Chapter 57 Inexplicable Death
Zhou Suyi stared at the weird cauldron in the middle, and knew in her heart that the last 20% of the task progress was definitely related to this thing.

"Judging from the contents of the mural, those black lines are all drilled out of this thing, and even if the soldiers of the Jingjue Kingdom are no match, it proves that the things inside are definitely not simple!"

Zhou Suyi analyzed it in her heart.

Fatty Wang next to him said: "Hey, what are you doing studying that? If you have the skills, why not open this thing, maybe there is some treasure hidden inside!"

"Fatty, what are you talking about, can you be a little enlightened!" Hu Bayi immediately scolded!
Fatty Wang shrugged and didn't take it seriously.

"Accordingly, this should be a coffin, but I have never seen a coffin in this shape!" Professor Chen said!
"Teacher, let's open the coffin and have a look. There may be important clues inside!" Hao Aiguo also wanted to see.

Of course, he simply wanted to find some information about this.

Zhou Suyi also said: "I also think that we should open it and have a look. Perhaps, there may be news about the ancient city of Jingjue hidden in it!"

"Miss Yang is right. Looking at the murals, the demise of the ancient city of Xiye must have something to do with Jingjue Kingdom. However, from the murals, it is clear that the king of Xiye won, but in the end it was Xiye. The country is defeated, which is very strange!" Hu Bayi also said!

"Opening the coffin and opening the coffin, I feel that the biggest boss of the entire Xiye Ancient City script should appear."

"Okay, the adventure game has become a puzzle. Yes, this game is really replayable."

"Do you think there will be zongzi in it?"

"It's very possible, I feel that the next thing is going to be exciting!"


The netizens who were still watching the live broadcast also became nervous at the moment.

Everyone knows that when the task is completed to this point, the last thing will appear soon.

"Well, everyone, be careful, don't damage the items!" Professor Chen also agreed.

Immediately, everyone gathered around.

Fatty Wang couldn't wait.

"Come here, old Hu, help me, let's remove the lid of this big pot!" Fatty Wang rolled up his sleeves.

"Be careful!" Hu Bayi ordered and stepped forward to help!
Zhou Suyi also became nervous.

This copy of Xiye Ancient City has not encountered any danger so far. Even, the mission completion rate has reached 80, and there have been no problems.

That's definitely not the style of this game.

creak creak...

The half of the cauldron on top was slowly moved away, making the screeching sound of metal rubbing against each other, which made people's skin crawl.



Fatty Wang let out a scream and fell on his head.


Then came Hu Bayi.

I don't know what happened to me, so I fell on my back.

"what happened?"

Everyone became anxious in an instant.

Zhou Suyi only felt a buzzing in her head.

She clearly saw that the complexions of Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang instantly turned black and blue, bleeding from the seven orifices, and they looked very miserable.


Zhou Suyi almost peed in fright.

A huge fear instantly enveloped her.

But before he figured out what happened, he suddenly felt that his silk thread became blood red, and blood flowed from his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the nose, ears, and mouth were all bleeding.

This time, he died quickly, with almost no pain, just like Hu Bayi and the others, he fell to the ground.

【game over】

Zhou Suyi opened her eyes. Although she didn't feel much pain, an unspeakable fear rose in her heart.

The tragic death of Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang seems to be still vivid in my mind!
"What's going on? Why... all of a sudden, she died suddenly!"

Zhou Suyi didn't understand what was going on at all.

Everything happened so suddenly that there was no time to react.

Don't know what happened.

"Whoever saw it clearly, what happened just now, how well-behaved, the person died suddenly."

"It's a dazed look, I don't understand it at all."

"Mom, that death is too scary."

"There is definitely something wrong with those two cauldrons. It must not be easy for King Xiye to defeat Jingjue Kingdom's army with this thing!"

"Aren't you all ignoring that masked man? This thing should be taught by that masked man to King Xiye."

"So, that mysterious person is the final big boss?"


Netizens are talking about it.

But no one figured out what was going on.

Compared with Zhou Suyi's progress here, Professor Zhong's is much slower.

Originally surpassed Zhou Suyi, but after studying it for a long time, he was left far behind.

Teacher Ma secretly hid in Zhou Suyi's live broadcast room and watched it. Seeing that the game failed, he hurriedly started the live broadcast and directly entered the game.

Time is money, and the first one to eat the crab will always be the one to be watched.

There was no problem in the front, but in the end, Teacher Ma kept an eye out and deliberately leaned behind when moving the two cauldrons.


The sound of friction sounded again, making one's skin crawl.

The next moment, Fatty Wang and Hu Bayi screamed at the same time and fell on their backs.

Others anxiously stepped forward to check, but in an instant, everyone fell on their backs, bleeding to death from their seven orifices.

"Fuck me!"

Teacher Ma gasped, feeling his calf go weak.

This scene was too weird and terrifying.

Without saying a word, he turned his head and ran.


There was the sound of something falling from behind.

Teacher Ma didn't dare to look back at all. The great fear in his heart at this moment made him just want to run for his life.

But just two steps away, I felt a sharp pain in my throat, and the next moment I started spitting blood from my mouth.

Cough cough cough...


The next moment, the head rolled directly to the ground.

【game over】

"Fuck, I'm scared to death!"

Teacher Ma opened his eyes suddenly, jumped up in fright, and hurriedly checked his neck.

He was relieved when he found that the neck was intact.

After all, Zhou Suyi was on the road ahead, and his deaths were relatively few, that's why he was so excited.

"What's going on? What the hell is it? Why did the head fall off?"

"It's over, it's over, I'm scared, I don't dare to play anymore."

"What's in that cauldron!"

"The person in front seems to have been poisoned to death. Teacher Ma must have been killed by something."

"Did you hear the bang just now? It seems that the cauldron fell, and the contents should have killed Teacher Ma!"


The horrible scene just now was much more exciting than the scene of Zhou Suyi's immediate death.

The scene of the head falling and the blood spraying was too bloody.

And the most frightening thing is that after this series of things happened, they didn't even know what caused it.


(End of this chapter)

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