Chapter 43 The Game Comes True?

Su Xin is a member of the Longteng archaeological team. Since work is usually boring, she also plays games after get off work.

However, most of the current games are boring, and it is difficult to arouse her too much interest.

However, the appearance of the game "Exquisite Ancient City" with the cultural attributes of the Great Xia Kingdom completely aroused Su Xin's interest.

The most important thing is that in recent years, they have been studying the culture of the Western Regions, especially her teacher, Professor Zhong, has been studying the culture of Jingjue in recent years, but unfortunately there are too few materials in this area.

Professor Zhong also went to the desert several times in person, trying to find the remains of the ancient city of Jingjue, but unfortunately found nothing.

But the old professor was also very persistent and never gave up.

Of course, as a rookie in the game, Su Xin did not play smoothly.

If you don't watch other people's live broadcasts, you won't even be able to reach the sandstorm.

Later, I couldn't make it through, so I went to the Internet to check the strategies, and then saw Zhou Suyi and Teacher Ma's live broadcast, and instantly felt that I had found an organization, which was incomparable.

I watch it with gusto as soon as I get off work.

On this day, Teacher Ma finally passed the earth tornado and found a dilapidated ancient city ruins, which made Su Xin very happy.

When the giant black pupil statue was dug out, others didn't feel anything, but Su Xin was shocked.

"Oh my God, how come the text on this statue is so similar to what the teacher researched? And this statue with giant pupils, the teacher said that the Jingjue Kingdom may be related to the Ghost Cave Clan, and they have a very high worship of the eyes, but these It's all secret, it has never been released to the outside world, how could the designer of this game know?"

Su Xin's first thought was that someone had leaked the secret.

She realized that the game might not be that simple, and her first thought was to call her teacher immediately.

When the phone was connected, she learned that the teacher was still in the office building of the archaeological team. Without saying a word, she immediately took a few photos and rushed to the archaeological team.

After half an hour.

Professor Zhong saw the photo, and his reaction was bigger than Su Xin's.

"Where did it come from, where did this photo come from?"

Su Xin noticed that Professor Zhong's body was trembling, which showed the excitement in his heart at the moment.

You know, Professor Zhong is usually very steady.

Su Xin hurriedly said: "Teacher, this is a picture in a game, I took a screenshot."

"Game? Impossible, absolutely impossible. This, this is clearly the unique symbol of the Ghost Cave Clan. I have studied it for so long, and it is impossible to get it wrong!"

"Also, the shape of this statue is too consistent with the information I know. This thing must also come from the Ghost Cave Clan!"

Su Xin hurriedly said: "Teacher, I also noticed this, so I hurried to inform you!"

Professor Zhong suddenly raised his head and stared at Su Xin, "Xiao Xin, tell me the truth, where did this photo come from?"

Su Xin looked helpless, "Teacher, this is really in the game."

After Su Xin explained for a long time, Professor Zhong believed that this is really a photo in the game.

"Teacher, could it be a coincidence?"

Professor Zhong shook his head directly, "It can't be a coincidence. The unique symbols of the Ghost Cave Clan are very special. It is impossible for people who don't understand to write them. Also, if it is a coincidence, these symbols will not be consistent with this giant. Hitomi statue appeared together!"

"Moreover, these symbols are different from some of the symbols I have obtained over the years, and the possibility of leaking secrets is also ruled out!"

"That's right, then tell me, what's going on?" Su Xin also thought it was the case.

It's not a coincidence, how else can it be explained?
"There is only one explanation. The designer of this game must know some news about the Jingjue Kingdom and the Ghost Cave Clan. No, Xiaoxin, just go and help me buy some equipment. I want to experience it myself!" Professor Zhong said a little expect!

Although I feel that I haven't found any useful information for most of my life, the idea of ​​getting important clues from a game is ridiculous.

But he told him in his heart that there might really be a major discovery.


After Zhou Suyi received Lin Mu's message, she didn't stay idle at all, and directly took a video, announcing that the author of "Exquisite Ancient City" will meet with you in her live broadcast room at seven o'clock in the evening, and tell about "Exquisite Ancient City". Stories related to The Ancient City.

As soon as this video came out, it exploded immediately.

Netizens have always been very curious about the designer of this game, and there are even many rumors that the designer of the game is actually a foreign team.

They want to refute, but they can't come up with actual evidence.

Now, Lin Mu is going to appear on the screen, which is so exciting.

Countless netizens began to look forward to it, waiting for the arrival of [-]:[-] to see the true face of Lin Mu.

Of course, there are also many people who are depressed.

"Fuck me, who the hell said that this game is a money-making scam and has no follow-up, you come out, I promise I won't kill you, I uninstalled it, and now I can't go back!"

"Me too, fuck, I was fooled by these people, and I was so mad."

"Hey, I hope the "Exquisite Ancient City" team can come up with a new download method."

"It's probably difficult. I've checked this studio. It's a private studio. It's probably at its limit to be able to produce such an awesome game."

"It's too bad. Two days ago, there were a lot of articles in the black "Jingjue Ancient City". This was definitely premeditated. Grandma's, which company did it!"


There are also many players in China who choose to uninstall after downloading, but now they have no regrets.

Of course, the players in Kimchi Country are even more depressed.

Two days ago, they had a high sense of superiority, scolding Daxia Kingdom for cheating money by games, standing on the high ground of morality and constantly condemning them, saying that the culture of the Western Regions belonged to them, and it was impossible for Daxia Kingdom to come up with anything.

However, after Teacher Ma passed by, these people were so depressed that they were about to cry.

"I am a dignified country of kimchi, millions of people have not passed through, but let a person from the Great Xia country pass first, shame, shame."

"So what if you go there first, haven't you cleared the customs yet? The last one who clears the customs must be from our kimchi country. Brother Sun, hurry up."

"It's just a fluke, how can the game level of Great Xia Kingdom compare with ours?"

"That's right, it was just a fluke. I saw that Mr. Ma was so scared that he pissed on the ground at that time, and it was just a coincidence that the plot was triggered!"

"Hahaha, true or false, there is such a thing, these players from the Great Xia Kingdom turned out to be lucky, but it doesn't matter to let them, in the face of absolute strength, their luck is not worth it Mention!"


Netizens in Kimchi Country are as hard as a stone in a latrine, just like Teacher Ma's mouth.

Although I scolded a lot in the past two days, I am more motivated than anyone else to play now.

In order to be the first to clear the level, some players work tirelessly.

However, the game "Exquisite Ancient City" still consumes a lot of energy, and they are not restless. In the past few days, the ambulances in Kimchi Kingdom have taken away many people.

Even, in order to prove that the culture of the Western Regions belongs to the Kimchi Country, the players in the Kimchi Country are far more crazy than the players in the Great Xia Country.


(End of this chapter)

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