Chapter 425 Clearance
Zhou Suyi looked at the symbols on the wall and felt that they might be important clues.

After all, even if he was forced to the current desperate situation, the game is still not over, which means there must still be a chance.

Immediately, let people look for it.

There are similar chiseled symbols and pictures on almost every wall, but the techniques and clarity are obviously not done by the same person, and they don't seem to belong to the same period, but the recorded content is similar.

They are all repetitions of the wall carving incident.

After everyone looked at the walls of four or five grottoes, they finally saw all the contents of the stone carvings.

They were sure that the stone carvings on each wall were carved by different women.

Since there is no other relevant evidence, we can only make subjective guesses.

"This painting, what are you painting for fun, what do you want to express, why do I feel so messed up!" Fatty Wang really couldn't figure it out.

Hu Ba looked around and analyzed: "These should be those women who have not given birth to 'ghost eyes'. They will be imprisoned here, and they will engrave what they think is the most important thing in this life."

Zhou Suyi thought of the contents of those human skin paintings before, and frowned, "It seems that these women will have their eyes pierced, and the blood in their eyes will be smeared on the symbols they carved, and they will complete the last of their lives. In the end, those blinded female corpses will be tied to the stone pillars of the canyon and become victims of religious theocracy."

Hearing what she said, everyone felt cruel for a moment.

"Old Hu, look, look at the eye patterns on the backs of these women!"

Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi stepped forward to watch, and indeed they saw the eye patterns on the backs of those women, which were exactly the same as the curse patterns on their backs.

Hu Bayi said in a deep voice: "If my guess is correct, it should be a curse. It is the curse left by those women who have sacrificed for countless years. What they cursed should be Eluohai City. At the beginning, only a few people .But as more and more people, the curse really becomes a curse."

"Damn, how hopeless it is to leave a curse like this!"

Everyone can feel the despair of those women here at the beginning as long as they make up their minds a little.

They were imprisoned here, knowing their fate, but still waiting for death in the slow darkness, the pressure in their hearts was enormous.

They must hate those people in their hearts, but they have no way to take revenge.

The only way to vent all the anger and unwillingness in my heart is to leave a spell on the wall.

"It's not good, those snakes are coming up!" Chu Yi suddenly exclaimed.

Everyone saw that a corner of the stone slab covering the entrance of the cave was lifted, and several black snakes climbed up.

These black snakes ejected towards everyone at an extremely fast speed.

With a flash of the saber in Ye Cheng's hand, several black snakes instantly split into two.

Fatty Wang rushed over and was about to cover the stone slab again, but when he looked down, his scalp felt numb, and he saw that the lower floor was already covered with black snakes.

Countless black snakes surged, and the big black snake kept spitting out venom and blooming clusters of red flowers, just looking at it made one's scalp tingle.

Fatty Wang quickly closed the lid, "No, this stone slab can't stop it at all, those snakes are coming up, hurry up and find a way to escape from here!"

escape?where to escape?
Everyone's heart is full of despair, as if they have become those women back then.

Now, at the very top of the stone statue, there is no other way to escape except by jumping.

However, they have no wings, and falling is a sure way to die.

At this moment, the mountain suddenly shook, and gravel fell from the mountain.


"Damn, what's the situation? Why is there an earthquake?"

For a moment, everyone became anxious.

If it were an earthquake, it would be over.

Once this underground space collapses, no one can survive.

The cliff that the giant statue leaned over, accompanied by the sound from the mountain, countless fine cracks were cracked in the crystal veins of the cliff, and the distribution became longer and longer, as if horned dragons with claws and claws had broken free from the mountain.

The ground was trembling, the cliffs were cracking, and the gravel was falling continuously, as if the end of the world was coming, making people tremble and nervous to the extreme.

Zhou Suyi's ears twitched, and her complexion became even uglier, "It's not an earthquake, it's the lake water, the water in the underground lake is about to pour down!

There may still be a way to survive the earthquake, but if it is really flooded by the lake, it will really be over.

