Chapter 55

The staff was very confused and didn't know what was going on, but they reported the matter to the leader.

The leader quickly figured out what was going on.

He immediately realized that this might be an opportunity to promote the cause of archaeology.

Over the years, fewer and fewer young people joined the archaeological team, and only old guys like them are supporting them. If this situation continues, this profession may disappear in the future.

Before, he was thinking about whether he should also learn from other departments and make a promotional video or something to promote it.

But now it seems that the opportunity has come.

He immediately asked the staff to reply.

"Arrange now!"

Then I started to contact Professor Zhong.

Professor Zhong didn't mind, anyway, he was working, and other people could watch it if they wanted to.

With Su Xin's help, a live broadcast room was quickly set up, and the link was posted.

Su Xin was helping at the side, and she was stunned.

As soon as the live broadcast started, in less than a minute, 1+ people flooded into the live broadcast room, and it was still growing at a terrifying speed.

"I am the white lotus sending out the rocket*10."

"Shirley Yang Nanyang sends the yacht *1."

"Old Hu Benhu sent out fireworks*100."



Su Xin was stunned, what's the situation, these people have discussed it, and they will give a reward first when they come in.

In such a short period of time, the amount of rewards exceeded [-].

"Oh my god, it's no wonder men, women and children, all want to do live broadcasting, it's so profitable!" Her eyes were extremely strange.

Who would have thought that it took such a short time.

One month's funding for their archaeological team came out.

"A little thought, the old professor has worked hard!"

"This speed is really amazing, too fast."

"Ten rockets are not a tribute. I wish the old professor good health."

"Oh my god, the archaeological industry can be so efficient, no wonder the old professor can surpass all players!"


Netizens are really enthusiastic.

It is really rare for a highly respected existence like Professor Zhong, who is also a major in archaeology, to come out live.

Professor Zhong entered the game directly, but he didn't know about the outside world.

With the efforts of everyone, they have gone down to the well.

The underground space is very large.

Everyone surrounded the stone gate, which was about three meters high and two meters wide.

Unknown fierce beasts are carved on the stone gate, and old animal skins are pasted on the cracks of the door.

"Why are there so many animal skins attached to it?" Fatty Wang asked curiously!

Professor Zhong said: "The air below is close to the water vein, and the air is humid. Use these animal skins to seal the cracks in the door, which can isolate the moisture and protect the things inside from being corroded!"

"Well, that's right, that's the reason!" Professor Chen also nodded.

[Professor Chen's recognition +2]

Hu Bayao: "Fatty, do it, tear off the skin first!"

Professor Zhong hurriedly warned: "Be careful, don't damage these skins, they are all cultural relics!"

"I said, Ms. Yang, why do I feel that you are more like a professor than Professor Chen!" Fatty Wang said!
This remark made netizens laugh out loud.

"Hahaha, fat man, you guessed it right, this is really a professor."

"This is definitely the least Shirley Yang."

"Professor Chen chose the wrong role, he should have chosen the role of Professor Chen."

"You don't know, the teacher did not choose Professor Chen, in fact, to exchange experience with Professor Chen!"

"Oh my god, is this from the archaeological team? It turned out to be the reason, amazing!"


Watching Zhou Suyi and Teacher Ma's live broadcast is just a joy.

But watching Professor Zhong's live broadcast is much more interesting.

No matter how you look at it, you think this Shirley Yang is weird. She originally had a beautiful face and extraordinary temperament, but now no matter how you look at her, she gives people a dull, old-fashioned feeling.

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang carefully shoveled off all the animal skins.

"Stand back, all of you, this place hasn't been opened for so many years, there may be some foul air!" Hu Ba said!
The others hurried back.

Hu Bayi pushed open the stone door.

Suddenly a rotten smell came out from inside.

Rays of light shone directly in.


Seeing the scene inside, Ye Yixin exclaimed.

The faces of the others also changed.

The space inside does not look small.

The ground is full of bones, and there is no place to set foot.

Dozens of wooden pillars stood around, on which were tied several dried human skeletons, all of which looked like men in their prime.

The faces of these mummy were distorted and hideous, and their bodies were in strange postures.

It was as if they had suffered great pain during their lifetime.

At first glance, this scene seemed to come to hell on earth.

"Fuck, I scared my old lady to death."

"Damn, why did this Nima suddenly come to the underworld."

"Good guy, are all the bones on the ground? How many people will die here?"

"Where is this place? Why is it so tragic!"


Netizens saw the blood pressure soar at first glance, and they almost didn't freak out.

The scene was horrific.

Coupled with the terrifying sound effects, it's absolutely amazing.

However, Professor Zhong didn't seem to care, and walked in directly.

"Damn it, it's not a prison, is it?" Fatty Wang cursed.

Professor Zhong said again: "This should be a place for sacrifices. This is indeed the style of the ancient Western Night. These people are all criminals. They were tied up in the desert to die of thirst. After they were completely dried, they were placed here, and then the animals were slaughtered. The blood of these corpses was poured on these corpses."

"That's right, that's it!" Professor Chen gave Professor Zhong a surprised look.

Who is the professor here?

I don't even have the chance to popularize science to these people.

"Sacrifice, sacrifice what?" Fatty Wang asked!

Professor Zhong said again: "I guess, there should be an ancient tomb here, and the status should not be low, so there will be sacrificial activities of this scale!"

"Yes, yes, I think so too!" Professor Chen could only agree.

There is no way, people will tell you what you know first.

He was a little helpless.

No matter what, I feel that I have become a person who is trying to catch fame and reputation, and I can only yell after others.

Netizens watching this scene felt inexplicably happy.

This is going the way of Professor Chen, not giving Professor Chen a chance.

Fatty Wang was very pleasantly surprised, "It's great to have an ancient tomb, let's find it quickly!"

Professor Zhong waved his hand, "Don't worry, don't worry, there are many things here that are worth studying, I have to study it carefully, Lao Chen, look at this pillar and the carvings on it, do they have any meaning!"

Everyone looked at each other.

Yep, here it is again.

On this day, they figured it out. This Shirley Yang is an archaeological madman. He is more addicted than Professor Chen. No matter what it is, it must be studied thoroughly.

Even Kuaishi would have to discuss it with Professor Chen for a long time.

They are used to this!

(End of this chapter)

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