Chapter 62 Evil has evil retribution
Professor Zhong has been doing academic research all year round, so he is very unfamiliar with these things.

But when I heard the reward of 1200 million, I was also shocked.

This is an astronomical figure for him.

You know, the annual budget of their archaeological team is only 200 million, and he only broadcast live for one day, and he harvested 1000 million.

This is too terrifying, beyond the scope of the old professor's cognition.

What makes him even more excited is that with this money, he can do many things.

In the past, his research had no results, and the funding could not be approved, but now, with the money, he can really go to Jingjue Ancient City again.

"You, what you said is true? You made so much money in just one day?" Professor Zhong still couldn't believe it.

This is too exaggerated.

Su Xin was very satisfied with the performance of the old professor, "Teacher, of course it is true, how dare I lie to you!"

"This, is the Internet so powerful?" Professor Zhong sighed.

"Of course, teacher, you should get in touch with the Internet more, just like this game you play, if you haven't tried it yourself, I'm afraid you won't believe me if I tell you!" Su Xin said!

Professor Zhong nodded in agreement, "Really, hey, it seems that my old bones are really out of touch with the times. I have only one goal now, and that is to find the ancient city of Jingjue. In my life, I will never have Sorry!"

As soon as these words came out, Su Xin's face became a little sad.


"The game can also be warm, and the npc can also have flesh and blood. On why "Exquisite Ancient City" will be successful."

"The old professor is actually the strongest player, how professional can "Exquisite Ancient City" be?"

""Exquisite Ancient City", the benchmark of domestic games, do you want your children to grow up in garbage games?"


In the past few days, the news of "Exquisite Ancient City" has not stopped.

With Dai Qing playing tricks in the back, black manuscripts followed one after another. At the beginning, those people who didn't know why were indeed led by the nose, and were misled and shouted to boycott "The Ancient City of Essence".

But with the release of the future game platform, more and more people have come into contact with this game.

With the testimony of old professors like Professor Zhong and the support of various departments, the word-of-mouth of "Exquisite Ancient City" began to gradually improve.

Dai Qing has been eating for the past few days, and she can't sleep well.

He was cheated by Lin Mu once before, which caused him to lose tens of millions, so he had to spend his own money to settle those employees for nothing, otherwise, I am afraid that his jobs would be gone now.

In the small meeting room, the faces of several people in the department were very ugly.

"Director Dai, now, the word-of-mouth about "The Ancient City of Essence" is getting better and better. Our methods don't seem to be working. What should we do now?" the assistant asked!
Dai Qing's face was extremely ugly, "Didn't you be asked to manage those leaders? How was the result?"

The assistant smiled wryly, "There is too much pressure from the public opinion, no one dares to see us at all, we have money and no place to use it now!"

Hearing this, Director Dai leaned back in his chair slumped.


Even if she didn't want to admit it, she had to admit that she lost, and she lost badly.

The door of the conference room was pushed open, and a man walked in.

"Director Dai, President Ma wants to see you!"

Hearing this, Dai Qing only felt her eyes go dark, and she almost fainted.

Ma's office.

Several people are already waiting.

As soon as Dai Qing entered, Vice President Liu slammed the table and stood up.

"Dai Qing, you are so brave, you dare to lie to us with a synthetic recording!"

"It's over!"

Dai Qing's mind went crazy again.

He knew that it was all over, that things had been exposed.

There is only one end waiting for her, she will be fired, and she may even go to jail.

"Leader, I, I was wrong, I did this for the sake of the company!" Dai Qing hurriedly begged for mercy.

"Hmph, for the company? Do you know how much loss you have brought to the company by doing this?" Vice President Liu roared!

Dai Qing trembled all over.

"Leader, you can't blame me. That Lin Mu really doesn't want to cooperate with us. I'm absolutely not lying about this. Also, leaders, you don't need to worry. No matter how powerful Lin Mu is, but at this level It is impossible for him to make a game like this again!"

"I checked, Lin Mu, it seems that there is no team, he is the only one, that game must have taken him a long time to make by chance, this kind of luck, it is impossible to have a second time!"

Her words temporarily calmed the anger of the others.

Mr. Ma stared at her, "Dai Qing, you have been fired, go to the financial settlement by yourself, and there may be a review of you in the future, you should know what to say and what not to say!"

Dai Qing's face turned pale in an instant, and she fell to the ground.

She just spent more than 1000 million, thinking about keeping this job.

But now it seems that the money was wasted and the job was not kept.

Dai Qing was carried out.

There are only a few bosses left in the office.

"Mr. Ma, what should we do now? Do we need to send someone to restore it? I heard from the above that not only will the authorities not ban "The Ancient City of Essence", it seems that everyone should appreciate it!" Vice President Liu said!

Vice President Li said: "Actually, what Dai Qing said is correct, it is impossible for him to make a second game of this level, and once this kind of customs clearance adventure game is cleared, the fun will be halved. As long as it drags on for a while, the impact on us is almost negligible!"

"I think so too. Now I don't care about it at all. Mumumu Studio is just a small workshop. It can't compare with us. I think there is really no need to worry about it!"

"That's right, it's just an ant, so what if you're having fun for a while, a piece of dirt that falls from an elephant can smash it to pieces!"

"Mr. Ma, I don't think there is any need to worry. For games of this phenomenal level, let alone a small studio, even we have not had a high production rate for so many years. How can he be high-production? It's just a fluke!"

The bosses obviously didn't take Mumumu Studio seriously.

Mr. Ma was a little worried, "Don't underestimate this studio, you have seen the latest game platform, the technology is indeed very advanced!"

"Hey, we don't need to worry about the platform. That's something ST has to worry about. I believe that with their level, they will be able to follow up soon. No matter how powerful the future platform is, it's just one game. Wait until the game gets tired of you. , the platform is useless!" Vice President Li said!

"Well, that's right. Forget it. Let's take a look at the situation for now. Find someone to replace Dai Qing. What needs to be done must be done. Let the popularity of "The Ancient City of Essence" pass as soon as possible!" President Ma ordered!

"Okay, I'll arrange it!"


(End of this chapter)

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