Chapter 58 Trigger Passive
Not only Zhou Suyi and Teacher Ma, but other players also encountered this matter.

As long as you touch the cauldron, you will die inexplicably and tragically. As for what happened, no one has figured it out.

Zhou Suyi was so depressed that she wanted to cry.

"Woooo, 269 times, and bullying people, Lin Shu, hateful Lin Shu, ahhhhhhh!"

Zhou Suyi pulled her hair frantically.

Of course, if Lin Shu was here, it might be Lin Shu who was caught.

"Just this game, whoever plays it will not be confused!"

"Sure enough, I knew that the copy of Xiye Ancient City is definitely not that simple."

"The problem is, now it's inexplicable, and I don't know the cause of death."

"There seems to be more than one reason. Zhou Suyi's death method is obviously different from Teacher Ma's death method!"


Netizens are analyzing.

With these two leading the way, many people are not in a hurry to experience it.

After all, many players have experienced the feeling of death, and the taste is really not very pleasant.

Unless the somatosensory device is turned off, the fun of the game will be cut by more than half in an instant.

Zhou Suyi and Teacher Ma were not in a hurry to continue the game, they wanted to think about the cause of death before continuing.

Otherwise, even if you go in, if you don't know the reason, you will still be dead.


They all failed here, but Professor Zhong and Professor Chen studied for a long time, and finally prepared to continue.

Hu Bayi and the others had already found the entrance to go down.

"I said you two, you can go down and have a look now!" Hu Bayi was a little impatient.

"Okay, Hu, open it and have a look, be careful!" Professor Zhong said!

"Little Hu..." Hu Bayi looked strangely.

But then he smiled helplessly.

Professor Chen has become old Chen, so isn't he Xiao Hu?
"Okay, maybe, foreigners call it that!" Without thinking too much, Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang pulled off the cover, revealing the tomb inside.

After seeing the following situation.

Professor Zhong jumped up and down and danced in excitement.

Professor Chen and Hao Aiguo had almost the same reaction as him.

This picture has become a little weird.

One old, one middle school, one young, the three of them are bouncing around, the scene is a bit funny no matter how you look at it.

If it is accompanied by a disco, it must make people suspect that this is a large disco scene.

"Hahaha, it really didn't disappoint me, incredible, incredible!" Professor Zhong was so excited.

Fatty Wang touched Hu Bayi, "Old Hu, let me tell you, why does this Miss Yang feel like an old man compared to Professor Chen? I heard that there are vampires abroad who can stay young forever. Tell me, this Miss Yang, Will it be the same!"

"Don't talk nonsense, what kind of vampire, maybe that's how foreigners express themselves!" Hu Bayi said angrily!

Fatty Wang said: "No, I think the two of us have to wear the black donkey's hooves close to our bodies. If this Yang is really a vampire, let's greet the black donkey's hooves directly, and we must not be polite to her!"

Hu Ba nodded, "Okay, take care of everything!"

The next process is long.

Professor Zhong and Professor Chen are still interested. Looking at those murals is not superficial viewing, but analyzing the painting techniques and so on.

In the end, Professor Chung confirmed that the painting technique of this mural was indeed in line with the painting style of the Western Regions.

This is something that Professor Chen admires very much.

After all, in his time, there was far less information available for reference than now.

[Professor Chen's recognition +5]

[Professor Chen's recognition has reached 30%, trigger passive: Professor Chen's memories! 】

Suddenly, the game interface gave a prompt.

Professor Zhong didn't care about this at all, and set his eyes on the covered cauldron.

Netizens were shocked.

"I'm going, this is a master. Unknowingly, Professor Chen's approval rate has reached 30%!"

"It seems that when the approval rate of each character reaches 30%, something will be triggered."

"Professor Zhong is amazing."

"Professor Zhong be careful, don't open the coffin!"

"This passive seems a bit tasteless!"


Although many netizens ran away, many people still watched it with gusto.

It's really not too funny to see Professor Zhong's Shirley Yang and Professor Chen sympathizing with each other.

Who would have thought that there would be a new discovery now.

Su Xin, who was taking care of Professor Zhong outside, was also nervous.

He was afraid that Professor Zhong was like Zhou Suyi and the others, it was nothing to lose the game.

If you scare the old man into sickness again, it will be troublesome.

"Don't let anything happen to you, why don't I call 120 first?"


Professor Zhong walked to the cauldron, "Old Chen, come and take a look. Logically speaking, this should be a tomb, and this thing should be a coffin. But, have you ever seen such a strange coffin?"

Professor Chen shook his head, "I've never seen it before. This is completely different from our Central Plains tomb style. Maybe it's a unique tomb style in the Western Regions!"

Professor Zhong shook his head, "It's not like, I have some materials on the culture of the Western Regions. Due to the conditions, most of them use sarcophagi. Such a weird coffin seems nondescript!"

Professor Chen frowned and pondered, suddenly, he thought of something, "Something is wrong!"

"What's wrong?" Hu Bayi hurriedly asked!
Professor Chen said: "There is something wrong with the black lines on the mural!"

"What's wrong? Old man, don't wait for people to ask you what you say. Can you finish speaking at once?" Fatty Wang was a little dissatisfied.

"Why are you talking to Professor Chen!" Hu Bayi glared at him.

"Old Chen, what did you see, tell me!"

Professor Chen nodded, "I remembered something. It was more than 30 years ago. At that time, not long after I joined the archaeological team, we received clues from the masses and discovered an ancient tomb in the mountain."

"The ancient tomb is from the Warring States Period, and it has been visited countless times by tomb robbers. Almost all the funerary objects inside have been stolen, but the strange thing is that no one seems to have touched the coffin. Not only that, the coffin There are still a few dead bones around!"

"No, old man, you say so much, what does this have to do with our current situation?" Fatty Wang asked!

With all his attention now, he wanted to quickly uncover the cauldron to see what was inside.

Having said that, it's a waste of time.

"This is Professor Chen's passivity."

"The important point is coming, those dead bones must be grave robbers, but just like here, they all died inexplicably!"

"What will it be?"

"Damn, fatty, don't wipe your mouth, let Professor Chen continue!"

"Damn it, next time I enter the game, I'll give this fat man a good beating without saying a word."

"Hahaha, if you want to do this, someone has done it before. When you come up, you want to beat Fatty Wang. In the end, you didn't beat him, and you were beaten to death by Fatty Wang. I laughed so hard at that time!"


Netizens are so anxious, Fatty Wang always interrupts Professor Chen's words, making them want to go in and chop Fatty Wang up.

This guy really deserves a beating.


(End of this chapter)

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