As soon as the words fell, the water in the underground lake sprayed out from the crevice of the mountain like a water spray gun.

The group of snakes below is also constantly hitting the stone slab.

Even if a few people press down, there is a tendency to be rushed away.

Suddenly the thunder in Jilei Mountain disappeared without a trace, but the entire mountain and the ground were still trembling silently.

I don't know if it's an illusion, the body and the ground are shaking, but there is no sound.

There was a dead silence in the dark and huge underground canyon.

Even the poisonous snake stopped moving, as if aware of what was about to happen, and forgot to continue crawling for a moment.

Not only did everyone not feel the slightest bit of happiness, but their hearts sank to the bottom.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation.

Definitely means something bad is about to happen again.

"Grandma, there's a word for it. By the way, it's called the mountain and the rain is about to come and the wind is full of the building. Does it feel like this now?" Fatty Wang, a foolish and bold man, felt a little flustered in his heart.

The first day of the junior high school smiled bitterly: "It's a dead end, is there a worse situation than now?"

In this way, it lasted for about a few seconds, followed by three earth-shattering bangs, and three jets of water sprayed out from Jilei Mountain.

Among them, two streams of water were sprayed near the chest of the colossus, and the other stream was sprayed directly into the underground canyon.

The water jets are like three silver-white giant dragons, each of which is as thick as the waist of a giant statue, mixed with gravel from the mountain shell, impacting down in the water vapor sweeping the sky.

That scene was really shocking, no worse than the flood discharge of the Three Gorges Dam.

Any one current is enough to have a devastating effect on everything downstream.

The black statue is already top-heavy. Although it is tall, its interior has been hollowed out.

It was washed by the torrent and began to shake.

The arm inserted into the mountain gradually separated from the mountain shell, and the whole statue shook violently.

"Catch it, don't fall." Zhou Suyi shouted hastily.

"Damn it, damn it, I almost spit out the last night's meal!" Fatty Wang yelled, clutching his neck!

Everyone was speechless.

At this time, this guy still has the heart to say that these things are useless, and his heart is really big.

At this moment, the statue was shaking too violently, and if you were not careful, you would be knocked down.

Once you fall, although you will not be smashed to pieces, but you will die if you are swept away by the huge waves.

Those black snakes also seemed to sense the bad luck, they stopped attacking everyone, and retreated like a tide to avoid the disaster.

But at this moment, something worse happened.

The huge statue was impacted by the water dragon and immediately showed signs of collapse.

The idol began to fall, and everyone couldn't stand still.

With nothing holding their bodies in place, they all slid sideways along the statue!

Zhou Suyi quickly took out the rope and threw it at everyone.

"Everyone hold on to the rope!"

Everyone hurriedly grabbed the rope, and Zhou Suyi quickly fixed the rope to the top of the statue, which slowed down the person's fall.

But this approach doesn't solve the root problem.

Once the statue has completely collapsed, all efforts are in vain.

But at this moment, after the statue tilted at an incredible angle, it suddenly stopped and stopped falling, as if hanging somewhere on the mountain wall.

Since the colossus itself is not parallel to the direction of the canyon, its position is slightly offset.

After falling, its head rested right on the cliff to the east.

There are many exposed paleontological fossils on the cliff.

The stones fell down with a bang, and the colossus not only continued to bear the violent impact of the groundwater, but also was on the verge of falling due to its own weight after falling, and might continue to fall at any time.

Fatty Wang was out of breath, with cold sweat all over his forehead.

"I said, whether we have survived a catastrophe or not, there must be blessings in the future."

Hu Bayao: "Now is not the time to be happy, this statue may continue to collapse at any time."

Fatty Wang suddenly looked dissatisfied, "Old Hu, it's this time, can't you make me happy?"

Zhou Suyi said: "Stop talking nonsense, is now the time to be happy?"

Everyone's heart is in the throat.

At this moment, bursts of white air suddenly burst out from below.

