Chapter 42 Future Game Platform
Dai Qing was very happy at the party yesterday, and her subordinates were full of compliments, saying that she has done this matter well, and it will be easy to upgrade to another level.

Dai Qing also slept soundly that night.

I went to work the next day and I was in a good mood.

When I came to the office, I was going to sort out the materials, then deploy today's work tasks and continue to go dark.

But not long after sitting down, the assistant rushed in.

"Director Dai, it's not good!"

"What's wrong, flustered, what does it look like!" Dai Qing dissatisfied!

The assistant smiled wryly, "Director Dai, the public opinion has reversed!"

"What do you mean?" Dai Qing thought for a moment, and instantly had a bad premonition!
"Yesterday, Mr. Ma passed the live broadcast yesterday, and even passed the level where everyone was stuck, and even passed two levels in a row, and entered a new copy. All the things we sent are useless!"


Dai Qing slapped the table and stood up excitedly.

The assistant continued: "And, not only that, there are people who say, say, that our duck factory is deliberately suppressing "Jingjue Ancient City", so we keep posting articles to discredit it!"


Dai Qing slammed the table again, her body trembling slightly.

"Damn it, Mr. Ma, I'm so mad. Who told him to show off at this critical moment!" Dai Qing was so angry that her teeth were itching.

If Teacher Ma didn't come out, it would take only a few days to completely discredit "The Ancient City of Essence".

At that time, even if someone passes by, it will be too late.

After this wave of heat is over, people forget about it.

There is no place to re-download, and soon "Jingjue Ancient City" will be forgotten.

However, on this cusp of the storm, this incident happened at the hottest time, which is troublesome. This is equivalent to their dark day yesterday, not to mention that it didn't work at all, and they even helped "The Ancient City" in a disguised form. advertised.

"Damn Lin Mu, I said why he didn't move at all yesterday, so he was waiting here. It seems that I really underestimated this guy. At such a young age, there is such a city!" Dai Qing's eyes were gloomy.

She really didn't expect that Lin Mu's move, which can control all movements without moving, would have such an effect.

"Dai, Director Dai, what should we do now?" the assistant asked!
He has realized the seriousness of this matter.

If this messes up, not only Director Dai, but all of them may have to leave.

Moreover, if the black public relations thing is true, they will face legal punishment.

The duck factory will also push them out as soon as possible.

Dai Qing took a deep breath to calm herself down.

She didn't give up easily. After thinking for a few minutes, she sneered at the corner of her mouth, "Hehe, since this doesn't work, let's change the direction. Think about it, this game is full of horror and adventure elements, and you will die every now and then. Exaggerate these, you say, those parents, will they watch this game continue to exist?"

The assistant's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"Gao, Gao, Director Dai, I'm so lucky that you can be the supervisor. It's too powerful. This move will definitely catch "The Ancient City of Essence" by surprise!"

Director Dai smiled, "Don't rush to do it, let him play for two days, collect more content on this aspect, and then find a suitable opportunity, and then do it!"

"Okay, I understand. I'll let someone collect these materials. When the time comes, I'll catch him by surprise!"


The gun is easy to hide, and the dark arrow is hard to prevent.

Lin Mu himself didn't know that one trouble had just been solved, and the second trouble was coming soon.

When he woke up in the morning, he turned on his cell phone and found that the harassing calls and text messages were gone.

I used to open Toutiao and read the news.

"It turned out that Teacher Ma passed by. It's really unexpected!"

Lin Mu was also very surprised, after all, he had only two impressions of Teacher Ma before.

Very lucrative.

Hard mouth!

But now, tens of millions of players have not passed the level, and he has passed three in a row. He really has two brushes.

When he saw that some public opinion on the Internet was reversed, and those black posts almost disappeared, he showed a satisfied smile.

"That's it? The young master is a time traveler after all, as long as he takes a little action, he can easily catch it!" Lin Mu was still proud, he could imagine what kind of expression Dai Qing would have when he saw the news after going to work in the morning.

But pride belongs to pride, Lin Mu did not take it lightly.

"Duck Factory is Duck Factory after all. There is definitely a reason for being able to dominate the game industry for so many years. It is impossible to just let it go!"

Lin Mu also knew that his game thinking was completely contrary to Duck Factory.

The two are like fire and water.

Either he died, or the duck factory died.

Therefore, it is impossible for Duck Factory to compromise, there must be some moves waiting for him.

After thinking about it, Lin Mu sent Zhou Suyi a message.

"Sister Zhou, please, I want to use some time to explain something during your live broadcast tonight. However, this matter may make you offend the duck factory. Think about it, and then give me an answer!"

Duck Factory is not only involved in the game industry in China, but also dominates in other aspects.

It is obviously unwise to fight against such a behemoth.

Even if Zhou Suyi refused, he would not be surprised.

However, he also has countermeasures.

"System, if I make a game platform, can I do it?"

[Yes, to build a large game platform, you need 500 million popularity points! 】

"500 million, it's okay, I can accept it!"

Lin Mu is very satisfied.

He doesn't want to be controlled by others anymore, he wants to build his own game platform, and all future games will be released on his own platform, so that he won't give any commission to others.

It's just that this platform also needs to be promoted.

It was not popular before.

But now it is different. With the huge user base and popularity of "Jingjue Ancient City", it is not easy to promote a game platform.

This also solves the problem that other users are currently unable to download "Jingjue Ancient City".

"Okay, then build a game platform!"

Lin Shu communicated with the system and created a brand new game platform according to his own ideas.

Forest trees on this platform have also worked hard.

Players can log in to the game through virtual devices, 100% simulate real people to enter, and the surroundings simulate real game scenes. Selecting to enter greatly increases the sense of interaction, and brings the virtual reality technology and somatosensory equipment of this era to the extreme.

The platform also has a live broadcast function, which directly surpasses other platforms, and the anchor can perform holographic projection live broadcast.

There are also ideas that go far beyond modern concepts, all baked into the platform.

In the end, the popularity value of 500 million people didn't stop, and it took nearly 800 million people's popularity value to get it done.

Lin Mu named the new game platform wlgame, implying the future game platform!

After finishing all these, Lin Mu noticed that Zhou Suyi had already replied a message.

Looking at the time, I just sent it out, and the other side returned it.

"No problem, I will send a video notification now. I believe netizens are very happy to see you. As for me, I am afraid of a bird. I don't believe it. The duck factory will really block me!"

This surprised Lin Mu a little.

This woman is very strong!


(End of this chapter)

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