils have grown into one body with the rock.

Only the long vertebrae show that the stones were once alive.

Everyone was shocked when they saw everything around them.

It's just that those bones are too big.

After restoration, each one is estimated to be at least tens of meters long and five or six meters wide.

It's almost like coming to the kingdom of giants.

"Good guy, didn't you say that the Demon Kingdom enshrines the bones of the snake god? Are these all snake bones? This snake is so big!" Fatty Wang swallowed.

In the tomb of King Xian, I had encountered some giant pythons covered in green scales, but compared with these huge bones here, that snake was nothing worth mentioning.

On the first day of the lunar new year, he raised his gun vigilantly, for fear that there might still be live snakes here.

Uncle Ming was so frightened that he followed everyone around, looking around nervously, for fear of being attacked by a snake.

Even Zhou Suyi was holding the ancient black gold knife, not daring to take it lightly.

"Aren't these all snake bones? It's too big, and there are too many. How many snake gods are there?"

"Could it be that they are all the snake sons and grandsons of the snake god, and they are all buried here after they die?"

"It's terrifying. If any of these snakes survive, they are at the level of prehistoric giants."

"I really want to raise one."

"First of all, your home must have a floor the size of several football fields."


Netizens were also shocked when they saw these huge bones.

These bones are really too big, it is hard to imagine what kind of giants these things were when they were still alive.

"This, is it really a snake bone?" The first day of junior high school also had some doubts about life.

In grassland areas, snakes are indispensable.

But a snake of this size, let alone seen it, just dare not even think about it.

Looking at these snake bones, Zhou Suyi thought of the animal world she had seen before, and recognized that these were not snake bones.

"These don't seem to be the bones of snakes, but rather the bones left by things like dragon king whales, and it seems that these bones have become fossils, at least thousands of years ago, but there are no modern ones. Skeletons, indicating that this large creature is likely to be extinct!"

After saying this, I felt very happy in my heart, and said that it is quite useful to watch these popular science programs more often.

It is estimated that netizens are all worshiping themselves now.

"Dragon King Whale? Brother Yang, aren't you making an international joke? On this mountain? How could there be a Dragon King Whale!" Fatty Wang said!
Zhou Suyi said: "This is because you have not seen it. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, the Himalayas were also oceans. Over the long years, the earth's crust has changed. Mountains can become oceans, and oceans can also become mountains. There is nothing unusual about it. "

"Fuck, it's real or not, Brother Yang, don't bully me for being uneducated." Fatty Wang still didn't believe it.

Hu Bayao: "It's really possible. Since ancient times, the ancients have used the five elements of feng shui to determine the tombs of yin houses, but as time changes, the landscapes of mountains and rivers in many places will change greatly, resulting in changes in the feng shui bureau!"

Everyone was amazed.

At this moment, Chuyi exclaimed, "Look at the back!"

Everyone thought it was dangerous, so they turned their heads to look.

Just after entering, they paid attention to the scene in front, but ignored the scene behind. Now that they saw it, everyone couldn't help but gasped.

Behind him was a huge black statue embedded in the mountain like the Leshan Giant Buddha.

The sporadic fluorescent lights on the mountain set off its tall and dark silhouette, like a hideous shadow, with its back to everyone.

And the most peculiar thing is that the huge god statue tens of meters high leans forward, and its face and two arms are sunken into the interior of the mountain.

That posture is like leaning over to peek into the mountains. His craftsmanship is not as exquisite and complicated as that of Buddha statues. It only has an outline without any decoration and texture.

"This, this motherfucker can't be the so-called Daheitian Jilei Mountain!"

Everyone was shocked.

Even Zhou Suyi felt a great sense of oppression.

Standing under this huge statue, a person looks extremely small.

As if the other party is really a god.

Looking at the posture of the huge black shadow, it was as if two arms had penetrated into the mountain in front of him.

The muffled rumbling thunder before that was like being struck by those two hands.

There are faces on both sides of the colossus, and the front and back of the body are the same, there is no difference between the front and the back, and there are only two arms, but no feet.

Where the colossus is connected to the ground, there is a door opening about Zhang Xu high, there seems to be some space inside, and there are several collapsed stone pillars in front of the door.

"Where is that place?" Everyone was extremely curious.

"Go, go and have a look!" Zhou Suyi walked over first.

Everyone approached and found that there were still many stone pillars on the nearby ground, but most of these stone pillars collapsed.

There are some bull's nostrils chiseled on the stone pillars, some of which still have thick stone rings, and the most eye-catching ones are the layers of eye totems on the stone pillars.

"Grandma, this Jingjue and Moguo really look like a bird, they all use these weird eyes as totems, they look weird!" Fatty Wang stared at those eye patterns, feeling uncomfortable all over.

Zhou Suyi frowned, and stared at everyone vigilantly, fearing that this totem also had some magical power, which would make everyone fall into it.

But luckily that didn't happen.

The totem was just an ordinary totem, and it didn't have any influence on everyone.


Suddenly, Zhou Suyi's ears moved, and she heard the sound of a snake spitting out a snake letter.

And listening to the sound, there are definitely a lot of them, appearing in all directions, seeming to surround them.

"No, there are snakes!" Zhou Suyi hurriedly mentioned.

As soon as the voice fell, a large black snake appeared around it.

Big and small, long and short, each snake has an eye-like tumor on its head, as if peeping at them.

These black snakes are exactly the same as the black snakes encountered in the white passage before, but there are more of them, and there are terrifying black snakes everywhere, crawling towards them like a black tide!


(End of this chapter)

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