Chapter 50 The Strange Player
Lin Mu had a busy day, but many players were trapped for a day.

Zhou Suyi started playing games early in the morning.

He entered the game skillfully, and continued to search for places that he hadn't looked for yesterday, but he still found nothing.

The entire ancient city is very dilapidated, and there are no clues at all.

"Damn, how do I find this? This ancient city has been destroyed for at least thousands of years. Even if there are clues, it would have disappeared long ago. How could it stay!" Zhou Suyi thought depressingly.

Like him, this time, Teacher Ma was also trapped.

Yesterday it was awesome and it was still very loud, but today it is realistic.

"Hahaha, sure enough, Mr. Ma was in a daze before, but once he entered the official plot, he was directly stuck."

"Fill it, Teacher Ma."

"I'm really tied to Q, it's too difficult, I spent a day, asked other people to help, searched the ground, and found nothing."

"Me too, I almost cleared out the entire ancient city."

"Damn it, that's what a game master seems to do. He seems to have cleared a large area."


Teacher Ma was in Xiye Ancient City, looking here and there, digging with an engineering shovel from time to time, sweating all over himself, but there was no clue at all.

This made him lose face, but Teacher Ma is Teacher Ma after all.

I was so hungry at noon that I quit the game.

"Actually, you don't understand this wave. It's not that I can't get through it, but I don't want to go through it for the time being. Don't you think that such an ancient city should appreciate its charm more?"

"To be precise, I'm not playing games right now. I'm appreciating the beauty of this game. Such a good game, such a realistic ancient city, it's a loss if I don't see more, brothers."

"Think about it, if you want to travel in this kind of ancient city, the entrance ticket will be at least a few hundred yuan. Hey, plus the cost of the road, it will be at least a few thousand yuan. If I stay for an extra minute now, I will earn money." , This is the pattern, you just want to pass the level, the pattern is too small brother!" Teacher Ma said clearly!
Netizens burst out laughing.

"Hahaha, I'm back, I'm back, that stubborn teacher Ma is back."

"Finally, I don't have to watch this guy continue pretending."

"There's nothing wrong with it, it's reasonable!"

"Damn it, I actually think what Teacher Ma said makes sense!"

"This wave is not a loss!"

"Teacher Ma didn't flash out the rocket*10."


Now, Teacher Ma's popularity in the live broadcast room is on par with Zhou Suyi.

But the point of view is obviously different.

Zhou Suyi is still working hard on the road of dying a thousand times, while Teacher Ma never turns back on the hard-talking road.


"Forget it, forget it, stop playing, take a break, dig for a long time, I'm exhausted, don't you want to watch Hei Si dance a pole dance, I can arrange it for you today!"

In order not to continue digging, Zhou Suyi also worked hard.

Prepared steel pipes at home, changed into clothes, and put on black silk.

Netizens were dumbfounded.

"Fuck, sister Zhou in black silk is too feminine."

"Brothers, I can't do it anymore, I'm going to charge, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

"Let's go together, it's the first time I've seen Sister Zhou so feminine!"

"I just ask one thing, when sister Zhou is dancing, don't talk."

"Hahaha, she's a pretty woman, why did she just have a mouth!"


Zhou Suyi glanced at the barrage, and suddenly became out of breath.

"Fuck, I've already danced pole dances in black silk for you guys, and you're still talking about me, can you all be human?"

News of Zhou Suyi's pole dancing spread like wildfire.

People from other live broadcast rooms came to watch.

This time, the popularity exploded again.

Teacher Ma was playing and found that the number of people in the live broadcast room suddenly decreased by half, and he was suddenly depressed.


Different from these impetuous players, "Exquisite Ancient City" also has an absolutely wonderful player.

Since Su Xin helped Professor Zhong buy the equipment, Professor Zhong became completely obsessed. He stopped going to class every day, stopped doing research, and focused on the game.

Su Xin is very worried.

After all, she has a deep understanding of how exciting this game is.

I'm really afraid that the old man is too high-ranking, and if something happens, she will be guilty of a serious crime.

However, Professor Zhong was in the game, and she couldn't disturb him.

She didn't know that it was very different from other players. Professor Zhong was not playing games at the moment, he was doing research.

He brought various archaeological tools, and together with Professor Chen, the two studied this and that, and exchanged experiences while studying.

The two of them really hated seeing each other so late, they were simply confidants.

Su Xin waited until the evening before Professor Zhong was forced by the game and reluctantly quit the game.

"Teacher, you are finally willing to quit!" Su Xin said with some complaints.

Professor Zhong's breathing was a little short, his body was a little weak, and his stomach was rumbling.

A young man can't stand not eating for a day, let alone his age.

"Hahaha, I spent another day communicating with Professor Chen. Together we studied the architectural style of Xiye Ancient City and found some written records. We have benefited a lot!" Professor Zhong couldn't get enough of it!

Su Xin sighed, "Teacher, at your age, even though this game is fun, you can't beat it. At least, you have to eat your lunch. If anything happens to you, the brothers will scold you to death." mine!"

"What kind of game is this? This is clearly a real-world survey. Everything in this ancient city is exactly the same as when I went there. I have never discovered many details before. Now, I can finally find them in the game. It's unbelievable." , Incredible!"

Seeing Professor Zhong still immersed in the game, Su Xin was helpless.

But she was also shocked. Even Professor Zhong recognized it so much, which is enough to show that the game has really put a lot of effort into the details.

"Xiaoxin, help me find it. It would be great if I could meet the designer of this game!" Professor Zhong is very interested in game designers.

Su Xin said: "Well, he did a live broadcast yesterday and talked a lot about "The Ancient City of Essence". Teacher, would you like to watch it?"

"Really, hurry up, show me!" Professor Zhong was very anxious!
Su Xin hurriedly searched for the replay of Lin Mu's live broadcast yesterday, and showed it to Professor Zhong.

Professor Zhong was very excited after reading it.

"Okay, okay, in my country of Great Xia, it is rare to have young people who value ancient culture so much. Also, he mentioned an ancient book. This book must be very important. Based on a book, the game can be portrayed so realistically. Meticulous, it means that this book is probably written by someone who has been to the ancient city of Jingjue!"

"It would be great if I could see this book with my own eyes!"

Professor Zhong kept rubbing his hands, his eyes full of anticipation.

Su Xin next to him looked dumbfounded, it was the first time she saw Professor Zhong with such an expression!
However, she immediately thought of something, and said, "Teacher, this game may be banned in a few days. If you really find it useful, it may only be a few days. However, don't be addicted to it." , when it's time to eat, you must remember to quit the game and eat!"

"What, blocked!"

Hearing these two words, Professor Zhong immediately lost his composure!


(End of this chapter)

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