Chapter 424
I was stunned in the first day of junior high school. I didn't think it was strange to see the organized and planned actions of the snake group before.

But seeing the snakes so organized and disciplined at this moment, I really feel a little tingling in the scalp.

Needless to say, netizens, watching the scene below, felt that their scalps were going to explode, especially those who were afraid of snakes felt extremely uncomfortable at the moment.

"Don't mess with me. I've been afraid of snakes since I was a child. Can you show me this?"

"Hahaha, that's why I bought the game and haven't played it yet. I've been afraid of such legless or multi-legged reptiles since I was a child."

"Damn it, don't talk, stop it, I'm so nervous."

"I really sweated for them."


Faced with such a scene, even if they were not at the scene, the netizens seemed to be there, not even daring to breathe, as if they were afraid of disturbing the snake.

"Let's go, let's go, big brothers and sisters, brothers and sisters, let's go after eating!" Fatty Wang clasped his hands together, muttering in his mouth, begging these things to leave quickly.

But Hu Bayi's face suddenly became ugly.

The big snake suddenly felt something and looked towards the entrance of the cave where they were.

Zhou Suyi's heart skipped a beat, so it's hard to be discovered?

Should not be ah.

If they could be found, they should have been discovered long ago, not just now.

The hearts of the others also sank, and they quickly fell silent, not daring to make any moves.

"How do I feel, these snakes seem to have found us, but they don't seem to be in a hurry to find us!" Chu said.

He has dealt with wolves the most, and now he regards snakes as wolves, and has some experience, which feels very bad.

Zhou Suyi nodded, "I have the same feeling. After eating those things, the target will become us."

"Fuck, what should I do? You can't sit still and think of a way." Fatty Wang was a little anxious.

Although he was very brave, he felt uncomfortable when he thought of being bitten to death by a group of snakes.

Uncle Ming said: "Snakes are afraid of fire. Check if there are oil lamps around. There may be lamp oil in them. Light a fire, and these snakes will probably be scared away!"

"Hey, you old guy, it's finally useful." Fatty Wang said.

Uncle Ming said: "At the beginning, I also traveled from south to north. I haven't seen any scenes. Do you think I'm really scared? I just think I should be more cautious."

"Praise you for being fat and you're still panting."

Everyone nodded and looked around silently.

There are still more than ten meters away from the group of snakes below.

As long as the movement is not too loud, the snakes below cannot hear the sound.

But since it has been discovered long ago, there is no need to be so scruples.

Several people searched here, but found a few jade masks.

Other than that, they didn't find anything useful!

Fatty Wang was very anxious, and saw Ah Xiang looking at a wall, her body trembling.

"I said sister, let's stop thinking about it at this time." Fatty Wang said.

But Axiang said in a trembling voice: "There, behind these walls, there is a woman's body."

"Ha Wan Leng?" Fatty Wang was taken aback, and looked carefully, but he didn't see anything, "I said sister, it's time now, let's not be scary, if you let it pass, it will disturb the morale of the army It's a big crime, you will be beheaded!"

Zhou Suyi came over, "What are you mumbling about?"

"Hey, this girl said that there is a woman's body behind these walls, how can there be!" Fatty Wang said.

Zhou Suyi frowned and looked at A Xiang, "A Xiang, are you sure you saw it?"

A Xiang nodded, "Sister Yang, I really saw that there is a woman's body on these walls."

Zhou Suyi was about to check, when Chu Yi ran over with an ugly expression.

"It's not good, those snakes seem to be coming up!"

Everyone also vaguely heard the creaking sound of those snakes crawling.

When everyone looked down, they saw that the group of snakes had chased up again.

"How to do?"

Zhou Suyi gritted her teeth, "There is no other way, I can only keep going up!"

She has no good solution for now.

Everyone had no choice but to continue climbing.

Every time you go up a floor, push the stone slabs to block the way, so that the speed of the snake will be slowed down.

Until finally reaching the top floor, looking at the terrain here, it is extremely dangerous.

The location they were in was a narrow passage with three small grottoes on each side.

The upward passage is in a grotto at the end.

This is the only way up.

It's out in the open.

The statue is only half a head.

I don't know if the part above the nose has collapsed for a long time, or what.

Climb up from the passage, and you can see the cliffs cut on three sides. This colossus is already extremely tall, but in this underground abyss, it seems a bit insignificant.

Everyone stood on the statue, but they were all as small as ants.

I have to say, everything here is too shocking.

This statue is no smaller than the Leshan Giant Buddha.

I don't know how much money the Demon Kingdom spent to turn this place into such a moat.

Everyone stood aside and looked down, feeling dizzy. Fatty Wang was so frightened that his legs went limp, and his fear of heights relapsed.

The dark airflow in this underground canyon formed a whimpering sound, and there was a strange sulfur smell in the air.

The hellish environment makes people shiver.

Imagine the densely packed mummified corpses below, those sacrifices whose eyes had been gouged out, those sacrifices whose eyes had been gouged out, and were fed to silver dolls to suck their blood, what a terrifying scene.

At this moment, it seemed as if someone was crying and howling below, making one's scalp tingle.

Once here, there is no other way.

Everyone hurriedly blocked the entrance of the cave with stone slabs, which could delay it for a while.

Everyone was exhausted and out of breath, and there was no time to rest.

"If you want me to say, if you really wait until those snakes catch up, you might as well just jump off the cliff and commit suicide. Fatty, I can't feed those snakes." Fatty Wang said out of breath!
After hearing his words, everyone's hearts sank to the bottom of the valley.

Zhou Suyi ignored him.

He looked around and felt that there must be a way.

The game is not over, which proves that there is still a possibility to pass the level, there must be a chance, but it has not been discovered yet.

She looked at the surrounding stone walls, and she really made a new discovery.

There are slight nicks on the stone wall, and the nicks in some places have been worn and blurred. The only recognizable picture is a woman's movement carved on the wall.

It seems that the signs and symbols on this wall were all carved by women, but the chisel marks on this wall are too unclear, and it is impossible to tell what the meaning is.

Perhaps it was the instruction to survive, and immediately, Zhou Suyi seemed to have grasped the straw of life-saving, and asked everyone to continue searching.


(End of this chapter)

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