Chapter 41
Teacher Ma completely cleared the earth tornado level and came to the ancient city of Xiye.

A bunch of new game prompts appear.

[Currently the game can be archived, is it archived? 】

"Can it be archived?" Teacher Ma was very surprised.

If the previous game failed, he had to start all over again, which would waste a lot of time, but now he was able to save it. He was so excited that he hurriedly saved it.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were boiling.

"Damn it, this is the first time missions appear in this game. Oh my god, it seems that those were just appetizers before, and now it's officially entering the game's plot."

"Emotions, what we played before was just beginners, and the really exciting content just started."

"This game can be regarded as being understood by Mr. Ma."

"I seriously doubt that Mr. Ma must have a py deal with Mumumu Studio."

"Good guy, Mr. Ma has become the chosen one, strong."


It wasn't until this moment that netizens realized that the content that stuck with them before was just an appetizer.

But the real storyline has only just begun.

Zhou Suyi was still depressed, she played again, thinking of running directly this time, but the sandstorm outside was overwhelming, and she was buried directly after going out, and experienced the method of burying alive again.

She was so depressed that she complained about Lin Mu again in her heart.

This game is simply too unfriendly to her.

I usually play too many garbage games, who will use their brains?

This fellow Lin Mu, really.

How did his brain grow?

But then I saw the bullet chatting.

"Sister Zhou, Mr. Ma passed by in one go. He has already reached the gate of Xiye Ancient City. He has also triggered the mission system and can still save files!"

"Hahaha, I'm dying of laughter, why is the gap so big."

"Really? Damn, is Teacher Ma so strong now?"

"Must, a new mission, to explore the mystery of the demise of the ancient city of Xiye!"

"Fuck, I'm going to watch a wave!"


Many netizens ran to watch.

Zhou Suyi's eyes were strange, "Fuck, no way, you guys are not fooling me, are you? He passed by in one go? How is that possible? No, I'm going to do a ward round!"

She also ran over, and when she came to Teacher Ma's live broadcast room, Zhou Suyi subconsciously wanted to directly tip a wave of rockets.

However, seeing the data in the live broadcast room, Zhou Suyi immediately became restless.

The number of people online is 260 million, which is already comparable to the popularity of her live broadcast room.

All kinds of rocket yachts flew around, it was even more lively than her live broadcast room.

At this moment, Zhou Suyi felt sour in her heart.

Moreover, she quickly determined that Mr. Ma really triggered the new plot.


Also reward a ball!
"Woohoo, forests, abominable forest trees, I have died more than 200 times in my feelings. This is just getting started. If I want to clear the customs, can I really sprint a thousand times?" Zhou Suyi almost didn't grieve at this moment crying.

The real death experience time and time again is the biggest punishment for game failure. Whoever experiences it once will know.

The news that Mr. Ma cleared the levels one after another and set out for a new mission in Xiye Ancient City has spread like wildfire.

There is no way, it is really that people like Dai Qing are too dark, and they have posted too many articles, causing almost the whole people to discuss "The Ancient City of Jingjue", which also caused the new news of "The Ancient City of Jingjue" to be published immediately. Spread the word.

Some more impartial new articles began to appear gradually.

"I apologize for "Exquisite Ancient City", a real domestic masterpiece, the world's number one game!"

The following began to have black fans scolding.

"Hehe, it's too late to come out to wash the floor now, it's a garbage game, there is no follow-up, it's shameful to collect money!"

"Return my 299 to me, or I will always be black!"

"You guys who are bullying, who said that there is no follow-up plot, Teacher Ma has already passed two levels in a row and came to Xiye Ancient City."

"Hahaha, I'm dying of laughter. I don't have enough brains to make money, and I still rely on others to play games. I'm dying of laughter."

"What's the situation, is there really a follow-up to this game?"

"Nonsense, hurry up and watch Teacher Ma's live broadcast, you will know!"


There are many similar articles, and it is not Lin Mu's deliberate propaganda.

It was done spontaneously by those players who really liked the game "Jingjue Ancient City".

However, it is already late at night, and apart from some night owls, not many people know about it.

But it is foreseeable that when the day breaks tomorrow, no matter how serious the negative news yesterday is, the surprise will be as big as it is.


It is night here, but it is daytime in the beautiful country.

The players there were also scolding.

But soon, Dongbei Dajiang, a blogger of Daxia nationality, posted a few videos on his Youtube.

Due to his high popularity, these videos quickly became popular.

"Fuck, is this the follow-up of "The Ancient City of Essence"? Fuck, didn't you mean that there is no follow-up to this game? I uninstalled it, grandma's, what should I do if I can't download it now?"

"For you two, damn it, who made the rumor, I also uninstalled it, what should I do if I can't download it now."

"Damn, we're all stuck at the beginning, it feels like the exciting part has just begun."

"Is this real or fake? It can't be synthetic, right?"

"It's possible, but it doesn't feel like it. The texture is so good, it's even clearer than a 4K blockbuster. It's the consistent level of "The Ancient City."


Many beautiful country netizens are not calm.

They are less tolerant than the Great Xia Kingdom. After all, for them, although the game is strong, it is an invasion of foreign culture. In their hearts, they actually think that this game is what they guessed, just to make money.

Therefore, almost most players have uninstalled it.

However, st no longer provides download services, and they found that after uninstalling, the game can no longer be installed back.

This made them anxious.

"What should we do now? Isn't it necessary to let the Great Xia Kingdom continue to lead? This is unacceptable."

"Damn it, what the hell is going on with st, why can't it be downloaded."

"Damn it, st quickly open the download, return what I downloaded, or I will go to you."


Some real players are in a hurry, which is equivalent to letting them really miss the opportunity, which is intolerable.

At the same time, the st platform is also under tremendous pressure.

Even, they are already studying whether they should continue to open the download of "Jingjue Ancient City" and reject the proposal from Duck Factory.

However, in the morning of the Great Xia Kingdom, they discovered that Lin Mu took the initiative to take the game off the shelves and no longer cooperated with the st platform.

This instantly angered the st platform, they themselves feel that they can abandon you, but you are not qualified to abandon them, this is the same as the duck factory.

They can set fire to their state officials, but you will never be allowed to light up the common people, they are used to being arrogant!

This made them more determined to block Mumumu Studio.

Lin Mu took the game off the shelves, and he already had a new idea. Now, everything is ready, and the only thing left is Dongfeng. Today, he will do a big thing, big enough to change some of the original rules!


(End of this chapter)

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