Chapter 44 This wave, how to say

Yesterday, Mr. Ma broke through levels one after another, came directly to Xiye Ancient City, and received the first task of the game, which made the majority of netizens very happy.

It was already late at night, so Mr. Ma just saved the file and didn't continue to play.

But many other players are having fun.

They entered the ancient city of Xiye one after another, wanting to be the first to complete the task.

However, due to the urine nature of this game, it is not so easy to complete a task.

For one night, almost all players had nothing to gain.

Zhou Suyi woke up very early today. After receiving the news from Lin Mu, she immediately sent a video preview.

She didn't think much about it, she just thought that Lin Mu made her angry once, and she should repay her. As for whether she would offend the duck factory, she didn't care too much.

Although Duck Factory has shares in their platform, it is impossible to directly dominate the operation of the platform. If she is directly banned, it will definitely be a shame.

"No, everyone else is working so hard, I have to work hard, I am the first to play the game, and now I have not passed a single difficulty, it is too embarrassing, no, I have to do this first task today Give it over!"

Immediately, Zhou Suyi directly started the live broadcast.

"Yo, sister Zhou is so early today, it's really difficult!"

"Sister Zhou, the author of "Exquisite Ancient City" will come today, is it true?"

"I'm looking forward to it, let me tell you, what does this author look like?"

"You still have to guess, most of the people who do this are wearing glasses, unshaven, and bald, hahaha!"

"Hahaha, fuck it, there's a picture!"


Netizens are joking!

Zhou Suyi smiled mysteriously, "Hey, don't worry, I will surprise you when the time comes, well, the game time starts today, today, I want to complete the task of Xiye Ancient City, and be the first person to eat crabs!"

"Sister Zhou, don't set a flag, it's fine to eat canned herring, but you haven't fulfilled it yet by wearing black silk and pole dancing!"

"Fuck, I'd almost forget if you didn't tell me."

"Sister Zhou is not particular, she actually wants to fool around."

"Black silk, pole dancing, black silk, pole dancing!"

"Hei Si, pole dancing!"


Zhou Suyi rolled her eyes, "Damn it, didn't you all insist on watching the game back then? Okay, let's arrange it for you tomorrow!"

Immediately, Zhou Suyi skillfully entered the game.

The previous operation was as fierce as a tiger, and after spending some time, he finally arrived in front of Xiye Ancient City and got the task.

"Hey, it's still good to be able to save, but this reward is actually a high-explosive grenade, which... is a bit outrageous, but the rewards of the game should not be random. These three high-explosive grenades should be useful in the future!"

Zhou Suyi thought of the giant snake in the cg animation, and thought that it might be used to deal with the ultimate boss.

An Liman: "The front is the ancient city of Xiye. There is an ancient well here, which has not dried up for thousands of years. It is a miracle of Hu Da. We can go inside to replenish the water resources!"

"That's great, I'm dying of thirst!" Sa Dipeng and the others were overjoyed.

Zhou Suyi also felt smoke coming from her throat.

A group of people went directly into the ancient city.

It is said to be a city, but it is actually as big as a town now, surrounded by walls made of black stones, and it is very dilapidated.

Dilapidated houses are everywhere in the city.

Although it is dilapidated, it can be vaguely felt that it should have been very lively back then.

An Liman took them to the ancient well in the city to fetch water.

Zhou Suyi's ton ton is just a few big mouthfuls, the water is cold and sweet, very delicious!
"Wow, the water here is so delicious!" Zhou Suyi praised!

"Hey, everyone, I have an idea. Next time I enter the game, I'm going to open a mineral water farm here!"

"Hahaha, you know mineral water."

"Okay, okay, the next Master Kong is you."


Everyone filled the water, and An Liman discussed it with Hu Bayi.

After that, Hu Bayi found Zhou Suyi.

"Miss Yang, An Liman said that the camels are too tired, and they have to rest here for a few days before continuing on the road. I also think that everyone is so tired, so we can take this opportunity to take a good rest!" Hu Bayi!
Zhou Suyi nodded quickly, "Okay, no problem, sharpening the knife is not the same as chopping firewood, so let everyone have a good rest!"

Hu Bayi was slightly surprised, he didn't expect Zhou Suyi to be so happy.

Zhou Suyi longed to have a good rest here, so that she would have the opportunity to explore the secret of the disappearance of Xiye Ancient City.

On this day, everyone else rested, and Zhou Suyi started the search journey.

The other players, like Zhou Suyi, almost all came to Xiye Ancient City and started a frantic search journey.

Collapsed houses everywhere, look like tall royal palaces, look like special buildings.

In short, I searched almost all places, but couldn't find any clues.

In the end, someone even searched the former latrine, but found no problems.

It wasn't until almost seven o'clock in the evening that Zhou Suyi quit the game reluctantly cursing.

"Damn trees, where are the clues hidden? I searched the entire ancient city but couldn't find it. Even if Sherlock Holmes is here, he must be in a daze. I really want to open his head and look at this guy. How did your brain grow!"

Zhou Suyi is so angry.

After a busy day in the game, it is also very tiring.

Other players are also desperate.

After finally passing the level of the earth tornado, I thought it would be smooth sailing in the future, but now, I am stuck in the level of Xiye Ancient City again.

What is this called.

Teacher Ma's live broadcast room became lively.

As soon as Mr. Ma went online, millions of netizens flooded in.

Seeing this terrifying popularity, Teacher Ma was already happy.

"Teacher Ma, hurry up, we're stuck again."

"Teacher Ma please take action!"

"Teacher Ma please take action!"

"Teacher Ma, you are the hope of the whole village!"

"Teacher Ma, hurry up!"


Teacher Ma was even more happy when he saw these bullet screens.

"Hahaha, hey, haha, this wave, don't worry, I just need to make a little move, and I can handle it easily. Don't worry, look at me!"

Teacher Ma was full of confidence and directly entered the game.

When he came to Xiye Ancient City, he also started his aimless search.

As a result, a day passed and nothing was found.

When Mr. Ma quit the game, there was no such confident smile on his face.

"This wave, in fact, you may not understand, I have a plan, what is it called, this is called knowing yourself and the enemy, I will coordinate the overall situation first, and then make plans, in fact, this time, I have found some clues, wait Let's take a break, have a meal, the second time, I just need to make a little move, and I can pass, don't worry, don't worry, eat first!"

Netizens burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, I finally saw a familiar picture!"

"Next is the hard-talking part of Teacher Ma."

"That's right, that's right, Mr. Ma is still the cutest with a stubborn mouth. I really don't want to see him keep pretending!"

"Okay, Mr. Ma can't make it through this time, is there a master detective, go online quickly!"


(End of this chapter)

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