Chapter 51 Am I the illegitimate child of a big man?
Dai Qing's team is working together with other game companies.

Taking advantage of the support of the parents, many game companies jointly issued a notice strongly boycotting "The Ancient City of Jingjue" and listed the ten deadly crimes of "The Ancient City of Jingjue", which made the situation even more unfavorable for "The Ancient City of Jingjue".

Due to the ferment of public opinion, the cultural and tourism department has already paid attention to the situation of "Jingjue Ancient City", and they must come forward to do something, otherwise, the spit of parents will be enough to drown them.

Although the loyal fans of "Jingjue Ancient City" formed a small group to help "Jingjue Ancient City" clarify, the effect was not very satisfactory.

In the evening, Dai Qing got today's data again and was very satisfied.

"Director Dai, I asked someone to inquire about the meaning of the leaders above. It is estimated that within a few days, a document will be issued to notify the rectification of "Jingjue Ancient City". This time, we have won a big victory!" The assistant was very excited.

Dai Qing was very proud, "Fighting with me is still very tender. Next step, go and grab everyone in their studio with a high salary. I'll see what kind of rectification this tree will use, and then I want to form a team. , it’s not that easy, even if it’s formed, it will take a long time to reorganize, and this period of time is enough to make people forget a lot of things!”

"Hahaha, okay, we will act tonight, and when Lin Mu goes to work tomorrow, we will definitely surprise him!"

The assistant went to work full of anticipation.


After Lin Mu returned home, he released the game platform.

Zhou Suyi also helped promote it, and with Lin Mu's live broadcast before, many players who have uninstalled or haven't played before have long been looking forward to it.

In their minds, a gaming platform is just like any other.

However, when they downloaded and installed it, they were all shocked.

"Fuck, this is a game platform? This shit is a future technology platform, isn't it too advanced?"

"Oh my god, the game platform can still do this, it just subverts my cognition!"

"It's worthy of being produced by Mumumu Studio. A game platform has played tricks."

"Damn, once this platform comes out, what kind of st, compared to this, it's just rubbish old antiques!"


In order to support Lin Mu, Zhou Suyi also downloaded it.

When it was installed, people were stunned.

She seemed to have entered a strange space, in front of her was a bottomless ghost cave, and there was a reminder next to it, jumping into the abyss can enter the game "Exquisite Ancient City".

"Oh my god, the game platform can be so fun, so technological, Lin Shu came from the future, this brain is too easy to use, and there is also a live broadcast, my god, in the future, I will be able to live broadcast here !"

Zhou Suyi was extremely excited.

She suddenly felt that she was really not afraid of being blocked by the duck factory now.

At that time, it really won't work, so I will come here to broadcast live. Not only is it more advanced than their technology, but it is also out of control. More importantly, she has a hunch that this platform will soon become very popular.

Zhou Suyi instantly felt that she had made the most correct decision to help Lin Mu before.

The staff of the St platform paid attention to this matter immediately after Lin Mu's live broadcast.

After all, as a game platform, they have been operating for many years to achieve their current status.

Although I don't think wlgame can have any impact on them, it is still necessary to pay attention.

Of course, the st platform didn't take it seriously.

As a global comprehensive game platform, there are too few opponents to fight, which also hinders their innovation ability on the one hand.

However, when they downloaded the experience, the leaders of the st platform panicked.

Whether it is concept, technical content, or technological level, they have far surpassed them.

At this moment, the leaders of st even regretted cooperating with the duck factory.

What kind of monster is this?


News from abroad is lagging behind.

They just heard the news that the heads of the Great Xia nation jointly boycotted the game "Exquisite Ancient City".

It makes them gloat.

"You did a good job, hahaha, the parents of Great Xia Kingdom, you really never let us down."


However, that night, a top article appeared in the major media.

The author of this article is Professor Zhong. He directly praised the contribution of Jingjue Ancient City to the ancient culture of Daxia Kingdom for the platform of "Jingjue Ancient City", and personally described his own experience, which is highly consistent with the content in the game.

Immediately afterwards, the Ancient Cultural Association spoke out, praising the contribution of "Jingjue Ancient City" in promoting the ancient culture of the Great Xia Kingdom, and made a huge contribution to the cultural export of the Great Xia Kingdom.

With the endorsement of Professor Zhong and the Ancient Cultural Association, more and more departments and groups have stepped forward.

There are education-related groups here, and they have published articles criticizing the current educational concepts of parents.

There are also cultural and tourism departments who feel that "Exquisite Ancient City" can drive the development of the local tourism industry, and the future is limitless.


Lin Mu himself didn't know that he didn't spend a dime, and he didn't find anyone, but these departments and groups, as well as those well-known figures who were usually out of reach, spontaneously spoke out for him.

Lin Mu was shocked when he saw the news.

"What's going on? Why do these big shots suddenly help me? It's hard, someone behind me is helping me? Damn, I'm not the leader of a big group, or the illegitimate child of a big shot, right? To compensate me, so Help me behind the scenes?"

Lin Mu made up his mind.

Because, if you don't think so, there is really no reasonable explanation.

He read the article by Professor Zhong who was pinned to the top.

The article is very detailed, including Professor Zhong's years of research on Jingjue and Ghost Cave Clan, including the comparison with the game, and he greatly appreciates this game, and recommends that the education department should list this game as a must play item.

Lin Shu was shocked!
"Fuck, it can't be such a coincidence, can it? It's so difficult, some of the history of this world, and, really overlap with the novels I've read?"

Lin Mu's eyes became strange.

This is something he really didn't expect.

"Oh my god, the author of "Ghost Extinguishes the Lantern", wouldn't it be the one who traveled back from this world?"

Lin Mu now seriously doubts this point of view, otherwise, how could they write such a true story.

"It's a good thing I didn't write a novel. Otherwise, if I wrote "Notes on Touching Gold", if there are really nine gates in this world, the Wang family or something, they can't arrest me directly?"


(End of this chapter)

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