Chapter 54 The one who broke the level turned out to be him

After Zhou Suyi went down, she felt a little regretful, and kept thinking about all kinds of scary scenes related to the ancient well.

"That pervert, Lin Mu, wouldn't arrange some monsters and goblins down the well, would he?" She felt a little guilty.

After all, I have seen the horror of this game.

She stared nervously down.

The faint light of the flashlight can illuminate the surroundings, except for the surrounding moss, it is impossible to see anything clearly.

She looked up again, and it was already pitch black above, and Hu Bayi and the others could not be seen.

Zhou Suyi felt more and more uneasy!

After going down for more than 20 meters, it became more and more gloomy and cold below.


Suddenly, a gust of cold wind blew up from below.

Zhou Suyi's whole body trembled, and her nerves tensed up instantly.

"Mom, I feel claustrophobic."

"There won't be any ghosts and ghosts here? Barrage body protection."

"Fuck, I have a hunch that all the secrets may really be hidden here."

"It won't be covered by sister Zhou."


Even the netizens unconsciously became nervous when they felt the oppressive atmosphere around them.

Zhou Suyi didn't dare to vent her anger.

But suddenly she noticed that the surrounding space became wider.

There is really a hidden universe underneath.

Directly below her was a small river, surrounded by uneven ground.

"There is a real problem!"

Zhou Suyi's eyes lit up immediately, and the surprise made her forget her fear instantly.

She hurriedly shone around with her flashlight.


She finally found something.

On the stone wall not far away, there was a stone gate that suddenly appeared there.

"found it!"

She began to shake the rope vigorously.

The people above thought that something had happened, so they hurriedly pulled Zhou Suyi up.

"Miss Yang, are you okay?"

As soon as Zhou Suyi went up, the others looked at her worriedly.

Zhou Suyi described the following situation in surprise.

Everyone was overjoyed.

[Hu Bayi's approval degree +5, prompt, Hu Bayi's approval degree has reached 29%, reaching 30% will trigger Hu Bayi's professional skill, Tianxing Fengshui! 】

Hearing this prompt, Zhou Suyi was stunned.

Immediately she was ecstatic.

"Professional skills, Tianxing Fengshui? It seems that if you want to find the Jingjue ancient city, you must rely on Hu Bayi's Tianxing Fengshui. Therefore, I must increase Hu Bayi's approval to 30% before setting off. It is possible to find the ancient city of Jingjue!"

At this moment, Zhou Suyi felt a lot more transparent.

"Oh my god, this woman was actually found."

"It also triggered the hidden condition, awesome!"

"Good guy, Hu Bayi's skills must be triggered when the recognition rate reaches 30%."

"This game is getting more and more interesting!"

"Let's go, I was disgusted by Teacher Ma's pretending before, let's pretend to be back!"


Netizens are not calm.

After being trapped here for so long, now that I finally see hope, I am so excited.

At the same time, netizens also discovered a new feature in the game.

On the game interface, there is a new panel, the game progress ranking.

The first place is not Zhou Suyi, but a person named Zhong Aiguo. The progress of the task is 37%.

And Zhou Suyi's completion progress is 10%.

Netizens are surprised now.

"Who is this patriotic? He is ranked number one!"

"I'll go. I thought Zhou Suyi was the first to find it. So there are still capable people."

"It's not easy, it's not easy, does this person have a live broadcast? I really want to watch his live broadcast."

"Do you feel that this name is so familiar, as if you have seen it somewhere recently."

"Fuck, the top article, the top article of every major website, the person who spoke for "The Ancient City of Jingjue" seems to be called Zhong Aiguo!"

"Mom, really, I'll go and see!"


This time, netizens are not calm.

Who would have thought that this expert came from the folk.

Even without making a sound, he surpassed all of them.

Many people go to find information about Zhong Patriotic.

The name was not difficult to find, and soon they discovered the information of patriotism.

At that time, they were even more shocked.

"It turned out to be the old professor of the archaeological team. It turns out that the old professor also plays games."

"After discovering the identity of Mr. Zhong, I'm not surprised. He is an old professor of the archaeological team. Now he joins the archaeological team in the game and finds clues. That's a matter of course."

"Hahaha, you have to be a professional."

"Professor Zhong also plays games, and I play games too, so I am equal to Professor Zhong!"

"It seems that someone said on Weibo before that the clues are in the well, and that person seems to be from the archaeological team!"

"Hahaha, the game that even the old professor endorsed is really awesome."


After looking through it, things became clear.

It's a lot of fun now.

Not many people believed what Professor Zhong said before for "The Ancient City of Essence".

But now, Professor Zhong personally participated and was ahead of everyone else, his professionalism is self-evident.

Teacher Ma was broadcasting live, and saw the message from the barrage.

He was shocked.

"Are you serious? An old professor even plays games? Haha, interesting!"

He didn't believe it at first, but when he entered the game and saw the ranking, he was stunned.

"To be honest, I am not surprised by this wave at all. It would be reasonable to say that he is a professor in this field. This also shows that it is not that we are fishing, but that the game is too professional. It is!" Teacher Ma praised Professor Zhong a wave, and did not forget to find a step for herself.

"Hahaha, I just like to see your stubborn mouth."

"Who has the old professor's live broadcast room, I really want to see how the old professor breaks through!"

"Walk around, leave a message under the archaeological team's official Weibo, let them start a live broadcast."

"This is a good way, let's go!"


The Longteng Archaeological Team has an official Weibo account, but there are not many fans.

After all, there are very few people who like archeology these days, and they don't even have as many fans as Su Xin's personal account.

But suddenly, I don't know what happened.

The fans started to skyrocket.

Ten thousand.

One hundred thousand.

50 million!
In less than half an hour, nearly 100 million fans have grown.

The staff who managed the account were all dumbfounded.

"I, am I dreaming? What's going on?"

It's not over yet, and under the latest message they sent, there are more and more comments.

"Professor Zhong, please start a live broadcast."

"Professor Zhong, please start a live broadcast."

"Professor Zhong is awesome!"

"Mr. Zhong, you can open a live broadcast to tell everyone. The official of "Jingjue Ancient City" said that the game respects reality. Is it true?"

"I'm curious, too? I can't believe what Lin Mu said. Is there really such a conscience as a game?"


In the same half an hour, the number of comments reached hundreds of thousands.

The staff were even more confused.

What the hell?

Ask Professor Zhong to start a live broadcast?

Professor Zhong is so busy every day, how can he have time to broadcast live.

Also, what is "Exquisite Ancient City", what are you talking about?


(End of this chapter)

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