This time it wasn't that kind of white smoke, but white gas.

Accompanied by the white gas, everyone can clearly feel a hot and humid breath, which is almost cooked.

"What the hell is going on?" Fatty Wang was so depressed that he was about to cry.

Hu Bayi glanced down, "The lava below has erupted, and it will form water vapor when it comes into contact with water!"

The violent vibration caused the underground magma to spurt out, just in time to come into contact with the water dragon.

This is really a world of ice and fire.

When everyone heard it, they called him a good guy.

Sure enough, there is no worst case for their encounters, only worse cases.

"It's all right now, let's cook the dumplings directly after falling." Fatty Wang was about to give up struggling, thinking in his heart that he should just shoot himself before falling.

Zhou Suyi clenched her fists, is it really impossible to pass the level if it is so difficult?
However, why the game has reached this point and has not failed yet.

Is there still a chance?

Thinking of this, Zhou Suyi still did not give up.

The water vapor is getting bigger and bigger, and the temperature is getting higher and higher.

Everyone felt that they were really going to be steamed.

"Think of a way, think of a way." Uncle Ming jumped anxiously.

But who has any good solution?

Zhou Suyi looked at A Xiang, "A Xiang, look around carefully, your eyes are our last hope!"

At the last moment, Zhou Suyi pinned her hope on Ah Xiang.

As Xiang, who has the same eyes as the ghost mother, she is definitely an important npc.

Perhaps the way to survive lies with Ah Xiang.

Ah Xiang had been frightened for a long time, but now that she heard Zhou Suyi's words, she looked around in a daze.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up, she pointed to a place and shouted: "Bridge, bridge, there is a bridge over there!"

When everyone heard this, they hurriedly looked in the direction of their fingers, but there was nothing but a vast expanse of whiteness.

But Zhou Suyi reacted quickly, and she chose to believe Ah Xiang's words unconditionally.

"Go, come with me!"

This is not the time to hesitate, and everyone no longer thinks too much, they can only keep up.

Passing through the white mist, I really saw a white bridge on the cliff in the distance.

It was a huge fossil with a long spine.

The two ends of the long spine and the coeloid are twisted and sunken in the rock, while a long skeleton in the middle hangs in mid-air.

"Damn it, it's amazing, there is no unparalleled road!" Everyone immediately became excited.

"Let's go!" Zhou Suyi was also very pleasantly surprised, this time she made the right bet again, and hurriedly led everyone onto the bridge.

Everyone hurriedly climbed up the bone bridge. The bone bridge was unstable and wobbly. It might break directly at any time and then collapse.

Everyone's heart is in the throat.

Looking down from a height, through the white mist, you can vaguely see the boiling river below.

If it falls off, it will be cooked in minutes.

Fortunately, all were safe and crawled over.

After the past, when I looked back and saw the huge skeleton, I was still in shock.

too big.

This is only a part of the bone, but it is two to three hundred meters long. If the body is completed, it may not be less than a thousand meters.

"Is this the so-called bone of the snake god?"

Zhou Suyi was shocked.

Such a large creature has never been found in the entire Blue Star. The Canglong, which was once called the largest, is just a baby in front of this huge bone.

It's no wonder that the people of Eluohai City regard this bone as a god. Even if modern people see it, it will subvert people's cognition.

Perhaps, millions of years ago, there really was a group of larger creatures with mysterious powers.


The bones were overwhelmed, and under the weight of the statue, they shattered and collapsed together.

"Go, run!"

Zhou Suyi didn't dare to stay any longer, and hurriedly took people away.

Walking along a channel, passing by a river, going down, and actually walking out.

When the sun is seen outside again, the game is over.

[Congratulations, you have passed the level]

As the game prompts appear, some animations appear.

In the picture, the curse on Xue Liyang and the three disappeared, and then Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang visited their old friends, and then left with Xue Liyang until the three disappeared in the distance.

The game is completely over.


(End of this chapter)

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