Chapter 61
Professor Zhong fell from the sky with a diamond umbrella in his hand and rescued Fatty Wang.

This set of operations is smooth and smooth, and the people watching are dumbfounded.

"Oh my god, when did Professor Zhong have this skill? This is not a professor, this is a martial arts master."

"Have you ever played it? Shirley Yang is very skilled in the game introduction. These moves are all automatically loaded. As long as you use them, you can use them!"

"Fuck, really? I never fucking noticed."

"Damn, I've been playing with feelings for so many days, and no old professor can understand it. Forget it, I'm going to hit the wall!"

"Oh my god, this is too rusty, unfortunately, when I think of Professor Zhong behind me, I just..."


Netizens were stunned.

No one expected that Professor Zhong would have such an operation at a critical moment.

[Hu Bayi's approval rate reaches 30%, triggering the Tianxing Fengshui skill. 】

[Fatty Wang's approval rate reaches 30%, triggers passive, and Fatty Wang trades his life for his life. 】

The game prompts one after another.

It can be seen that this wave of operations is really crazily accumulating all kinds of data and exploding directly.

Fatty Wang felt like his heart was about to jump out.

He gulped and spit.

"Thank you, thank you, Fatty Wang, I owe you once!" Fatty Wang was sincerely grateful.

Hu Bayi also breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the centipede monster obviously wouldn't let them go.

The densely packed feet swung and slammed into Professor Zhong at an extremely fast speed.

Hiding is already impossible.

Professor Zhong can only block it with the Vajra Umbrella.


Professor Zhong only felt a huge impact, and he was knocked into the air, and hit Fatty Wang hard behind him.

Fatty Wang only felt a sweetness in his chest, and almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Professor Zhong also felt tightness in his chest, and his arms were numb.

"Fatty, Miss Yang, damn it, I'm fighting with you!"

Hu Bayi's eyes were red.

He rushed up directly.

The centipede monster slapped Hu Bayi with its tail.

Hu Bayi's expression changed, and he hurriedly used an engineering shovel to block in front of him.


Like Professor Zhong and the others, he flew upside down and hit the wall heavily.

"Old Hu, how are you?" Fatty Wang struggled to stand up, but his legs felt weak, and he fell to the ground with a plop.

"Not good, we seem to be poisoned!" Professor Zhong said!
He found that his skin began to take on a turquoise color.

The poisonous gas here is too strong, even with a gas mask, it cannot defend 100%.

And this toxicity is too strong, even if inhaled, it is fatal.

They've been here too long and have been poisoned.

Professor Zhong just got up, and his legs felt weak.

And the next moment, the centipede charged again, opened its mouth wide, and bit Professor Zhong with one bite.

Professor Zhong wanted to stop it, but his hands lost strength.

At this moment, Fatty Wang gritted his teeth, turned over and rushed forward.

"Last time you saved me, this time I will pay you back!"

Fatty Wang gritted his teeth, and with the last bit of strength he threw himself at the centipede monster.


However, how could his flesh and blood be able to stop the centipede monster.

As soon as he touched it, Fatty Wang's body was directly bitten into two pieces.

Blood spattered, extremely cruel.

But even so, Fatty Wang hugged the centipede monster tightly.

"Run, run!"

With the last of his strength, he inserted his hands directly into the eyes of the centipede monster.

The centipede was in agony immediately, and rolled on the ground in pain.


Hu Bayi's eyes were red, and tears fell down directly.

Professor Zhong's eyes were also red.

At this moment, he felt that Fatty Wang was so tragic, and felt the shock in his heart for Fatty Wang's sacrifice of his life to save him.

"This is an npc, my God, are all npcs so affectionate and righteous?"

"It seems that if Fatty Wang's approval rate reaches 30%, he can die for you once, which is too heroic!"

"It turned out that I hated this fat man, but now I admire him."

"I actually shed tears for an npc."

"Me too, crying so hard!"


At this moment, unknowingly, the corners of some people's eyes are inexplicably moist.

No one expected that at the moment of life and death, Fatty Wang would suddenly step forward. Even if he died, Hu Bayi and Professor Zhong would still have a chance of survival.

But it's a pity.

The [Game Failed] prompt appears immediately.

They procrastinate for too long, coupled with strenuous exercise, they have been poisoned to death.


Professor Zhong exclaimed and woke up from the game.

Su Xin with reddish eyes was already waiting.

"Teacher, how are you? Do you feel uncomfortable?" Su Xin asked worriedly.

She saw that her teacher's eyes were also red.

Professor Zhong didn't seem to be used to it yet, so he took a few deep breaths to stabilize his mind.

"I'm fine, but, hey, I feel a little sad!" Professor Zhong said honestly.

Su Xin looked strange.

She could see that the teacher seemed to be too involved in the drama.

Others are just playing games, but her teacher is obviously not.

He really put himself into it, doing the work he likes to do in it, making like-minded old friends in it, and trying hard to fulfill his lifelong dream in it.

Netizens couldn't calm down for a long time.

"It's wonderful, it's really wonderful, I'm sure, the fighting scenes just now are more exciting than any movie."

"It's just a pity that the fat man sacrificed his life for righteousness, and the game still failed in the end."

"This centipede monster is too perverted, it's invulnerable, how can we fight it?"

"You can't kill with a gun. If you think about it, it might not be that easy!"


Netizens felt sorry for Professor Zhong.

It's all come to this step, but it still hasn't passed, it's too difficult, it's only a little bit close.

Seeing that Professor Zhong calmed down, Su Xin gradually turned happy and said, "Teacher, guess how many rewards we got for the live broadcast today?"

"Rewards? Is this thing still available for rewards?" Professor Zhong knew nothing about these things.

"Of course!"

Professor Zhong didn't take it seriously, his mind was still full of things in the game, and he said casually: "How much can there be, who would randomly give money to others on the Internet!"

Su Xin's eyes were strange, "Teacher, let me tell you the number, don't get too excited!"

Professor Zhong waved his hand, not taking it seriously at all.

"200 million, on the day of your live broadcast, we received 200 million rewards, and we have to share half with the platform, and there are still more than 600 million!" Su Xin said this figure!

"Well, I see!" Professor Zhong replied casually.

But then, he suddenly realized something, "How much, how much?"

Seeing the suspicion and shock on Professor Zhong's face, Su Xin smiled and said, "Teacher, it's 200 million, which is more than enough for our entire archaeological team for several years!"


Professor Zhong gasped, feeling a little unreal.

Is it so difficult that it's still in the game?


(End of this chapter)

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