Chapter 49
When they returned home in the evening, Lin Mu received a lot of job-seeking information, all of which asked them to go to the company's door for an interview early tomorrow morning.

After washing up, Lin Mu looked at the news.

After seeing the content on the hot search, Lin Mu couldn't help cursing "grass".

"It seems that I still underestimated the energy and means of these big factories, and there is still this trick waiting, absolutely, absolutely amazing!"

Lin Mu didn't expect that they actually moved out of Daxia Country's parents.

Now the problem becomes a bit tricky.

You must know that the power of the head of the Great Xia country is quite huge, and it is distributed in all walks of life. When they speak together, any department must weigh it.

He clicked on an article and read it.

The whole article maliciously exaggerates the violent and bloody elements, and there is nothing about other good aspects.

Not to mention the comments below, they are all criticizing "The Ancient City of Jingjue".

However, there are also some different voices mixed in.

Someone spoke up for "The Ancient City of Jingjue".

"Damn, you haven't played before and came here to comment on something, and you are led by the nose, idiots."

"That is, the game Jingjue Ancient City, not to mention harming people, but also to appreciate the charm of the ancient culture of the Great Xia Kingdom, which game can do it."

Of course, these comments are too few, and as soon as they are posted, they will be mobbed immediately.

Da da da……

Lin Mu tapped his fingers on the table, thinking of a countermeasure.

But after thinking about it, there is really no good way.

These people will never approve of what he said without playing.

They will always trust their own subjective judgments, and will not try to distinguish the truth from the false.

It's even harder for him without media support.

It would be nice if someone in authority could speak up for him.

It's a pity that he doesn't know any authority figures.

"Hey, forget it, let's take one step at a time. No matter how bad it is, the relevant departments can only ask me to rectify it. However, if I really change it, there will be no such meaning!"

Lin Mu scratched his hair.

"Hey, the time traveler is not omnipotent."

Since there was something he couldn't handle, Lin Mu didn't think too much about it.

Early the next morning, Lin Mu got up early and went to his studio.

When he arrived, there were already many people waiting outside with their resumes.

"So many?" Lin Mu was a little surprised.

From this point of view, there are at least 50 people.

Among them, there are men, women and old people, all dressed in different styles.

No way, it's hard to find a job these days, let alone a job with no requirements and a high salary.

"Um, let me go!" Lin Mu said!

"Don't squeeze, take the number, we are all waiting too!" Someone said dissatisfied!

"That's right, a little quality, first come, first served, don't you understand, line up!"

Lin Mu has a strange look in his eyes.

"Ahem!" He cleared his throat, "I am the owner of this studio, and I asked you to come!"

When these people heard that he was the boss, they immediately became excited.

"Boss, you can hire me, I'm a computer major."

"Boss, I'm also a computer major, and I worked as a network administrator in an Internet cafe!"

"Boss, me too, I swept the floor in an Internet cafe!"

"Boss, I also work in an Internet cafe, and I'm the girl at the front desk!"

The crowd all surrounded him, fearing that he would lose the election.

"What is this all about!" Lin Mu was speechless.

How is it all related to Internet cafes?
He felt that he was too casual.

It took some time for these people to stabilize their emotions, and then the interview began.

The first person to come in was a middle-aged man who looked about sixty. He was dressed in ordinary clothes, and he was a little nervous.

"Introduce yourself!" Lin Mu asked!
The middle-aged man was a little embarrassed, "Boss, my name is Zhang Biao. I am 59 this year. My home is in a nearby village. I used to be working on a construction site. Don't worry, the boss. The Internet cafe on the outer street is built by us. of!"

forest? ? ?

Migrant workers?

Why do you still emphasize that the Internet cafe was built by him?

Lin Mu was a little suspicious that his recruitment notice mentioned the word Internet cafe?

But then he understood.

In this building, most of the companies run the Internet and deal with computers.

Therefore, these people have no experience in this field, and the Internet cafes may be the best place to rely on.

Seeing Lin Mu's expression was wrong, the middle-aged man hurriedly said: "Boss, you can accept me. I have an 80-year-old mother at home, and a child who is in college. My wife is sick and bedridden all the year round. I really need money." ah!"


"Okay, okay!" He hurriedly responded, and the middle-aged man would burst into tears when he continued, "You have been admitted, with a salary of [-] yuan, a monthly payment, and a three-day probationary period. If there is no problem, you can stay!"

The middle-aged man was dumbfounded.

"Hired?" I didn't even dare to think about it, I just came to try my luck, and it really worked.

Immediately thank you very much.

Lin Mu continued to admit the second.

The second one is an aunt who cleans Internet cafes.

Without further ado, Lin Mu directly admitted.

The third one is the young girl at the front desk of the Internet cafe, dressed up beautifully.

Lin Mu didn't hesitate and hired directly.

When the people behind hear that Internet cafes are so useful, no matter what they do, they must have a relationship with the Internet cafe.

Some said they had slept in Internet cafes, some had slept in Internet cafes, some even passed by the door of Internet cafes, and some had seen Internet cafes!


However, it doesn't matter to Lin Shu.

He just found some people to fill the show. As for what these people do every day, it doesn't matter, as long as they stay in the company.

This interview was a little bit up, and in the end all the people who came were admitted.

46 in total.

The monthly salary is 46.

However, this amount of money is simply a drop in the bucket for the current trees.

On the same day, he also bought suits for these people and dressed them up a bit. They really looked like elites in the workplace.

A group of people sit in front of their own computers, some of whom don't even know how to use computers.

However, Lin Mu is very satisfied with this.

"Haha, we also have No. 50 employees under our hands!"

Not to mention, it feels really good to be the boss.

It's just that whenever I walk past these people, I always feel that these people look at me strangely.

Like looking at a fool.

"Bah, bah, I'm not a fool, I'm too young, you guys are too small!"


Lin Shu is tossing about here, while public opinion on the Internet is still fermenting.

Thousands of parents were all dispatched.

However, with Lin Mu's speech yesterday, today some players spontaneously came out to help Lin Mu explain.

They also formed a special group to act together.

It has to be said that there are also talents among those players, and they are organized in an orderly manner. They don't spout on the Internet, but debate with the parents with reason.

This mysterious power from the players, even Lin Mu didn't expect it, and he was speechless to many parents.


(End of this chapter)

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