Chapter 423 Entered the Snake Den

When everyone looked at the statue of the Great Heitian Jilei Mountain in a daze, large black snakes rushed over from all directions like a tide.

bang bang...

Chuyi and Fatty Wang have already shot.

However, all of them had shotguns in their hands, and they couldn't do much to deal with such a large group of snakes.

"What to do, there are too many snakes, we can't stop them!" Chuyi shouted worriedly!
"I just said no to come in, no to come in, you don't listen to me, it's okay now, I was killed by you!" Uncle Ming complained immediately.

"Fuck, who the hell made you follow? It's not you who followed behind." Fatty Wang cursed angrily.

Zhou Suyi hurriedly said: "Stop making noise, let's go and hide first."

Although I don't know if there is any danger inside, but at this moment there is no other way out.

Even she couldn't resist such a large group of snakes.

Suddenly, everyone ran to the door.

The inside of the tall statue was hollowed out, and the light was very dim.

Everyone glanced around with flashlights.

Above it stands a building of wood and stone, with several levels, which seems to be connected directly to the top of the Colossus.

There are some stone slabs scattered on the ground.

Hu Bayi quickly picked up the slate and blocked the slate at the door to prevent the black snake from entering.

There are black snakes all over the outside, and everyone can only continue to run up.

After going up, I found that many non-adjacent stone chambers were dug inside the colossus, and the overall shape resembled a honeycomb-shaped Eluohai City.

However, the structure is not that complicated.

This cavernous cavern is pitifully small.

This place doesn't look like a place for people to live in, it's more like a snake hole dug specially for snakes.

"I said, didn't we deliver the goods to the door and entered the snake's den? How do I feel, this is so fucking unreliable!" Fatty Wang was anxious.

Others also noticed, and their faces were extremely ugly.

"Stop talking nonsense, climb up quickly!"

Zhou Suyi continued to lead people up.

At this moment, there is no other way but to bite the bullet and continue to go up.

When they climbed to the fourth floor, a cool breeze finally blew in.

In the dark corridor, everyone followed the cool airflow and saw a hole of one meter square.

This is a vent in the middle and lower part of the Colossus.

Since the statue is completely black, it cannot be seen from the ground.

If it weren't for the collapsed stone pillars, it would not be easy to find the entrance to the bottom.

Zhou Suyi looked down, her face was a little ugly!

Below are groups of twisted and wriggling black snakes, all gathered in the area below the statue.

The big ones are as thick as human arms, and the small ones are like willow leaves.

These black snakes have black naked eyes on their heads, which are almost exactly the same as those seen in Jingjue Ancient City.

Some snakes circled lazily, while others fought and bit each other.

The more they gather, the more they gather, which really makes people's scalp tingle.

Others also leaned down one after another, and their faces were all pale when they saw the scene below.

Ah Xiang was so frightened that she wanted to scream, but fortunately Zhou Suyi had quick hands and eyes, and quickly covered her mouth.

Zhou Suyi hurriedly made a quiet gesture, telling them not to disturb the snakes, otherwise, today would be their death day.

However, even though they kept quiet, everyone was still terrified.

Those black snakes are surprisingly poisonous at first glance. Zhou Suyi and the others have seen the fierce poison of this snake in the ancient city of Jingjue. Hao Aiguo died in the mouth of the poisonous snake because he couldn't catch it.

The onset of toxicity was so fast that there was no time for emergency treatment.

Once bitten, there is no chance of survival.

Even if Zhou Suyi is here, there is probably nothing she can do.

Moreover, the densely packed appearance really made people uncomfortable, as if there was a snake hiding on their bodies, constantly crawling around.

This taste is really uncomfortable.

People don't know what to do.

"Okay, now we are going to feed the snake!" Fatty Wang said in a low voice!

Hu Bayi pointed to it, "Look, what's on it?"

Everyone looked in the direction of his finger, and saw white dots appearing obliquely above!

Those white dots are like white lanterns, hanging high, and there are quite a few of them.

Everyone squinted their eyes and looked there, but the distance was too far, the crystal veins on the mountain wall had gradually become scarce, and the light was also dim, so it was impossible to see what it was.

It looks like a lamp, and it looks like there are countless little men in white clothes standing there.

Suddenly, a slightly gentle rock slope appeared on the cliff, and several large groups of white things rolled down from it and fell to the bottom of the canyon.

"what is that?"

Everyone was extremely curious, and looked down at the falling things.

After the white thing fell to the bottom, all the black snakes around surrounded it, and seemed to like it very much.

Zhou Suyi turned her eyes to the extreme, and saw the big ball, all of which were sticky balls, the size of grape beads.

The group of black snakes scrambled past, surrounded those white things, and stopped.

Many bright red things suddenly appeared on those white objects, like red flowers blooming out of thin air, but disappeared in a blink of an eye, red and pitch black.

Zhou Suyi glanced again, and then saw, embedded in a fossil skeleton in the rock, there was a black snake several times larger than the same kind, which came out from the crack in the rock, swallowing blood-red snake letters.

"Damn it, why is it so big? This must be the King Snake, why don't we go ahead and kill this King Snake, leaving them leaderless!" Fatty Wang gritted his teeth.

Hu Bayi hurriedly said: "Don't be impulsive, the air here is hot and dry, and most snakes don't like to stay here. I guess, these snakes are probably just looking for food, and that thing should be the food of the snake. Maybe they can go, just wait."

"Old Hu, is it reliable?"

"Do you have any other good ideas?"

Fatty Wang was suddenly speechless.

Others have no choice but to believe Hu Bayi now, and pray that those snakes can leave by themselves after they are full, otherwise, once they are discovered, there is really nowhere to hide here, only a dead end.

The big snake crawled out.

I saw that the big snake was black all over, with gorgeous scales and strange shapes.

It opened its mouth and drooled, and as soon as the saliva fell to the ground, a small piece of bright red poisonous fungus grew out of the stone, and it withered again in a blink of an eye.

Everyone was shocked.

The snake's venom has reached its peak.

Not to mention being bitten, I'm afraid that if you touch it, you will die.

The big black snake walked among those white objects, devouring them one by one.

The rest of the black snakes waited quietly, not daring to make any movements.

Not only wolves have classes, but now this group of snakes also have classes.

It is estimated that those biologists will doubt what they have learned all their lives when they see this scene. After all, no one has ever heard that snakes also have a strict hierarchy. This is definitely another major discovery in the history of biology.


(End of this chapter)

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